From boend177 at  Wed May  1 12:32:43 2019
From: boend177 at (Ary Boender)
Date: Wed, 1 May 2019 18:32:43 +0200
Subject: [Spooks] Enigma NL 112  #Numbers
Message-ID: <>

Hi all,

Enigma newsletter #112 is online at

73, Ary

From boend177 at  Thu May  2 06:22:06 2019
From: boend177 at (Ary Boender)
Date: Thu, 2 May 2019 12:22:06 +0200
Subject: [Spooks] N&O #259  #Numbers
Message-ID: <>

?Hi all,

N&O #259 is online

and I updated the Numbers logs database 1978-2018
Numbers logs database 2019
X06 Logs Database

73, Ary

From labyrinththirteen at  Thu May 30 14:59:05 2019
From: labyrinththirteen at (Curt Rowlett)
Date: Thu, 30 May 2019 11:59:05 -0700
Subject: [Spooks] Russian F03a FSK number station at 6304 kHz
Message-ID: <>

Russian F03a FSK number station at 6304 kHz:

Decoded using Rivet 90 in FSK (Raw) mode with Baudot and FSK options set at
100 buad rate and with a shift of 200 Hz.

Regards to all,

Curt Rowlett | W9SPY
Seattle, Washington USA

From at  Fri May 31 14:53:01 2019
From: at (Eric)
Date: Fri, 31 May 2019 14:53:01 -0400
Subject: [Spooks] History - 5 Digit Station in Fort Lauderdale, FL
Message-ID: <>

So yesterday I was looking through a few old Monitoring Times issues. I
came across something I don?t know how I missed all these years?

Apparently, there was a 5 digit Numbers Station ?slightly West of the
North-Western Fort Lauderdale city limits?. Now, I know about many of the
other sites around here (and have visited some several times), but this one
escaped me. Havana Moon said it was a 5 digit station on 5135khz @ 0500z.
Link to PDF, Column is on page 33. <

Now if this was a true 5 digit station, I would suspect a ham radio station
type set up in somebody?s residential house (Cuban in nature). If it was a
3/2 station, then I would suspect a more elaborate setup (DEA, FBI, etc).
Working on the assumption that it was a 3/2 station, the only suitable
location I could think of was the old WOM receive site where the Central
Broward Park is now located. If you have Google Earth, punch in: 26.144284,
-80.198969 and go back in time to 2/95 and you can see the antenna farm.
Today, only a vertical conical antenna exists (and a few wooden poles from
days gone by). Google Map link: <,-80.1988915,242m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x88d906d0a78cad71:0x319db80f642d78b6!8m2!3d26.139978!4d-80.198734

Does anybody remember any other info on this location? I know I am beating
a 33 year old dead horse, but since I live here I would love to check it

From labyrinththirteen at  Fri May 31 15:11:15 2019
From: labyrinththirteen at (Curt Rowlett)
Date: Fri, 31 May 2019 12:11:15 -0700
Subject: [Spooks] Russian XPA2 polytone number station at 17462 kHz
Message-ID: <>

Recorded: May 31, 2019 at 1900 UTC

Russian XPA2 polytone number station at 17462 kHz:


12:00:05 PM XPA2 Start Tones Found (correcting by -29 Hz)
12:02:05 PM Sync tone found
12:02:05 PM Symbol timing found
09636 00084 83245 23518 12772 75267 06285 99266 20063 88137 73762 97315
56708 81878 06538
50023 14492 54978 51217 36225 40380 60546 70604 23153 75287 49470 31364
31496 92779 72060
73676 85991 00295 82249 65476 13855 15043 97164 36610 10938 04438 73401
72999 19919 86975
33658 42357 54936 50758 43416 55694 23268 19177 02590 35955 55209 71965
55886 22888 41701
64331 01095 40387 99664 54261 25275 90513 49606 30869 54983 71011 94679
70946 44619 83591
60796 91352 14776 84278 94209 84767 57712 94184 76744 34938 79067 56150
End Tone
12:03:15 PM XPA2 Decode Complete

Regards to all,

Curt Rowlett | W9SPY
Seattle, WA USA

From McHenryProj at  Fri May 31 15:17:45 2019
From: McHenryProj at (McHenryProj)
Date: Fri, 31 May 2019 15:17:45 -0400
Subject: [Spooks] Russian XPA2 polytone number station at 17462 kHz
Message-ID: <>

I have said this before but Curt and everyone else, thanks for keeping this info flowing. I love reading info and watching Curts videos. Interesting things afoot.? Keep up the sleuthing.SeanKB8JNESent from my dumb smartphone,Spell checked by NSA.

From blueneon at  Fri May 31 19:00:38 2019
From: blueneon at (Tom Morris)
Date: Fri, 31 May 2019 16:00:38 -0700
Subject: [Spooks] History - 5 Digit Station in Fort Lauderdale, FL
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Boy I'd love to know what that HUGE facility adjacent to the antenna array
is/was. The conical antenna is visible in Google street view but no
identifying information about the site can be seen. I guess that was the
old AT&T facility?

A lot of the Havana Moon reports are subject to some... uh... not quite
scientific accuracy, notably the articles surrounding the Jupiter
Lighthouse site where there were never any good signs of any HF station...
but the big missile tracking dish for Cape Canaveral always stimulated the

However, that being said, I did positively identify a station that was
reading 5 figure groups in Spanish in a V2a like format in fall of 2006
from a site directly north of Florida International University - across the
street from the Sweetwater police station! It was in a then abandoned strip
mall housing only one business, a small convenience store... with a wire
antenna suspended across the roof. No, it didn't look like the feedline
dropped into the convenience store. Would you care for some coded messages
with your bag of pork rinds? The funny part is, it was active all through
the investigation and the bust of Carlos and Elsa Alvarez, when Elsa worked
right across the street at FIU... no idea if it was related to their
specific operations though. I wonder who may have logged it around that
time - one distinguishing factor to it was, the damn thing had NO
consistency. The night I found it, it was on 9.310 AM. Other times it'd
been observed in the 40 or 80 meter ham bands, AM or sideband, and
sometimes as part of a Morse net. A friend of the family who lived nearby
would routinely go find it with his HF radio receiving off a 2 meter 1/4
wave vertical trying to figure it out. It continued operation for a few
months and then just ceased to be. The feedline appeared to descend into
about where the tattoo parlor is now.,-80.3725842,3a,60y,249.64h,85.06t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sgClvuzJ8XlQJuBvwiJu1UA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192

I've always wondered about the reports around Palm Beach county and if
maybe some of that activity actually was out west of the airport... that
area was (and still is) a pretty interesting patchwork of remote and hard
to reach places. I used to maintain a couple of FM broadcast transmitters
out that way and it was always an amusing maze to navigate to find them!
This area also used to have a lot of weird little airstrips on private
property and it wouldn't surprise me if the Columbian Cartel would sneak in
... shipments ... there, just like they used to with the runway off Card
Sound Road in the Florida Keys...

I think my favorite was the one located on the same site as WPTV... it was
a whole big complex of towers out there in the middle of nowhere, with one
housing a weather radar... I was told that this radar and its tower had
actually fallen over at some point in its history and been reconstructed.
The TV tower was located in a swampy area that would have been amazing for
AM broadcast use as the ground conductivity would have ruled - it was
pretty much constantly under mud, if not outright water. Watch out for
Broadcast Engineer Eating Mosquitoes.

Tom Morris, KG4CYX
Chief Engineer, Results Radio of Redding