Clegg is a mailing list devoted to the
discussion of equipment designed and manufactured by Clegg Communications.
* Collectors
* Enhancements, Modifications
* Buy, Sell
* Repairs, Parts, Manuals
* Specific References to the model FM-76 220 radio
This list (reflector) is devoted entirely to the topic of clegg.
Anything related to clegg operation is appropriate.
Please observe standard internet etiquette at all times --
no flames, personal attacks, profanity, or commercial ads.
Brief "for sale" messages from private individuals are welcome,
but reply to the individual, not the list, and take care of all
arrangements privately.
The "Reply" function on this list will default to the address
of the sender. To send a message to the entire list, type or
past the list address in the TO: line, or use Reply to All:
-- Test messages. If you have questions about the functions
of the list, your address, etc. please contact the moderator, or
simply post your message, if you have something to say, and
you will get the same results as sending a useless test message.
-- HTML, RTF and other encoded, stylized message formats.
These will be rejected by default, as they cause too many
problems for too many people.
Please become familiar with your own email client and set it to
send messages in plain text only! If you need help with this,
here is a useful web site:
-- Attachments of any kind, including .vcf files.
-- Messages of over 30K in size.
-- Messages with multiple addresses in the cc: or bcc: lines
-- Administrative Requests: Filters are in place to reject these.
Please send all requests, sub and unsub requests, etc. to the
the administrative address below, and not the list address!
These will be ignored.
[email protected]
1). If you need help, first consult the help document for this list
by sending a message to the following address with the single
word help in the body of the message.
[email protected]
2). If you cannot resolve your problem on your own, or you
need additional information, please contact the list moderator
directly, rather than posting a request to the list in general.
This list unmoderated in the sense that all messages are sent to
the list membership without prior review by the moderator. Free
and open discussion, within the guidelines is encouraged. The
right is strictly reserved, however, to change to full moderation,
to limit certain threads of discussion, and to remove individuals
from the list at the sole discretion of the moderator. All of these
events should be rare, but be aware that order will be maintained.
To see the collection of prior postings to the list,
visit the Clegg
Subscribe to Clegg by filling out the following
You will be sent email requesting confirmation, to
prevent others from gratuitously subscribing you. This is a hidden list, which means that the
list of members is available only to the list administrator.