From boend177 at  Fri Apr  3 03:58:45 2015
From: boend177 at (Ary Boender)
Date: Fri, 3 Apr 2015 09:58:45 +0200
Subject: [Spooks] N&O website updated
Message-ID: <003101d06de4$02d68a50$08839ef0$>

Hi all,


N&O #210 is now online and I also uploaded the Logs database 2015 and
recordings of E07, E07a, E11a, E17z, HM01, M03, M12, M14, M21, M23, M42d,
S06s, S5130, S5292, X06, XPA, XPA2


Enjoy and please, keep posting your logs.


73, Ary


From umbra13 at  Mon Apr 20 09:44:02 2015
From: umbra13 at (Robert)
Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2015 08:44:02 -0500
Subject: [Spooks] Spooks Digest, Vol 134, Issue 2
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

J Have not been getting my spooks newsletter since the one below
                                            Robert M Chrysler
On 03/19/2015 04:35 PM, spooks-request at wrote:
> Send Spooks mailing list submissions to
> 	spooks at
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> 	spooks-request at
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> 	spooks-owner at
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of Spooks digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>     1. Re: HM01: Life after 9330 KHz? (Tom S)
>     2. Hm01 (Ernie Rice)
>     3. N&O 209 (Ary Boender)
>     4. Enigma newsletter 87 (Ary Boender)
>     5. Re: HM01: Life after 9330 KHz? (? KC2TTK)
>     6. M42d (ary at
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Tue, 3 Mar 2015 08:31:07 -0600
> From: Tom S <tmsevart at>
> To: Shortwave Spy Numbers Stations <spooks at>
> Subject: Re: [Spooks] HM01: Life after 9330 KHz?
> Message-ID:
> 	<CAOTvZCzdn69PLxMM3vFEcUeZquwi_jsRg9NjqFEZDgbOcWEGew at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> I think it's unlikely that the Russians have installed a transmitter at
> Lourdes, since it is a listening post and they wouldn't want a high powered
> transmitter there.  It wouldn't be out of the question if they installed a
> transmitter elsewhere in order to support the Lourdes mission, though, as a
> possible backup to send data back to Moscow.
> On Tue, Mar 3, 2015 at 1:54 AM, ? KC2TTK <kc2ttk at> wrote:
>> Visit to unsubscribe from
>> this list
>> This has got to be the biggest blob of pure speculation I've ever put
>> down in writing, so feel free to dismiss it in its entirety.
>> For a while now I've wanted to hear HM01 on 9330 KHz at 06:00 UTC on a
>> Tuesday or Thursday.  As you can guess, I didn't.  But seeing as how I
>> wasn't able to find HM01 in any of the familiar places, I kept my ears
>> open to the 9.3MHz range.  And it may have paid off.
>> Somewhere around 06:07 I heard a string of numbers in Russian ("...tri
>> admin vosim nul"?) on 9332 KHz - just close enough to now-silent 9330
>> KHz.  About three minutes later (06:10) I heard a continuous tone on
>> 9331 KHz suggesting a carrier.  A few moments after that there began a
>> 10-minute-long transmission that, to my untrained ear, sounded like
>> RTTY.
>> Now, at this point my brain starts going haywire: I'm expecting
>> Spanish, I've heard Russian, there's RTTY, and in the back of my mind
>> there's some recollection of Russia talking about reopening a
>> transmitter in Cuba.  After the better part of an hour searching
>> through the mailing list, N&Os, E2Ks, and Priyom, I finally hit on it:
>> "Lourdes Base: Cuba, Russia Agree to Reopen Spy Post, Source Says"
>> <
>> All throughout the search for "Lourdes" I kept an ear open in the 9.3
>> MHz range.  And, sure enough, I heard something that... well, I can't
>> quite describe it: it was an organized series of pulses lasting about
>> a second and running for two minutes.  The pulses had a constance and
>> static-like quality to them, which suggest data transmission - not a
>> burst of power which fades in potency.  I don't know what a diplomatic
>> communiqu? would sound like, but I suspect that's what I might have
>> heard.
>> Anyway, after digesting all these facts and observations (and washing
>> it down with a cup of coffee) I began to think that maybe HM01's
>> Tu/Th/Sa 9330 KHz transmission might not be as dead as we think it is.
>> Perhaps (and it's a big "perhaps") what I heard was a
>> Russian-reactivated Lourdes Base test on seemingly-dead 9330?
>> Like I said, pure speculation; feel free to dismiss it.  But, still... :-/
>>   - KC2TTK
>> ______________________________________________________________
>> Spooks mailing list
>> Home:
>> Help:
>> Post: mailto:Spooks at
>> This list hosted by:
>> Please help support this email list:

From boend177 at  Mon Apr 20 10:24:35 2015
From: boend177 at (Ary Boender)
Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2015 16:24:35 +0200
Subject: [Spooks] Recent logs
Message-ID: <000e01d07b75$ba15b800$2e412800$>


5355   HM01: 17881 15121 24384 20483 25476 75314 Strong carrier but very
weak audio 0500 AM/RDFT 17Apr2015 (AB)

6950   M42d: Russian diplo/intel. Msg 182 on link 45136 0720 FSK 200/1000
15Apr2015 (AB)

6950   M42d: Russian diplo/intel. Msg 192 on link 45137 0720 FSK 200/1000
17Apr2015 (AB)

7371   POL: Polish Intel. 0900 FSK 100/625 17Apr2015 (AB)

7371   POL: Polish Intel. 0905 FSK 100/625 17Apr2015 (AB)

7449   E11: 469/00 1045 USB 15Ap r2015 (AB)

7795   S06s: 196 403 5 34031 33430 48536 84906 85518 403 5 00000 0600 USB
17Apr2015 (AB)

8187   M42d: Russian diplo/intel. Msg 182 on link 45136 0710 FSK 200/1000
15Apr2015 (AB)

8187   M42d: Russian diplo/intel. Msg 192 on link 45137 0710 FSK 200/1000
17Apr2015 (AB)

8695   S06s: 196 403 5 34031 33430 48536 84906 85518 403 5 00000 0610 USB
17Apr2015 (AB)

8803   E11: 270/00 0930 USB 15Apr2015 (AB)

9371   E11: 416/00 1730 USB 16 Apr2015 (AB)

9431   POL: Polish Intel. 1010 FSK 100/625 17Apr2015 (AB)

9431   POL: Polish Intel. 1005 FSK 100/625 17Apr2015 (AB)

10213   E11a: 980/10 Attention 35342 58238 95253 59450 80191 07825 56213
02909 84642 17549 Attention, rpt msg, out 0530 USB 18Apr2015 (AB)

10221   E11a: 634/32 Attention 17919 01975 66665 ... 87448 09264 08435
Attention, rpt msg, out 0710 USB 17Apr2015 (AB)

10246   POL: Polish Intel. Msg 0700 FSK 100/625 17Apr2015 (AB)

1024 6   POL: Polish Intel. Msg 0655 FSK 100/625 17Apr2015 (AB)

10345   HM01: 17881 15121 24384 20483 25476 75314 Strong carrier but very
weak audio 0602 AM/RDFT 17Apr2015 (AB)

10359   XPA: 355 355 355 000 08658 00001 00000 10140 0600 MFSK-20/10Bd
18Apr2015 (AB)

11052   M42d: Russian diplo/intel. Msg 182 on link 45136 0700 FSK 200/1000
15Apr2015 (AB)

11052   M42d: Russian diplo/intel. Msg 192 on link 45137 0700 FSK 200/1000
17Apr2015 (AB)

11462   HM01: 17882 15122 24385 20484 25477 75315. Late start 0503 AM/RDFT
18Apr2015 (AB)< o:p>

11481   M42d: Russian diplo/intel. Msg 007 on link 49237 1350 FSK 200/1000
16Apr2015 (AB)

11491   M12: 725 1 7296 146 39486 93021 38504 34864 18593 ... 97365 14000
51176 62136 00601 000 000 1540 CW 16Apr2015 (AB)

11559   XPA: 355 355 355 000 07835 00001 00000 10140 0620 MFSK-20/10Bd
15Apr2015 (AB)

11559   XPA: 355 355 355 000 08658 00001 00000 10140 0620 MFSK-20/10Bd
18Apr2015 (AB)

11635   HM01: 17882 15122 24385 20484 25477 75315 0800 AM/RDFT 18Apr2015

12218   E07a: 244 244 244 000 0800 USB 18Apr2015 (AB)

13418   E07a: 244 244 244 000 0820 USB 18Apr2015 (AB)

13435   HM01: 17882 15122 24385 20484 25477 75315 0700 AM/RDFT 18Apr2015

13504   M42d: Russian diplo/intel. Msg 007 on link 49237 1340 FSK 200/1000
16Apr2015 (AB)

13559   XPA: 355 355 355 000 08658 00001 00000 10140 0640 MFSK-20/10Bd
18Apr2015 (AB)

13559   XPA: 355 355 355 000 07835 00001 00000 10140 0640 MFSK-20/10Bd
15Apr2015 (AB)

14375   HM01: 17881 15121 24383 20482 25475 75313 0603 AM/RDFT 16Apr2015

14375   HM01: 17882 15122 24385 20484 25477 75315 0600 AM/RDFT 18Apr2015

14828   XPA2: 08449 00121 08606 01003 08554 81545 67349 93478 ... (garbled)
1920 MFSK-16/20Bd 17Apr2015 (AB)

15949   M42d: Russian diplo/intel. Msg 007 on link 49237 1330 FSK 200/1000
16Apr2015 (AB)

16114   XPA2: 08449 00121 08606 01003 08554 81545 67349 93478 ... (garbled)
1920 MFSK-16/20Bd 17Apr2015 (AB)

17470   E06: 951 264 108 22574 65048 42344 ... 48106 66113 51803 2 64 108
00000 0600 USB 16Apr2015 (AB)


73, Ary



From avare at  Mon Apr 20 16:02:15 2015
From: avare at (Priyom)
Date: Tue, 21 Apr 2015 01:02:15 +0500
Subject: [Spooks] Spooks Digest, Vol 134, Issue 2
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Robert, on 9332 kHz you heard a S06s (with ID 371) number station from Ukraine. Run by SZRU. Putin and his company not used anymore Lourdes. 

? ???????. 

> 20 ???. 2015 ?., ? 18:44, Robert <umbra13 at> ???????(?):
> Visit to unsubscribe from this list
> J Have not been getting my spooks newsletter since the one below
>                                           Robert M Chrysler
>> On 03/19/2015 04:35 PM, spooks-request at wrote:
>> Send Spooks mailing list submissions to
>>    spooks at
>> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
>> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
>>    spooks-request at
>> You can reach the person managing the list at
>>    spooks-owner at
>> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
>> than "Re: Contents of Spooks digest..."
>> Today's Topics:
>>    1. Re: HM01: Life after 9330 KHz? (Tom S)
>>    2. Hm01 (Ernie Rice)
>>    3. N&O 209 (Ary Boender)
>>    4. Enigma newsletter 87 (Ary Boender)
>>    5. Re: HM01: Life after 9330 KHz? (? KC2TTK)
>>    6. M42d (ary at
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Message: 1
>> Date: Tue, 3 Mar 2015 08:31:07 -0600
>> From: Tom S <tmsevart at>
>> To: Shortwave Spy Numbers Stations <spooks at>
>> Subject: Re: [Spooks] HM01: Life after 9330 KHz?
>> Message-ID:
>>    <CAOTvZCzdn69PLxMM3vFEcUeZquwi_jsRg9NjqFEZDgbOcWEGew at>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
>> I think it's unlikely that the Russians have installed a transmitter at
>> Lourdes, since it is a listening post and they wouldn't want a high powered
>> transmitter there.  It wouldn't be out of the question if they installed a
>> transmitter elsewhere in order to support the Lourdes mission, though, as a
>> possible backup to send data back to Moscow.
>>> On Tue, Mar 3, 2015 at 1:54 AM, ? KC2TTK <kc2ttk at> wrote:
>>> Visit to unsubscribe from
>>> this list
>>> This has got to be the biggest blob of pure speculation I've ever put
>>> down in writing, so feel free to dismiss it in its entirety.
>>> For a while now I've wanted to hear HM01 on 9330 KHz at 06:00 UTC on a
>>> Tuesday or Thursday.  As you can guess, I didn't.  But seeing as how I
>>> wasn't able to find HM01 in any of the familiar places, I kept my ears
>>> open to the 9.3MHz range.  And it may have paid off.
>>> Somewhere around 06:07 I heard a string of numbers in Russian ("...tri
>>> admin vosim nul"?) on 9332 KHz - just close enough to now-silent 9330
>>> KHz.  About three minutes later (06:10) I heard a continuous tone on
>>> 9331 KHz suggesting a carrier.  A few moments after that there began a
>>> 10-minute-long transmission that, to my untrained ear, sounded like
>>> RTTY.
>>> Now, at this point my brain starts going haywire: I'm expecting
>>> Spanish, I've heard Russian, there's RTTY, and in the back of my mind
>>> there's some recollection of Russia talking about reopening a
>>> transmitter in Cuba.  After the better part of an hour searching
>>> through the mailing list, N&Os, E2Ks, and Priyom, I finally hit on it:
>>> "Lourdes Base: Cuba, Russia Agree to Reopen Spy Post, Source Says"
>>> <
>>> All throughout the search for "Lourdes" I kept an ear open in the 9.3
>>> MHz range.  And, sure enough, I heard something that... well, I can't
>>> quite describe it: it was an organized series of pulses lasting about
>>> a second and running for two minutes.  The pulses had a constance and
>>> static-like quality to them, which suggest data transmission - not a
>>> burst of power which fades in potency.  I don't know what a diplomatic
>>> communiqu? would sound like, but I suspect that's what I might have
>>> heard.
>>> Anyway, after digesting all these facts and observations (and washing
>>> it down with a cup of coffee) I began to think that maybe HM01's
>>> Tu/Th/Sa 9330 KHz transmission might not be as dead as we think it is.
>>> Perhaps (and it's a big "perhaps") what I heard was a
>>> Russian-reactivated Lourdes Base test on seemingly-dead 9330?
>>> Like I said, pure speculation; feel free to dismiss it.  But, still... :-/
>>>  - KC2TTK
>>> ______________________________________________________________
>>> Spooks mailing list
>>> Home:
>>> Help:
>>> Post: mailto:Spooks at
>>> This list hosted by:
>>> Please help support this email list:
> ______________________________________________________________
> Spooks mailing list
> Home:
> Help:
> Post: mailto:Spooks at
> This list hosted by:
> Please help support this email list:

From avare at  Mon Apr 20 16:04:32 2015
From: avare at (Priyom)
Date: Tue, 21 Apr 2015 01:04:32 +0500
Subject: [Spooks] Spooks Digest, Vol 134, Issue 2
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Never Mind. My mistake. Sorry

? ???????. 

> 21 ???. 2015 ?., ? 1:02, Priyom <avare at> ???????(?):
> Visit to unsubscribe from this list
> Hi Robert, on 9332 kHz you heard a S06s (with ID 371) number station from Ukraine. Run by SZRU. Putin and his company not used anymore Lourdes. 
> -
> spanishguy. 
> ? ???????. 
>> 20 ???. 2015 ?., ? 18:44, Robert <umbra13 at> ???????(?):
>> Visit to unsubscribe from this list
>> J Have not been getting my spooks newsletter since the one below
>>                                          Robert M Chrysler
>>> On 03/19/2015 04:35 PM, spooks-request at wrote:
>>> Send Spooks mailing list submissions to
>>>   spooks at
>>> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
>>> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
>>>   spooks-request at
>>> You can reach the person managing the list at
>>>   spooks-owner at
>>> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
>>> than "Re: Contents of Spooks digest..."
>>> Today's Topics:
>>>   1. Re: HM01: Life after 9330 KHz? (Tom S)
>>>   2. Hm01 (Ernie Rice)
>>>   3. N&O 209 (Ary Boender)
>>>   4. Enigma newsletter 87 (Ary Boender)
>>>   5. Re: HM01: Life after 9330 KHz? (? KC2TTK)
>>>   6. M42d (ary at
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Message: 1
>>> Date: Tue, 3 Mar 2015 08:31:07 -0600
>>> From: Tom S <tmsevart at>
>>> To: Shortwave Spy Numbers Stations <spooks at>
>>> Subject: Re: [Spooks] HM01: Life after 9330 KHz?
>>> Message-ID:
>>>   <CAOTvZCzdn69PLxMM3vFEcUeZquwi_jsRg9NjqFEZDgbOcWEGew at>
>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
>>> I think it's unlikely that the Russians have installed a transmitter at
>>> Lourdes, since it is a listening post and they wouldn't want a high powered
>>> transmitter there.  It wouldn't be out of the question if they installed a
>>> transmitter elsewhere in order to support the Lourdes mission, though, as a
>>> possible backup to send data back to Moscow.
>>>> On Tue, Mar 3, 2015 at 1:54 AM, ? KC2TTK <kc2ttk at> wrote:
>>>> Visit to unsubscribe from
>>>> this list
>>>> This has got to be the biggest blob of pure speculation I've ever put
>>>> down in writing, so feel free to dismiss it in its entirety.
>>>> For a while now I've wanted to hear HM01 on 9330 KHz at 06:00 UTC on a
>>>> Tuesday or Thursday.  As you can guess, I didn't.  But seeing as how I
>>>> wasn't able to find HM01 in any of the familiar places, I kept my ears
>>>> open to the 9.3MHz range.  And it may have paid off.
>>>> Somewhere around 06:07 I heard a string of numbers in Russian ("...tri
>>>> admin vosim nul"?) on 9332 KHz - just close enough to now-silent 9330
>>>> KHz.  About three minutes later (06:10) I heard a continuous tone on
>>>> 9331 KHz suggesting a carrier.  A few moments after that there began a
>>>> 10-minute-long transmission that, to my untrained ear, sounded like
>>>> RTTY.
>>>> Now, at this point my brain starts going haywire: I'm expecting
>>>> Spanish, I've heard Russian, there's RTTY, and in the back of my mind
>>>> there's some recollection of Russia talking about reopening a
>>>> transmitter in Cuba.  After the better part of an hour searching
>>>> through the mailing list, N&Os, E2Ks, and Priyom, I finally hit on it:
>>>> "Lourdes Base: Cuba, Russia Agree to Reopen Spy Post, Source Says"
>>>> <
>>>> All throughout the search for "Lourdes" I kept an ear open in the 9.3
>>>> MHz range.  And, sure enough, I heard something that... well, I can't
>>>> quite describe it: it was an organized series of pulses lasting about
>>>> a second and running for two minutes.  The pulses had a constance and
>>>> static-like quality to them, which suggest data transmission - not a
>>>> burst of power which fades in potency.  I don't know what a diplomatic
>>>> communiqu? would sound like, but I suspect that's what I might have
>>>> heard.
>>>> Anyway, after digesting all these facts and observations (and washing
>>>> it down with a cup of coffee) I began to think that maybe HM01's
>>>> Tu/Th/Sa 9330 KHz transmission might not be as dead as we think it is.
>>>> Perhaps (and it's a big "perhaps") what I heard was a
>>>> Russian-reactivated Lourdes Base test on seemingly-dead 9330?
>>>> Like I said, pure speculation; feel free to dismiss it.  But, still... :-/
>>>> - KC2TTK
>>>> ______________________________________________________________
>>>> Spooks mailing list
>>>> Home:
>>>> Help:
>>>> Post: mailto:Spooks at
>>>> This list hosted by:
>>>> Please help support this email list:
>> ______________________________________________________________
>> Spooks mailing list
>> Home:
>> Help:
>> Post: mailto:Spooks at
>> This list hosted by:
>> Please help support this email list:
> ______________________________________________________________
> Spooks mailing list
> Home:
> Help:
> Post: mailto:Spooks at
> This list hosted by:
> Please help support this email list:

From boend177 at  Wed Apr 22 06:39:01 2015
From: boend177 at (Ary Boender)
Date: Wed, 22 Apr 2015 12:39:01 +0200
Subject: [Spooks] XPA & M42d
Message-ID: <000601d07ce8$8c2a1750$a47e45f0$>

10539/11559/13559 kHz, 22-04, 0600/0620/0640 UTC
355 355 355 1 
01323 00177 09763 64382 54013 08284 57153 77589 36001 59278 
81935 94603 60573 21279 58251 94107 35864 20810 99064 65251 
24067 47532 89696 27792 13191 54647 89832 13004 64097 89954 
28692 76791 19984 20160 45221 83560 43204 39148 95419 25206 
75855 76627 13404 55066 49600 69070 14758 22489 09200 87591 
01472 75336 72150 10051 58666 77735 53339 37564 55811 43486 
39160 50385 00244 24045 13303 38230 56813 81007 54431 25438 
62754 75728 88986 13964 08172 16030 35391 55767 43830 83855 
73129 42390 89360 46081 32784 57847 42091 92027 30341 76094 
74211 47574 42028 83082 13124 19690 68392 05706 76144 72730 
63243 92857 55096 69552 41405 07391 39756 00034 36433 27398 
32270 07067 42636 32617 29648 73996 75828 69646 21868 16507 
68140 43017 67445 40896 97291 97039 99993 08189 08948 39233 
47306 87336 69462 04506 73304 68332 07249 56617 49111 78621 
07061 94247 19623 94056 79325 31606 79300 49131 02579 16822 
72226 34946 74469 20845 56331 00894 53142 40334 29312 26502 
82834 93050 50481 36054 07523 73761 62687 28878 52662 04311 
05665 72214 95434 55375 71973 67415 27502 81432 77835 53347

11052/8187 kHz, 22-04, 0700/0710 UTC
Block No 0 : Total Message Size 39 blocks : This transmission contains one
Block No 1  : Link ID 45136  : 21st of month  : Msg Number 202 : Msg Type
07145 : Group Count (?) 5
26932 02946 36183 27443 55182 40692 23457 41901 
19545/17465/15922 kHz, 22-04, 0800/0820/0840 UTC
Block No 0 : Total Message Size 12 blocks : This transmission contains one
Block No 1  : Link ID 16404  : 7th of month  : Msg Number 215 : Msg Type
07145 : Group Count (?) 68
47348 51941 55884 35947 55396 00838 03903 35648

13406 kHz, 22-04, 0820 UTC
Block No 0 : Total Message Size 4 blocks : This transmission contains one
Block No 1  : Link ID 45075  : 22nd of month  : Msg Number 055 : Msg Type
07145 : Group Count (?) 4
17252 00000 00000 02795 29748 01423 00893 33323

18622/16157/14639 kHz, 22-04, 0915/0925/0935 UTC
Block No 0 : Total Message Size 4 blocks : This transmission contains one
Block No 1  : Link ID 20492  : 22nd of month  : Msg Number 065 : Msg Type
07145 : Group Count (?) 4
36616 00000 00000 00839 48198 03396 00893 01922

73, Ary

From boend177 at  Wed Apr 22 08:10:29 2015
From: boend177 at (Ary Boender)
Date: Wed, 22 Apr 2015 14:10:29 +0200
Subject: [Spooks] E11a
Message-ID: <001001d07cf5$52d9c6a0$f88d53e0$>

15915 kHz, 22-04, 1155 UTC                

712/38 Attention 

92075 19695 28465 33974 81872 30967 64258 76744 90653 93022 

12654 60200 63928 98432 51579 26776 57970 93241 18829 53085 

14924 04020 49178 48976 14088 08363 16688 60250 47164 50919 

61660 30531 42226 35781 66977 28035 66739 68114 

Attention, rpt msg, out

