From boend177 at Mon Apr 3 08:39:34 2017 From: boend177 at (Ary Boender) Date: Mon, 3 Apr 2017 14:39:34 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] HM02 #Numbers Message-ID: <003601d2ac77$5b767020$12635060$> No transmission on 1 April 4761 02-04-2017 0420 HM02 FSK-19.8bd/129Hz/FSK-CW 191 47 = 05627 01316 65341 67412 12728 82640 76638 68205 73848 37818 27508 41585 15186 13160 31781 65113 43560 00047 10553 46880 43468 42543 30022 72445 28281 11346 87523 10681 63082 55604 85127 80586 01337 26184 81078 01440 75158 71332 73815 55505 51621 47256 26002 33775 77445 13718 34240 = 191 47 191 47 = repeats message = 191 47 000 73, Ary From boend177 at Tue Apr 4 01:20:15 2017 From: boend177 at (Ary Boender) Date: Tue, 4 Apr 2017 07:20:15 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] HM02 #Numbers Message-ID: <002e01d2ad03$24af6fb0$6e0e4f10$> 4761 04-04-2017 0420 HM02 FSK-19.8bd/129Hz/FSK-CW 803 46 = 72787 89083 41375 72059 00125 36469 88578 65014 49840 37005 40990 43098 06133 37735 37809 02196 89416 94086 58644 35972 96400 93730 02207 50318 09727 42036 25945 23569 01417 16389 76367 77742 01033 67477 19972 17895 15223 55619 52462 99908 35870 19451 46734 64262 62587 61422 = 803 46 803 46 = repeats message = = 803 46 000 73, Ary From boend177 at Wed Apr 5 00:53:19 2017 From: boend177 at (Ary Boender) Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2017 06:53:19 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] HM02 #Numbers Message-ID: <003601d2adc8$8bea2c90$a3be85b0$> 4761 05-04-2017 0420 HM02 FSK-19.8bd/129Hz/FSK-CW FSK intro followed by a message in morse: 915 47 = 27687 30547 88377 14662 33342 11420 02613 83878 02707 37142 86855 31584 36628 55818 61787 00702 55671 84427 85281 41427 80244 67471 81872 46458 17022 55612 10835 77611 78464 33048 84415 75678 22612 55867 53352 13761 61656 72526 35123 56258 03203 55638 10731 55610 83272 66007 72646 = 915 47 915 47 = repeats message = 915 47 000 Ary From boend177 at Wed Apr 5 01:16:48 2017 From: boend177 at (Ary Boender) Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2017 07:16:48 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] M14 #Numbers Message-ID: <003701d2adcb$d3aecba0$7b0c62e0$> 18041 05-04-2017 0500 M14 CW (loud in Japan) 952 718 718 50 50 = = 28379 26566 04021 29283 97520 33223 33728 18428 38767 79469 77058 55630 27813 41326 76785 43106 92504 16877 92643 01090 16807 14890 88166 20762 99172 15400 77385 16487 07496 13218 86075 50808 97824 80269 07243 30631 89045 07732 55540 98042 10699 13889 50291 64184 66134 28646 81817 59644 78180 90642 = = 718 718 50 50 00000 73, Ary From boend177 at Wed Apr 5 04:29:59 2017 From: boend177 at (Ary Boender) Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2017 10:29:59 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] E11 new schedule? #Numbers Message-ID: <004401d2ade6$d04ff4f0$70efded0$> 12530 05-04-2017 0820 E11: 131/00 Ary From dmholden at Wed Apr 5 09:07:46 2017 From: dmholden at (David Holden) Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2017 13:07:46 +0000 Subject: [Spooks] Spooks Digest, Vol 153, Issue 1 In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: Help /73 Regards, David Holden KE0JIT ________________________________ From: Spooks on behalf of spooks-request at Sent: Wednesday, April 5, 2017 12:17:01 AM To: spooks at Subject: Spooks Digest, Vol 153, Issue 1 Send Spooks mailing list submissions to spooks at To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to spooks-request at You can reach the person managing the list at spooks-owner at When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific than "Re: Contents of Spooks digest..." Today's Topics: 1. Some numbers logs #Numbers (Ary Boender) 2. Russian E07 "English Man" number station at 10739 kHz (long message) (Curt Rowlett) 3. HM02 #Numbers (Ary Boender) 4. HM02 #Numbers (Ary Boender) 5. HM02 #Numbers (Ary Boender) 6. HM02 #Numbers (Ary Boender) 7. M14 #Numbers (Ary Boender) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Message: 1 Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2017 18:09:46 +0200 From: "Ary Boender" To: , "Enigma" , "Spooks" Subject: [Spooks] Some numbers logs #Numbers Message-ID: <000401d2a7dd$b84004e0$28c00ea0$> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" 5358 28-03-2017 0455 S11a USB 320/36 Vnimaniye 39156 96780 87995 04058 23940 46608 22592 92729 78743 53497 06436 91642 40828 12567 09938 31702 11913 28566 88451 59938 57206 39644 94139 31158 25159 72191 64046 68633 19008 26759 78075 54653 57619 33604 02218 49726 Vnimaniye, rpt msg, konets 15855 28-03-2017 0600 S06s USB 16485 28-03-2017 0610 S06s USB 438 520 6 44365 43025 39283 33578 47568 39971 520 6 00000 10728 28-03-2017 0630 F11 FSK 100/620 0574 00000 10728 28-03-2017 0635 F11 FSK 100/620 0574 00000 10800 28-03-2017 0645 E11 USB 511/00 9052 28-03-2017 0655 F11 FSK 100/620 9052 28-03-2017 0700 F11 FSK 100/620 0684 0684 0684 0684 0684 88888 88888 59851 22429 70189 00724 52346 56024 24612 51333 83218 22437 78164 37974 35142 25155 85719 39362 45462 06662 80646 45839 24494 30955 21895 18354 95875 81311 77315 54405 20267 14663 15927 99547 12519 95543 93299 11942 83939 18518 88888 88888 00042 00042 9963 28-03-2017 0710 E11a USB 632/38 Attention 59851 22429 70189 00724 52346 56024 24612 51333 83218 22437 78164 37974 35142 25155 85719 39362 45462 06662 80646 45839 24494 30955 21895 18354 95875 81311 77315 54405 20267 14663 15927 99547 12519 95543 93299 11942 83939 18518 Attention, rpt msg, out 5760 28-03-2017 0700 S06s USB 374 374 374 00000 6930 28-03-2017 0715 S06s USB 374 374 374 00000 13431 28-03-2017 0700 XPA2 MFSK-16-20Bd 07599 00001 00000 10140 14631 28-03-2017 0720 XPA2 MFSK-16-20Bd 07599 00001 00000 10140 15931 28-03-2017 0740 XPA2 MFSK-16-20Bd 07599 00001 00000 10140 14753 28-03-2017 0730 F11 FSK 100/620 0433 00000 14753 28-03-2017 0735 F11 FSK 100/620 0433 00000 14575 28-03-2017 0745 E11 USB 338/00 7425 28-03-2017 0730 S06s USB 11560 28-03-2017 0740 S06s USB 427 981 5 07931 98755 84636 45752 64655 981 5 0000 11635 28-03-2017 0800 S06s USB 10420 28-03-2017 0810 S06s USB 352 801 6 58202 44206 29464 25473 02883 33445 801 6 00000 7371 28-03-2017 0900 F11 FSK 100/620 0554 00000 7371 28-03-2017 0905 F11 FSK 100/620 0554 00000 7317 28-03-2017 0915 S11a USB 485/00 7840 28-03-2017 1000 E11a USB 300/28 Attention 92300 26885 96811 57622 83590 24281 92916 49138 44653 02379 17123 12221 43810 36864 15825 54662 02630 53811 47756 58288 65569 30012 12624 25314 80361 04564 16117 43875 Attention, rpt msg, out 9079 28-03-2017 1150 F11 FSK 100/620 9079 28-03-2017 1155 F11 FSK 100/620 0325 0325 0325 0325 0325 88888 88888 92384 85974 89227 28266 90644 45908 04384 14115 09502 56380 94201 36192 33491 91639 88619 57215 11937 11043 07369 43690 21823 94651 01835 41896 85701 17388 36692 76394 43925 55260 61614 66596 78439 20233 58812 01778 79581 17973 37810 32808 88888 88888 00044 00044 9443 28-03-2017 1205 E11a USB 466/40 Attention 92384 85974 89227 28266 90644 45908 04384 14115 09502 56380 94201 36192 33491 91639 88619 57215 11937 11043 07369 43690 21823 94651 01835 41896 85701 17388 36692 76394 43925 55260 61614 66596 78439 20233 58812 01778 79581 17973 37810 32808 Attention, rpt msg, out 8077 28-03-2017 1306 S06 USB 480 912 43 07833 86229 49643 26658 00630 24239 66754 71222 25406 68514 42102 13665 14101 86553 84810 03156 37918 79230 59749 32740 72604 93390 46472 76509 47464 91755 34140 31170 87099 87476 74804 95315 14409 02521 55044 77254 23497 29008 09380 93249 00790 29330 09572 912 43 00000 73, Ary ------------------------------ Message: 2 Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2017 12:05:19 -0700 From: Curt Rowlett To: spooks at Subject: [Spooks] Russian E07 "English Man" number station at 10739 kHz (long message) Message-ID: Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Russian E07 "English Man" number station at 10739 kHz (long message). Recorded from my Seattle, WA USA radio shack via the UTwente WebSDR at 1840 UTC, Wednesday, March 29. The two previous transmissions of this broadcast, at 1800 and 1820 UTC, were jammed by other signals on frequency and were not readable. 15 minutes prior to this transmission, a very strong carrier signal was transmitted, along with several very strong "pulses" of some kind. I have not transcribed the number groups. Video of transmission here: Curt W9SPY ------------------------------ Message: 3 Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2017 06:38:53 +0200 From: "Ary Boender" To: , "Enigma" , "Spooks" Subject: [Spooks] HM02 #Numbers Message-ID: <001501d2a9d8$b3cafb20$1b60f160$> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" 4761 31-03-2017 0420 HM02 FSK-19.8bd/129Hz/FSK-CW HM02 was silent yesterday and was now back on its new time. Same messages as on 14-3 with a different id. 809 46 = 12649 08179 48307 61973 62828 21299 41755 28935 00332 30668 78326 32934 25231 44987 43762 63997 29242 14611 12987 81279 29975 44390 16623 78384 96004 70816 74533 59168 76907 09136 64489 66393 14742 53692 14278 68195 61964 16262 28545 63603 01290 14015 31639 06868 75986 08862 = 809 46 809 46 = repeats message = = 809 46 000 73, Ary ------------------------------ Message: 4 Date: Mon, 3 Apr 2017 14:39:34 +0200 From: "Ary Boender" To: "Enigma" , "Spooks" Subject: [Spooks] HM02 #Numbers Message-ID: <003601d2ac77$5b767020$12635060$> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" No transmission on 1 April 4761 02-04-2017 0420 HM02 FSK-19.8bd/129Hz/FSK-CW 191 47 = 05627 01316 65341 67412 12728 82640 76638 68205 73848 37818 27508 41585 15186 13160 31781 65113 43560 00047 10553 46880 43468 42543 30022 72445 28281 11346 87523 10681 63082 55604 85127 80586 01337 26184 81078 01440 75158 71332 73815 55505 51621 47256 26002 33775 77445 13718 34240 = 191 47 191 47 = repeats message = 191 47 000 73, Ary ------------------------------ Message: 5 Date: Tue, 4 Apr 2017 07:20:15 +0200 From: "Ary Boender" To: , "Enigma" , "Spooks" Subject: [Spooks] HM02 #Numbers Message-ID: <002e01d2ad03$24af6fb0$6e0e4f10$> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" 4761 04-04-2017 0420 HM02 FSK-19.8bd/129Hz/FSK-CW 803 46 = 72787 89083 41375 72059 00125 36469 88578 65014 49840 37005 40990 43098 06133 37735 37809 02196 89416 94086 58644 35972 96400 93730 02207 50318 09727 42036 25945 23569 01417 16389 76367 77742 01033 67477 19972 17895 15223 55619 52462 99908 35870 19451 46734 64262 62587 61422 = 803 46 803 46 = repeats message = = 803 46 000 73, Ary ------------------------------ Message: 6 Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2017 06:53:19 +0200 From: "Ary Boender" To: , "Enigma" , "Spooks" Subject: [Spooks] HM02 #Numbers Message-ID: <003601d2adc8$8bea2c90$a3be85b0$> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" 4761 05-04-2017 0420 HM02 FSK-19.8bd/129Hz/FSK-CW FSK intro followed by a message in morse: 915 47 = 27687 30547 88377 14662 33342 11420 02613 83878 02707 37142 86855 31584 36628 55818 61787 00702 55671 84427 85281 41427 80244 67471 81872 46458 17022 55612 10835 77611 78464 33048 84415 75678 22612 55867 53352 13761 61656 72526 35123 56258 03203 55638 10731 55610 83272 66007 72646 = 915 47 915 47 = repeats message = 915 47 000 Ary ------------------------------ Message: 7 Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2017 07:16:48 +0200 From: "Ary Boender" To: , "Enigma" , "Spooks" Subject: [Spooks] M14 #Numbers Message-ID: <003701d2adcb$d3aecba0$7b0c62e0$> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" 18041 05-04-2017 0500 M14 CW (loud in Japan) 952 718 718 50 50 = = 28379 26566 04021 29283 97520 33223 33728 18428 38767 79469 77058 55630 27813 41326 76785 43106 92504 16877 92643 01090 16807 14890 88166 20762 99172 15400 77385 16487 07496 13218 86075 50808 97824 80269 07243 30631 89045 07732 55540 98042 10699 13889 50291 64184 66134 28646 81817 59644 78180 90642 = = 718 718 50 50 00000 73, Ary ------------------------------ Subject: Digest Footer ______________________________________________________________ Spooks mailing list Home: Help: Post: mailto:Spooks at - Visit for complete information about Spy Numbers Stations ------------------------------ End of Spooks Digest, Vol 153, Issue 1 ************************************** From boend177 at Wed Apr 5 12:33:28 2017 From: boend177 at (Ary Boender) Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2017 18:33:28 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] N&O 234 #Admin Message-ID: <00ad01d2ae2a$5aece620$10c6b260$> Hi all, Numbers & Oddities #234 is online 73, Ary From w9sz.zack at Wed Apr 5 12:43:26 2017 From: w9sz.zack at (Zack Widup) Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2017 11:43:26 -0500 Subject: [Spooks] N&O 234 #Admin In-Reply-To: <00ad01d2ae2a$5aece620$10c6b260$> References: <00ad01d2ae2a$5aece620$10c6b260$> Message-ID: I guess I was kicked off the Enigma Yahoogroup. You know how sometimes you don't realize something is missing? I've been so busy with other things that I didn't notice I wasn't getting e-mails from that group any more. It was probably some time ago. Oh well ... 73, Zack W9SZ On Wed, Apr 5, 2017 at 11:33 AM, Ary Boender wrote: > Visit to unsubscribe from > this list > > Hi all, > > Numbers & Oddities #234 is online > > > 73, Ary > > ______________________________________________________________ > Spooks mailing list > Home: > Help: > Post: mailto:Spooks at > > This list hosted by: > Please help support this email list: > Virus-free. <#DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2> From tmjva23664 at Wed Apr 5 15:35:40 2017 From: tmjva23664 at (Tracy Johnson) Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2017 19:35:40 +0000 Subject: [Spooks] N&O 234 #Admin In-Reply-To: References: <00ad01d2ae2a$5aece620$10c6b260$> Message-ID: Maybe they went to like the UDXF group? Well I looked and they are not there. Maybe with another name? Which would make it hard to find, but then again, with a name like Enigma... On Wed, Apr 5, 2017 at 4:43 PM, Zack Widup wrote: > Visit to unsubscribe from > this list > > I guess I was kicked off the Enigma Yahoogroup. You know how sometimes you > don't realize something is missing? I've been so busy with other things > that I didn't notice I wasn't getting e-mails from that group any more. It > was probably some time ago. Oh well ... > > 73, Zack W9SZ > > > -- Tracy Johnson Old fashioned text games hosted below: BT NNNN From boend177 at Wed Apr 5 15:47:48 2017 From: boend177 at (boend177 at Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2017 21:47:48 +0200 (CEST) Subject: [Spooks] N&O 234 #Admin In-Reply-To: References: <00ad01d2ae2a$5aece620$10c6b260$> Message-ID: <33496652.31793.1491421668602.JavaMail.defaultUser@defaultHost> Enigma is still on Yahoo and I see mails several times a day, so nothing wrong there 73, Ary >----Origineel Bericht---- >Van : tmjva23664 at >Datum : 05/04/2017 21:35 >Aan : spooks at >Onderwerp : Re: [Spooks] N&O 234 #Admin > >Visit to unsubscribe from this list > >Maybe they went to like the UDXF group? > >Well I looked and they are not there. Maybe with another name? Which >would make it hard to find, but then again, with a name like Enigma... > > >On Wed, Apr 5, 2017 at 4:43 PM, Zack Widup wrote: > >> Visit to unsubscribe from >> this list >> >> I guess I was kicked off the Enigma Yahoogroup. You know how sometimes you >> don't realize something is missing? I've been so busy with other things >> that I didn't notice I wasn't getting e-mails from that group any more. It >> was probably some time ago. Oh well ... >> >> 73, Zack W9SZ >> >> >> >-- > >Tracy Johnson >Old fashioned text games hosted below: > >BT > > > > > > > >NNNN >______________________________________________________________ >Spooks mailing list >Home: >Help: >Post: mailto:Spooks at > >This list hosted by: >Please help support this email list: > From w9sz.zack at Wed Apr 5 16:23:50 2017 From: w9sz.zack at (Zack Widup) Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2017 15:23:50 -0500 Subject: [Spooks] N&O 234 #Admin In-Reply-To: References: <00ad01d2ae2a$5aece620$10c6b260$> Message-ID: The group is called Enigma2000. It is still there. It may now be a secret group. I don't know. But I do find references to it. No big deal, this group is easily accessible. 73, Zack W9SZ On Wed, Apr 5, 2017 at 2:35 PM, Tracy Johnson wrote: > Visit to unsubscribe from > this list > > Maybe they went to like the UDXF group? > > Well I looked and they are not there. Maybe with another name? Which > would make it hard to find, but then again, with a name like Enigma... > > > On Wed, Apr 5, 2017 at 4:43 PM, Zack Widup wrote: > > > Visit to unsubscribe from > > this list > > > > I guess I was kicked off the Enigma Yahoogroup. You know how sometimes > you > > don't realize something is missing? I've been so busy with other things > > that I didn't notice I wasn't getting e-mails from that group any more. > It > > was probably some time ago. Oh well ... > > > > 73, Zack W9SZ > > > > > > > -- > > Tracy Johnson > Old fashioned text games hosted below: > > BT > > > > > > > > NNNN > ______________________________________________________________ > Spooks mailing list > Home: > Help: > Post: mailto:Spooks at > > This list hosted by: > Please help support this email list: > From boend177 at Thu Apr 6 00:33:08 2017 From: boend177 at (Ary Boender) Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2017 06:33:08 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] HM02 #Numbers Message-ID: <001b01d2ae8e$e4a7ffd0$adf7ff70$> 4761 06-04-2017 0420 HM02 FSK-19.8bd/129Hz/FSK-CW 678 48 = 27687 30547 88377 14662 33342 11420 02613 83878 02707 37142 86855 31584 36628 55818 61787 00702 55671 84427 85281 41427 80244 67471 81872 46458 17022 55612 10835 77611 78464 33048 84415 75678 22612 55867 53352 13761 61656 72526 35123 56258 03203 55638 10731 55610 83272 66007 72646 57635 = 679 48 679 48 = repeats message = 679 48 000 Same messages as yesterday + one additional group and a different id. 73, Ary From boend177 at Thu Apr 6 04:10:58 2017 From: boend177 at (Ary Boender) Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2017 10:10:58 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] E17z #Numbers Message-ID: <003301d2aead$52d32430$f8796c90$> 14260 06-04-2017 0800 E17z USB 674 980 5 88620 58069 61732 47537 54470 980 5 00000 12930 06-04-2017 0810 E17z USB 674 980 5 88620 58069 61732 47537 54470 980 5 00000 73, Ary From boend177 at Thu Apr 6 04:57:03 2017 From: boend177 at (Ary Boender) Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2017 10:57:03 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] E06 #Numbers Message-ID: <003e01d2aeb3$c2efcc40$48cf64c0$> 15645 06-04-2017 0500 E06 USB 17470 06-04-2017 0600 E06 USB Weak but readable via Russian remote 951 842 106 65408 34184 91092 17084 71834 19592 43017 94315 01456 14462 11258 05248 06240 96308 46734 96954 51924 38123 10966 34821 29378 88962 97745 05362 33948 14395 54128 14923 27703 51499 74175 52146 20533 58102 63891 06400 31032 60940 00784 59350 13106 32439 36501 91858 59230 50784 15960 73413 16323 22994 11426 26249 75134 75653 94965 81381 19125 43024 97717 68703 43739 07193 29423 08368 82040 69574 56633 95618 97621 61219 63063 56265 30741 13256 40499 94996 08622 56118 83714 63704 55845 13268 87829 42026 65776 02494 71544 47268 18973 71669 74694 55923 59492 24066 03554 23949 65053 12903 22335 38012 71980 09821 14317 14864 40874 76970 842 106 00000 73, Ary From boend177 at Fri Apr 7 03:18:06 2017 From: boend177 at (Ary Boender) Date: Fri, 7 Apr 2017 09:18:06 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] X06 database #Admin Message-ID: <003501d2af6f$1a687650$4f3962f0$> Hi all, The X06 database is now online at 73, Ary From boend177 at Sat Apr 8 03:08:47 2017 From: boend177 at (Ary Boender) Date: Sat, 8 Apr 2017 09:08:47 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] HM02 M12 E07a #Numbers Message-ID: <004301d2b036$f8047550$e80d5ff0$> 4761 08-04-2017 0420 HM02 FSK-19.8bd/129Hz/FSK-CW FSK intro, followed by a message in Morse 962 43 = 19067 93318 42856 89542 85105 97952 89535 72665 84733 32017 96533 18003 33210 00735 70189 18476 04627 07794 95345 87979 18580 55874 95284 60176 97781 18139 79252 05557 50999 60852 08168 71581 98276 56954 69140 98935 34147 60667 93200 92320 02446 96428 97902 = 962 43 962 43 = repeats message = 962 43 000 8176 08-04-2017 0500 M12 CW 9376 08-04-2017 0520 M12 CW 10476 08-04-2017 0540 M12 CW 134 134 134 4739 127 4739 127 45648 63513 76313 61575 89855 47321 05796 67746 57808 96053 59852 18219 67236 15516 57829 60521 29335 20500 82490 21458 38344 19571 67376 91226 12850 59348 05855 84725 93490 60642 87776 72902 10670 89310 64717 25295 69279 31613 08171 36265 97240 13508 68530 77225 55546 45363 46322 13374 36235 12439 11106 04629 85036 87065 01751 11772 57720 29389 22289 13752 69602 85380 62855 23548 94835 01684 89815 84213 07858 59222 40402 22051 05945 96449 77408 28191 85529 77843 26333 69576 59905 96554 67802 39603 02233 68764 69833 55894 88947 03054 35028 81458 34658 71986 28414 98045 03602 48370 38062 25048 65144 40680 29942 90082 57268 66958 05599 05893 93720 81674 45926 18530 36174 07449 35570 93756 02760 86141 14059 26952 95330 08998 18886 95900 12802 70145 43108 000 000 9064 08-04-2017 0600 E07 USB 024 024 024 000 10264 08-04-2017 0620 E07 USB 024 024 024 000 73, Ary From boend177 at Sat Apr 8 05:09:14 2017 From: boend177 at (Ary Boender) Date: Sat, 8 Apr 2017 11:09:14 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] M14 #Numbers Message-ID: <004801d2b047$cb557e30$62007a90$> 5430 08-04-2017 0800 M14 CW 5560 08-04-2017 0900 M14 CW Good signal in Russia 171 490 490 91 91 52378 90126 42876 19097 06132 72691 48071 25375 61608 72421 83606 51026 83528 91905 82231 63881 92244 05190 63217 66747 98414 20204 53261 74194 52781 84390 71515 45020 75229 83129 62467 84309 85561 29900 06718 53771 28431 53908 61234 43910 63598 61734 83264 61905 72426 76149 62527 79010 63381 19427 63841 53991 73062 20719 63735 64490 26173 45590 80961 30352 53125 56123 87610 85171 31010 53430 80127 63530 70771 10323 73630 19372 53610 87031 52890 63781 32084 52100 00340 62721 52400 62826 61120 54622 71060 64991 24051 00647 73809 62841 32465 490 490 490 91 91 00000 73, Ary From boend177 at Sat Apr 8 11:13:20 2017 From: boend177 at (Ary Boender) Date: Sat, 8 Apr 2017 17:13:20 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] M01 #Numbers Message-ID: <008c01d2b07a$a8d0a370$fa71ea50$> 6260 08-04-2017 1500 M01 CW 463 105 30 105 30 = = 34197 05146 34903 43076 24119 29838 92375 82412 80962 63722 08457 12575 43400 04664 00645 37279 10300 02423 54142 77418 77969 35594 83817 22588 86163 13075 25830 23463 53392 53889 = = 105 105 30 30 000 73, Ary From boend177 at Tue Apr 11 08:43:01 2017 From: boend177 at (Ary Boender) Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2017 14:43:01 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] S06 #Numbers Message-ID: <008b01d2b2c1$28234cc0$7869e640$> 12129 04-04-2017 1230 S06 USB Will probably repeat on 10846 kHz at 1300 UTC 480 215 43 02603 75046 63126 93200 05567 33184 27254 97132 66210 05386 26587 61794 94171 51830 16588 53845 27434 80054 52460 60498 55954 66529 57799 29559 17506 13724 12502 07085 95026 39742 66180 99221 99945 62554 78683 21360 93558 03133 92306 47712 10558 06941 43904 215 43 00000 Ary From boend177 at Tue Apr 11 14:13:50 2017 From: boend177 at (Ary Boender) Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2017 20:13:50 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] Beacon R #Numbers Message-ID: <00e901d2b2ef$5ec2fa90$1c48efb0$> Channel marker R from Izhevsk is back on its old freq 5465.9 kHz. I haven't heard it in years. 73, Ary From boend177 at Tue Apr 11 16:33:18 2017 From: boend177 at (Ary Boender) Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2017 22:33:18 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] Beacon R #Numbers In-Reply-To: <00e901d2b2ef$5ec2fa90$1c48efb0$> References: <00e901d2b2ef$5ec2fa90$1c48efb0$> Message-ID: <001101d2b302$da7605c0$8f621140$> Oops, I was a bit too enthusiastic. It is "V" Ary -----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- Van: Spooks [mailto:spooks-bounces at] Namens Ary Boender Verzonden: dinsdag 11 april 2017 20:14 Aan: UDXF at; Enigma; Spooks Onderwerp: [Spooks] Beacon R #Numbers Visit to unsubscribe from this list Channel marker R from Izhevsk is back on its old freq 5465.9 kHz. I haven't heard it in years. 73, Ary ______________________________________________________________ Spooks mailing list Home: Help: Post: mailto:Spooks at This list hosted by: Please help support this email list: From boend177 at Tue Apr 11 16:42:51 2017 From: boend177 at (Ary Boender) Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2017 22:42:51 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] M01 #Numbers Message-ID: <001201d2b304$309073e0$91b15ba0$> 5475 11-04-2017 1800 M01 CW 463 911 911 30 30 = = 56473 55598 18528 27938 66674 89335 55812 64698 34799 40000 31405 62S80 08643 19198 47614 58758 03381 08576 75801 01017 68151 50216 11595 69347 57520 05197 81956 36136 12839 11996 = 911 911 30 30 000 73, Ary From boend177 at Wed Apr 12 01:33:00 2017 From: boend177 at (Ary Boender) Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2017 07:33:00 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] HM02 M14 #Numbers Message-ID: <002b01d2b34e$40122e40$c0368ac0$> 4761 12-04-2017 0420 HM02 FSK-19.8bd/129Hz/FSK-CW FSK intro followed by morse 921 46 = 04206 45081 55355 71068 51414 13853 44197 48965 88902 38288 45051 69609 74596 73528 77114 03567 33421 10482 35976 97592 36878 01919 87380 24908 76314 52207 06943 51095 33078 49936 52942 65158 68321 97128 75185 36353 96790 02008 38300 70577 76237 82914 54572 38017 91236 50093 = 921 46 921 46 = repeats message = 921 46 000 18041 12-04-2017 0500 M14 CW 952 814 814 60 60 = = 52611 48558 36313 18353 85599 35832 25661 36509 66207 51561 85632 32366 72250 49451 82884 04796 01090 06320 26572 99944 60297 19181 72546 25954 09985 60638 19053 25192 92728 72259 92366 96195 12031 00634 45809 82508 45251 05782 20585 70599 01955 96632 41870 64048 63598 73219 48587 26197 65509 80320 80314 08433 07084 02197 69762 06313 01147 53140 14251 10708 = = 814 814 60 60 00000 73, Ary From boend177 at Wed Apr 12 10:44:28 2017 From: boend177 at (Ary Boender) Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2017 16:44:28 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] M12 #NUmbers Message-ID: <006301d2b39b$4b93b5c0$e2bb2140$> M12, 18524/17424/15824 kHz, 12-04, 1400/1420/1440 UTC, CW Good signal on the Nakhabino remote rx. 548 548 548 1 9984 103 9984 103 14602 72221 75068 35902 80866 19792 39699 49541 35822 68100 48129 14289 03335 86932 43932 10037 27189 17547 30178 06844 49825 16867 94437 47655 41300 06610 88001 30025 47142 18107 61781 66175 20780 71100 29011 90167 37751 22828 80984 00825 80431 15310 90118 77404 16971 09142 78954 70854 67645 48355 74299 31845 42963 52906 55773 74142 00560 22679 95923 33718 03389 00274 31298 74500 40918 83851 25926 99884 51460 91989 35931 15132 22723 75470 41495 71602 79421 71805 13986 89200 89429 54701 50261 21937 96220 07711 95997 44479 01075 63561 88926 72534 28301 36015 26359 92386 10566 67961 68787 49850 79257 36020 66910 000 000 73, Ary From rjnow11 at Wed Apr 12 14:00:35 2017 From: rjnow11 at (RJo Joseph) Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2017 14:00:35 -0400 Subject: [Spooks] HM02 M14 #Numbers In-Reply-To: <002b01d2b34e$40122e40$c0368ac0$> References: <002b01d2b34e$40122e40$c0368ac0$> Message-ID: Good ol' "Spooks", they faithfully monitor and log the numbers......BUT no "one time pad " so you might as well watch the grass grow!! HM02 is the designator for that particular transmission/QRG etc..... On Apr 12, 2017 1:33 AM, "Ary Boender" wrote: > Visit to unsubscribe from > this list > > 4761 12-04-2017 0420 HM02 FSK-19.8bd/129Hz/FSK-CW > FSK intro followed by morse > > 921 46 = > 04206 45081 55355 71068 51414 13853 44197 48965 88902 38288 > 45051 69609 74596 73528 77114 03567 33421 10482 35976 97592 > 36878 01919 87380 24908 76314 52207 06943 51095 33078 49936 > 52942 65158 68321 97128 75185 36353 96790 02008 38300 70577 > 76237 82914 54572 38017 91236 50093 > = 921 46 921 46 = repeats message = 921 46 000 > > > 18041 12-04-2017 0500 M14 CW > > 952 814 814 60 60 = = > 52611 48558 36313 18353 85599 35832 25661 36509 66207 51561 > 85632 32366 72250 49451 82884 04796 01090 06320 26572 99944 > 60297 19181 72546 25954 09985 60638 19053 25192 92728 72259 > 92366 96195 12031 00634 45809 82508 45251 05782 20585 70599 > 01955 96632 41870 64048 63598 73219 48587 26197 65509 80320 > 80314 08433 07084 02197 69762 06313 01147 53140 14251 10708 > = = 814 814 60 60 00000 > > 73, Ary > > ______________________________________________________________ > Spooks mailing list > Home: > Help: > Post: mailto:Spooks at > > This list hosted by: > Please help support this email list: > From boend177 at Thu Apr 13 01:53:33 2017 From: boend177 at (Ary Boender) Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2017 07:53:33 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] M12 #Numbers Message-ID: <004201d2b41a$4964ae10$dc2e0a30$> Heard in Japan: M12, 12203/10693/9293 kHz, 13-04, 0500/0520/0540 UTC, CW 262 262 262 1 432 57 432 57 51091 87766 11294 17516 66970 59555 63347 43187 51588 57674 38300 32726 34811 40417 98790 19707 65222 33295 81059 45775 09417 24156 06291 43589 85794 50079 68298 75659 48349 49793 86567 26049 62396 89077 26904 53734 39588 15543 37434 18491 22462 81520 10860 29447 19978 96972 04153 31460 05460 58449 70170 91527 93849 59416 68826 99993 99378 000 000 73, Ary From boend177 at Thu Apr 13 02:25:23 2017 From: boend177 at (Ary Boender) Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2017 08:25:23 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] F06, V13, MX #Numbers Message-ID: <004301d2b41e$bbeaee00$33c0ca00$> Heard in NZL F06, 16325/14724/12172 kHz, 12-04/13-04, 0600/0610/0620 UTC, FSK 200/1000 Block No 0 : Total Message Size 85 blocks : This transmission contains 2 messages. 7d,12,b0,e6,00,00,05,00,a8,00,80,00,20,00,00,00,00,0e,20,03,00,0e,00,05,bc,0 a,2c,08,7f,0a,00,06,12,00,2e,0c Block No 1 : Link ID 32817 : 8th of month : Msg Number 035 : Msg Type 07145 : Group Count (?) 46 54948 36433 16729 32528 00500 07264 04965 09287 16332.2 13-04-2017 0607 MX CW Beacon F, Vladivostok 16332.4 13-04-2017 0607 MX CW Beacon M, Magadan 13528.2 13-04-2017 0608 MX CW Beacon F, Vladivostok 10872.4 13-04-2017 0617 MX CW Beacon M, Magadan 10872.2 13-04-2017 0617 MX CW Beacon F, Vladivostok Heard in Japan 11430 13-04-2017 0508 V13 AM New Star Broadcasting Station i.p. 11430 13-04-2017 0617 V13 AM New Star Broadcasting Station i.p. 73, Ary From labyrinththirteen at Thu Apr 27 14:56:03 2017 From: labyrinththirteen at (Curt Rowlett) Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2017 11:56:03 -0700 Subject: [Spooks] G06 with Windows XP shut down sound Message-ID: Russian G06 "German Lady" number station at 5934 kHz (long message). Windows XP "shut down" sound can be heard at end of transmission. Recorded April 27, 2017 at 1830 UTC via Utwente WebSDR from my location in Seattle, WA USA. Video of transmission here: Curt / W9SPY From deserthawk1990 at Thu Apr 27 16:33:17 2017 From: deserthawk1990 at (Chris Malboeuf) Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2017 20:33:17 +0000 Subject: [Spooks] Is V28 The Parrot from North Korea still active? Message-ID: Hello all. Is V28 the parrot from North Korea still active? 73 Chris Sent from my iPad From boend177 at Thu Apr 27 16:43:47 2017 From: boend177 at (Ary Boender) Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2017 22:43:47 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] Is V28 The Parrot from North Korea still active? In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <002b01d2bf96$f7f42d20$e7dc8760$> Yes, according to a Korean dxer: -1021- 3277kHz test? by male -1026- 3688.5kHz female, *1027-, -1041* -1030- 3067kHz female, *1030-, -1039* ?? 3141kHz female, *1030-, -1039* ?? 3277kHz female, *1030-, (1033-1034 male), (1039-1040 male), -1040* Ary -----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- Van: Spooks [mailto:spooks-bounces at] Namens Chris Malboeuf Verzonden: donderdag 27 april 2017 22:33 Aan: Spooks at Onderwerp: [Spooks] Is V28 The Parrot from North Korea still active? Visit to unsubscribe from this list Hello all. Is V28 the parrot from North Korea still active? 73 Chris Sent from my iPad ______________________________________________________________ Spooks mailing list Home: Help: Post: mailto:Spooks at This list hosted by: Please help support this email list: From deserthawk1990 at Thu Apr 27 16:46:25 2017 From: deserthawk1990 at (Chris Malboeuf) Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2017 20:46:25 +0000 Subject: [Spooks] Is V28 The Parrot from North Korea still active? In-Reply-To: <002b01d2bf96$f7f42d20$e7dc8760$> References: , <002b01d2bf96$f7f42d20$e7dc8760$> Message-ID: Thanks for the answer Ary Sent from my iPhone > On Apr 27, 2017, at 1:44 PM, Ary Boender wrote: > > Visit to unsubscribe from this list > > Yes, according to a Korean dxer: > > -1021- 3277kHz test? by male > > -1026- > 3688.5kHz female, *1027-, -1041* > > -1030- > 3067kHz female, *1030-, -1039* ?? > 3141kHz female, *1030-, -1039* ?? > 3277kHz female, *1030-, (1033-1034 male), (1039-1040 male), -1040* > > Ary > > -----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- > Van: Spooks [mailto:spooks-bounces at] Namens Chris Malboeuf > Verzonden: donderdag 27 april 2017 22:33 > Aan: Spooks at > Onderwerp: [Spooks] Is V28 The Parrot from North Korea still active? > > Visit to unsubscribe from > this list > > Hello all. Is V28 the parrot from North Korea still active? > 73 Chris > > Sent from my iPad > ______________________________________________________________ > Spooks mailing list > Home: > Help: > Post: mailto:Spooks at > > This list hosted by: > Please help support this email list: > > ______________________________________________________________ > Spooks mailing list > Home: > Help: > Post: mailto:Spooks at > > This list hosted by: > Please help support this email list: