From labyrinththirteen at Sat Sep 1 04:21:33 2018 From: labyrinththirteen at (Curt Rowlett) Date: Sat, 1 Sep 2018 01:21:33 -0700 Subject: [Spooks] Russian S06s "Russian Lady" number station at 10350 kHz (glitch in transmission) Message-ID: <> Broadcast started on schedule, then at the 00:59 mark, there was a glitch where the signal stopped mid-transmission for 18 seconds, then resumed. Maybe someone pushed the wrong button? Full video here: Curt / W9SPY / Strange Beacons P.S. Thank you Ary for the link to the XO6 spreadsheet. From boend177 at Sun Sep 2 11:52:19 2018 From: boend177 at (Ary Boender) Date: Sun, 2 Sep 2018 17:52:19 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] Numbers & Oddities #251 Message-ID: <004901d442d4$ee519150$caf4b3f0$> Hi all, Numbers & Oddities #251 is online I also uploaded the updated version of the Numbers stations logs database 2018 and the updated X06 logs database The X06 database is also available from the UDXF website Enjoy, Ary From blueneon at Sun Sep 2 15:17:42 2018 From: blueneon at (Tom Morris) Date: Sun, 2 Sep 2018 12:17:42 -0700 Subject: [Spooks] Russian S06s "Russian Lady" number station at 10350 kHz (glitch in transmission) In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> Wonder what the weather was like there... Many transmitters I've worked with in the past are prone to tripping out and restarting automatically after about a second from nearby thunderstorms where a lightning strike to or near an antenna causes a vswr trip, or after power surges (causes the plate current to jump too high and trip it). On Sat, Sep 1, 2018, 1:21 AM Curt Rowlett <labyrinththirteen at> wrote: > Visit to unsubscribe from > this list > > Broadcast started on schedule, then at the 00:59 mark, there was a glitch > where the signal stopped mid-transmission for 18 seconds, then resumed. > Maybe someone pushed the wrong button? > > Full video here: > > Curt / W9SPY / Strange Beacons > > > P.S. Thank you Ary for the link to the XO6 spreadsheet. > ______________________________________________________________ > Spooks mailing list > Home: > Help: > Post: mailto:Spooks at > > This list hosted by: > Please help support this email list: > From boend177 at Mon Sep 3 14:41:57 2018 From: boend177 at (Ary Boender) Date: Mon, 3 Sep 2018 20:41:57 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] G06 Message-ID: <009101d443b5$cb28fe70$617afb50$> 6810 03-09-2018 0718 G06 USB 111 111 111 00000 6810 03-09-2018 0719 G06 USB 111 6810 03-09-2018 0759 G06 USB 329 329 329 00000 4650 03-09-2018 1700 G06 USB 938 938 938 00000 5370 03-09-2018 1759 G06 USB 938 938 938 00000 Early start. Windows shut down sound at 1805z Ary From boend177 at Tue Sep 4 07:39:23 2018 From: boend177 at (Ary Boender) Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2018 13:39:23 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] E11 Message-ID: <002401d44443$eda07300$c8e15900$> New E11 schedule 14940 04-09-2018 1135 E11 USB 130/00 73, Ary From boend177 at Tue Sep 4 07:52:03 2018 From: boend177 at (Ary Boender) Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2018 13:52:03 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] E07 Message-ID: <002501d44445$b26d3280$17479780$> 18438 04-09-2018 1100 E07 USB (AB-G) 16338 04-09-2018 1120 E07 USB (AB-G) 14938 04-09-2018 1140 E07 USB (AB) 439 439 439 1 515 113 515 113 54356 90477 24027 86271 20134 52685 28487 89713 14684 25782 72353 17320 05289 53661 74469 98973 14328 16611 98390 19814 75219 17202 02585 16908 88631 58694 23800 56601 89325 70561 07700 92744 47947 42676 50719 76127 43290 55874 21924 42313 61578 67701 03596 61355 22239 91194 86932 96902 60190 89897 30247 99268 48075 80523 62969 73500 24960 26865 24340 26685 04859 00549 38192 12128 99088 75371 02681 27953 80186 57012 68625 94870 01692 49403 23597 55525 95815 11090 37742 53135 50347 98442 72136 72581 36580 54674 55113 13614 47120 83540 06295 23410 70371 34726 96406 48261 99121 85992 70269 42045 87676 67658 39964 00433 56490 09199 62402 62888 23105 03534 78843 58670 06747 000 000 Ary From boend177 at Tue Sep 4 08:14:29 2018 From: boend177 at (Ary Boender) Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2018 14:14:29 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] F11 E11a #NUmbers Message-ID: <003201d44448$d49b2b20$7dd18160$> F11 and its counterpart E11a: 7670 04-09-2018 1150 F11 FSK 100/620 (AB) 7670 04-09-2018 1155 F11 FSK 100/620 (AB) 0325 0325 0325 0325 0325 66543 84949 20305 27747 99389 61350 03434 78431 04782 07168 92953 38835 42417 03855 75199 87304 33894 18578 85677 20103 01003 76615 02758 46234 81752 00728 17133 37887 54695 89772 71847 17570 48932 99215 04268 21570 22870 44889 54341 56342 49945 12476 24829 37478 82530 64733 23501 71804 00048 00048 No 88888 88888 sequence before and after the message. 7727 04-09-2018 1205 E11a USB (AB) 468/48 Attention 66543 84949 20305 27747 99389 61350 03434 78431 04782 07168 92953 38835 42417 03855 75199 87304 33894 18578 85677 20103 01003 76615 02758 46234 81752 00728 17133 37887 54695 89772 71847 17570 48932 99215 04268 21570 22870 44889 54341 56342 49945 12476 24829 37478 82530 64733 23501 71804 Attention (message repeated) Out Ary From boend177 at Wed Sep 5 05:14:45 2018 From: boend177 at (Ary Boender) Date: Wed, 5 Sep 2018 11:14:45 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] Enigma newsletter Message-ID: <004b01d444f8$e3896ec0$aa9c4c40$> Hi all, Enigma newsletter 107 is online on the Numbers & Oddities website 73, Ary From boend177 at Mon Sep 17 05:13:03 2018 From: boend177 at (Ary Boender) Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2018 11:13:03 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] M51 and M51a Message-ID: <002801d44e66$a3569c20$ea03d460$> Hi, I copied M51 at 0955 i.p. followed by M51a : NR 25 S 17 09:57:52 2018 BT (5LG message) BT NR 26 S 17 10:01:45 2018 BT (5LG message) BT NR 27 S 17 10:07:51 2018 BT (5LG message) BT NR 28 S 17 10:13:58 2018 BT (5LG message) BT NR 29 S 17 10:20:15 2018 BT (5LG message) BT NR 30 S 17 10:26:52 2018 BT (5LG message) BT VVV VVV VV DE FAV22 FAV22 FAV22 QLH 3881/6825 KHZ VITESSE ANNONCEES LEGEREMENT SUPERIEURES. LUNDI-LECON 21-1/VITESSE 420 COD? BT GDHSJ WNDHE AUJSK QQLAO NBGFV QLMAP JKDUR JSNWK EUIOK HNDTS IKGCV 37628 AYSGX WBSUJ YHYTG DHSJQ BHDTR FJAIK WNDHC VZIJK OLHGF 87452 XVSGR SHWUZ 10964 ETDFX CBSHA WJNHE SHGZU ALSGF LGBCH XNBWH DSJZU AGWCD QKLAU GBXHR SJHAU YHGDV CLQIO AMLJH YHBGR ZUJXV WNGSU 46381 BWNDU ZKQLA PLAYG BVXCD WNSHR ZJHSK GBVCG DJSKZ WKQHJ AKLXV WCSGR ZJHSU 65953 BWNSJ AKUJH DGVXT AR LUNDI-LE?ON 21-1/2 VITESSE 420 CLAIR LA SILHOUETTE SI PARTICULI?RE DE LA MOTO A ?T? PR?SERV?E, BIEN QUE TOUS LES ?L?MENTS AIENT ?T? REDESSIN?S. BIEN SUSPENDUE, DOT?E D'UN FREINAGE PUISSANT ET DOSABLE, POUVANT ?TRE ACCOMPAGN?E D'UN ABS, LE MOTEUR TOUJOURS AUSSI EXPRESSIF OFFRE DE LA RONDEUR ? MI R?GIME ET UN JOLI COFFRE PLUS HAUT. QUI SUIS-JE ? LA TRIUMPH SPEED TRIPLE. AR 73, Ary From boend177 at Sat Sep 22 10:48:08 2018 From: boend177 at (Ary Boender) Date: Sat, 22 Sep 2018 16:48:08 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] V15 #Numbers Message-ID: <000101d45283$472a60a0$d57f21e0$> V15 North Korean Intel. via PBS Pyongyang Pansong on 675, 3320, 6400 kHz, 22-9, 1445 UTC Ary From boend177 at Sat Sep 22 10:47:49 2018 From: boend177 at (Ary Boender) Date: Sat, 22 Sep 2018 16:47:49 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] V15 Message-ID: <000001d45283$3bdab790$b39026b0$> V15 North Korean Intel. via PBS Pyongyang Pansong on 675, 3320, 6400 kHz, 22-9, 1445 UTC Ary From boend177 at Sat Sep 22 12:08:55 2018 From: boend177 at (Ary Boender) Date: Sat, 22 Sep 2018 18:08:55 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] V24 Message-ID: <000101d4528e$9055e910$b101bb30$> 05900 : V24 South Korean Intel. Popmusic followed by a message in Korean 1600 AM 22Sep2018 (AB-KOR) Ary From boend177 at Mon Sep 24 05:14:43 2018 From: boend177 at (Ary Boender) Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2018 11:14:43 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] S06s #Numbers Message-ID: <002e01d453e7$0832e150$1898a3f0$> Hi all, Where is S06s?? Nothing heard at 0630, 0640, 0830, 0840, 0900, 0910z 73, Ary