Skywarn --
Discussion of Skywarn
About Skywarn
Here's your Skywarn discussion list. It's moderated for content.
Please observe these few simple requests:
1. Your post goes to the various members with various degrees of experience and education.
2. Be professional. A number of Emergency Managers and National Weather Service employees are on this list. Show them how professional Skywarn can really be.
3. If you select digest, please do not reply to the digest message without removing unnecessary material and changing the subject to reflect the issue you wish to address.
For more information about Skywarn, visit your local Warning Coordination Meteorologist found by entering your zip code at or see
Please consider these worthwhile Skywarn resources:
If you have not taken the Skywarn online training, please see ... the training is free.
Contact your local emergency manager or Warning Coordination Meteorologist at the National Weather Service to participate in the local Skywarn Program.
The list moderation team is lead by Lloyd Colston, KC5FM, who has retired as the City of Altus emergency manager. He has been a active advocate of the local Skywarn program as well as the Storm Ready program nationwide.
To see the collection of prior postings to the list,
visit the Skywarn
Using Skywarn
To post a message to all the list members, send email to
[email protected].
You can subscribe to the list, or change your existing
subscription, in the sections below.
Subscribing to Skywarn
Subscribe to Skywarn by filling out the following
You will be sent email requesting confirmation, to
prevent others from gratuitously subscribing you. This is a hidden list, which means that the
list of members is available only to the list administrator.
Skywarn Subscribers