1. The Trunkcom Mailing List was established in June 1997 by radio hobbyists interested in monitoring trunked radio communications. Trunkcom provides its subscribers with a forum for the exchange of information by reflecting e-mail messages sent to the list, back to all members of the list.
By remaining on the list, you agree to abide by the rules as set forth by the list owner, and to abibe by the Acceptable Use Policy of QSL.Net (which hosts QTH.Net) as documented at .
2. The Trunkcom Mailing List was created to further the free exchange of information concerning the hobby of monitoring trunked radio communications and the discussion of related trunked radio communications topics. Discussion of other topics is considered "off topic." These "off topic" messages are not within the scope of this list and are not permitted.
3. The Trunkcom Mailing List is a non-membership group open to all subscribers who have a genuine interest in the hobby of monitoring trunked radio communications and as such does not require dues.
Anonymous posts are not permitted on the Trunkcom list. All posters are required to sign at least their first name to each message that is posted to the list. No one likes to reply to message senders as "hey you."
You are encouraged to include your location in your messages, preferably after signature. Remember, this list goes world-wide.
Prior to your first post we encourage new subscribers to read the mail for a few days to become familiar with the current traffic being passed on the list. We also highly encourage new subscribers of the list to introduce themselves in their first post. You might wish to include some information about yourself, your equipment, and the type of agencies you monitor. We find that introductions foster new friendships and facilitates the exchange of information among subscribers of the list.
1. Trunkcom is provided at no cost to the list subscribers. Behave as if you were in someone else's home. Offensive language, "flames", and off-topic messages are not only inappropriate but they use up bandwidth. Some subscribers pay for access to the mailing list on a by-byte/message basis. For that reason, V-Cards, MIME and binary attachments of any type, flames, personal attacks, off-topic posts and messages containing offensive language are not to be posted to Trunkcom, and html-formatted messages are not permitted.
2. DO NOT block individual members of the list from your e-mail program. If you do this, your ISP sends a bounce message to the List Admin, not the sender of the e-mail. If someone is misbehaving (flaming or nasty language and so on), advise the list admin. But, if you do not wish to receive messages from a particular member of the list, then don't subscribe to the list. This is an open forum and on-topic posts are welcome from all subscribers.
3. Messages shall be non-commercial in nature and appropriate to the topic of trunk radio system monitoring.
You may post personal "For Sale" items that are related to the hobby of monitoring trunked radio communications. Such postings will be limited to one message per item per person. If you post a "For Sale" message and do not get any replies, assume that no one is interested. Business "For Sale" ads and other messages of a commercial nature are not permitted.
When in doubt, ask the list administrator before you post.
4. List administrative matters shall be handled by the list administrator. Questions about the list, its rules and subscriber behavior will be addressed if you send a private e-mail sent to: [email protected].
5. It is illegal to monitor cellular and cordless telephones and pagers. The Administrators of Trunkcom will not tolerate and absolutely prohibit ANY discussion of monitoring cellular and cordless telephones or pagers, or any discussion of modifying radios to monitor cellular and cordless telephones or pagers, or the political ramifications of the laws pertaining to the illegality of monitoring cellular and cordless telephones or pagers, and your "Constitutional Rights" with regard to your opinion of such laws.
The Trunkcom list is also not the appropriate forum for debates about possible or pending legislative action of any kind. A simple notification to the list regarding pending legislative action is appropriate, but further debate of the ramifications of the bill are not permitted. There are other Lists and Usenet forums intended for the debate of legislative action.
6. Off-hand "one-liner" comments about posts made by others are not permitted. These only serve to unduly fill the mailboxes of others with pointless messages and also causes an unreasonable increase in the "noise-to-signal" ratio on the List.
7. Non-adherence to these rules may result in removal from the mailing list. Depending on the severity of the infraction, a warning may or may not be given. The list administrators reserve the right to remove anyone from the list at their own discretion.
8. The cryptic, often-uninflected style of email writing can result in messages being interpreted in much harsher terms than the writer intended. All too often, this leads to "flame wars" resulting in waste of computer resources, hurt feelings, and a general disaffection. Biting criticism and personal attacks are unfunny and unwanted. Remember, there is a real person on the other end.
Be careful not to type your messages in all capital letters. This is considered "shouting" and is unwelcome, and intolerable. Likewise, typing a message all in lower-case letters without any capitalization also looks bad and un-caring.
Please keep "signature files" as short as possible, no more than 3-4 lines maximum. Recently, signatures in excess of 20 lines have been seen on Trunkcom. This is an unnecessary waste of bandwidth, and in view of the fact that some subscribers have to pay for Internet access on the basis of how much they download, it is unwelcome.
You are responsible for what you write. Finally, be aware that it is a trivial job for "someone" to monitor electronic mail or any discussion list. It is also extremely easy to save any message and to forward it electronically or repost to another list tomorrow or in 10 years.
When posting to the list, always keep in mind the
"Ten Commandments of E-Mail":
1. Thou shalt include a clear and specific subject line.
2. Thou shalt edit any quoted text down to the minimum thou needest.
3. Thou shalt read thine own message thrice before thou sendest it.
4. Thou shalt ponder how thy recipient might react to thy message.
5. Thou shalt check thy spelling and thy grammar.
6. Thou shalt not curse, flame, spam or USE ALL CAPS.
7. Thou shalt not forward any chain letter.
8. Thou shalt not use e-mail for any illegal or unethical purpose.
9. Thou shalt not rely on the privacy of e-mail, especially from work.
10. When in doubt, save thy message overnight and reread it in the light of the dawn.
And, always remember the "Golden Rule" of E-Mail:
--That which thou findest hateful to receive, sendest thou not unto others.
By remaining a subscriber to Trunkcom, you agree to abide by these rules and guidelines. If you do not approve of any of these rules and guidelines and feel that you can not conduct yourself in support of them while using the facilities provided by Trunkcom, you need to unsubscribe from Trunkcom.
If for any reason you need to contact the Trunkcom Administrator, you can send a private email to [email protected].
To see the collection of prior postings to the list,
visit the TrunkCom