What is LOGPlus!?
LOGPlus! is the most comprehensive logging program available! Written by DXer and contester Bob Winters, N7XR (ex-KD7P), LOGPlus! tracks 30 logbooks excellent for families or QSL Managers), DXCC, WPX, WAZ, WAS, VUCC, Oblast, IOTA, County Hunters and up to 20 roll-your-own generic awards. Works with SAM, HamBase, QRZ and Radio Amateur Callbook ("Flying Horse") CDROMs, and imports contest logdata from CT, NA and RTTY by WF1B. Dumb terminal allows complete control of your TNC (RTTY, CW, etc.) as well as PacketCluster(tm) monitoring. Interfaces to Kenwood, ICOM and Yaesu radios.
NOTE: LOGPlus! software is no longer being supported by the author.
What is the LOGPlus! reflector?
[email protected] is an electronic mailing list ("reflector") for discussing the LOGPlus! software. This is the place to ask questions, report bugs and suggest new features. In addition, updates to LOGPlus! are announced here.
Each message you send to [email protected] will be sent out to all the other subscribers. Therefore, it's important to think about what you're going to say, and how you're going to say it, before you send the message.
Also remember that many subscribers receive their E-mail through commercial services such as CompuServe and MCImail. In essence, many people are paying for each byte of every message sent to LOGPLUS. So please follow the following simple rules:
* Sign EVERY message you send with your NAME, CALLSIGN, and E-mail address! Many people do not see all the mail headers, so they can not determine who sent the message.
* Make sure every byte of your message adds value to the reflector! Don't quote an entire message, only to add "I agree" to the end.
* If you want to reply to the original sender only, PLEASE make sure to remove the mailing list address from your mail header! Otherwise everyone on the list will see your private comment.
To see the collection of prior postings to the list,
visit the LogPlus
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