From boend177 at Mon Jul 3 14:11:09 2017 From: boend177 at (Ary Boender) Date: Mon, 3 Jul 2017 20:11:09 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] N&O #237 / N&O website update Message-ID: <000801d2f427$bfa291d0$3ee7b570$> Numbers & Oddities website update: New: N&O #237 New recordings: G06, V07, V24 (3x) Updated X06 database and Numbers Logs database Thanks to all contributors. 73, Ary From labyrinththirteen at Wed Jul 5 16:06:09 2017 From: labyrinththirteen at (Curt Rowlett) Date: Wed, 5 Jul 2017 13:06:09 -0700 Subject: [Spooks] Russian E07 "English Man" number station at 13363 kHz (long message with preceding, strange test transmission) Message-ID: Russian E07 "English Man" number station at 13363 kHz (long message with preceding, strange test transmission). I tuned in early to catch this number station and caught a rather strange test transmission on frequency prior to the numbers being transmitted. As you can see/hear, it started with a sound burst, then a strong carrier tone, then what sounds like XPA polytone sync tones. Full video here: UTC time and date visible in UTC widget running at the top right of the video screen. Recorded via UTwente WebSDR. Regards, Curt / W9SPY From boend177 at Wed Jul 5 16:28:49 2017 From: boend177 at (boend177 at Date: Wed, 5 Jul 2017 22:28:49 +0200 (CEST) Subject: [Spooks] Russian E07 "English Man" number station at 13363 kHz (long message with preceding, strange test transmission) In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <27656606.27197.1499286529040.JavaMail.defaultUser@defaultHost> It was indeed a double message: 13898/12198/10798 kHz, 05-07, 1700/1727/1753 UTC Double message. The 2nd message is a repeat of 2 July 817 817 817 2 283 55 283 55 56134 45300 14132 03199 27235 18939 70744 34281 20911 42093 49932 90203 24115 85841 58244 16821 58744 09364 62467 18395 98223 02196 01985 11872 71834 52091 67486 85193 67330 75962 71895 64323 40962 09221 34563 70670 68084 93194 97978 38808 01445 99566 71048 71707 84622 52200 51894 22574 38895 77619 01365 62550 26861 67798 77204 817 817 817 2 497 122 497 122 66539 33715 06484 10119 13454 33508 24567 54743 58117 65910 20050 39119 19713 38775 52998 77437 44456 40949 02862 14629 48544 98059 25042 54531 94509 68056 89210 78053 52870 89845 83031 02660 04740 08162 24034 26443 67676 84784 84577 09850 10827 16163 51866 97097 86880 58389 33861 62113 17006 87194 69960 00950 48290 31414 50178 73720 76584 91243 55257 72274 53590 53624 20570 60872 24769 21873 75221 20974 25472 04344 01139 60582 55770 53057 98240 56472 52507 95174 09503 37640 78816 47472 63029 48611 50410 59634 97531 33989 41875 83660 75306 76608 49139 74890 29411 80092 68468 78972 25025 52459 53828 62456 51686 42095 09159 53405 91029 32161 40817 72567 99116 99222 65553 16500 85769 91353 19421 64627 98764 11885 56163 43677 000 000 73, Ary >----Origineel Bericht---- >Van : labyrinththirteen at >Datum : 05/07/2017 22:06 >Aan : spooks at >Onderwerp : [Spooks] Russian E07 "English Man" number station at 13363 kHz (long message with preceding, strange test transmission) > >Visit to unsubscribe from this list > >Russian E07 "English Man" number station at 13363 kHz (long message with >preceding, strange test transmission). I tuned in early to catch this >number station and caught a rather strange test transmission on frequency >prior to the numbers being transmitted. As you can see/hear, it started >with a sound burst, then a strong carrier tone, then what sounds like XPA >polytone sync tones. > >Full video here: > >UTC time and date visible in UTC widget running at the top right of the >video screen. Recorded via UTwente WebSDR. > >Regards, > >Curt / W9SPY >______________________________________________________________ >Spooks mailing list >Home: >Help: >Post: mailto:Spooks at > >This list hosted by: >Please help support this email list: > From boend177 at Sat Jul 8 13:05:04 2017 From: boend177 at (Ary Boender) Date: Sat, 8 Jul 2017 19:05:04 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] HM01 #Numbers Message-ID: <000801d2f80c$5805b230$08111690$> 11462 08-07-2017 0514 HM01 AM/RDFT 14375 08-07-2017 0558 HM01 AM/RDFT 13435 08-07-2017 0657 HM01 AM/RDFT 11635 08-07-2017 0758 HM01 AM/RDFT 11462 08-07-2017 0858 HM01 AM/RDFT 12180 08-07-2017 0958 HM01 AM/RDFT Two identical HM01 transmissions mixing 86672 48764 06622 10845 51775 14056 11530 08-07-2017 1658 HM01 AM/RDFT New groups, same problem Two identical HM01 transmissions mixing 86673 48765 06623 10846 51776 14057 Ary