From ary at Wed Jul 2 03:06:17 2014 From: ary at (Ary Boender) Date: Wed, 2 Jul 2014 09:06:17 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] N&O 201 Message-ID: <000e01cf95c4$1ee693f0$5cb3bbd0$> Hi all, I just uploaded the following to the Numbers & Oddities website N&O #201 Recordings of E06, E06b, E07, E07a, E11a, HM01, M32c, M42, S06s, S25 variant, UM01, VC03, X06c, XPA Updated logs database (May and June) Updated: Chinese stations, UM10 profiles New: Chinese Air Defense profile, UM01 profile Updated M08a/HM01 schedules Thanks for your logs and info. Keep it coming ! 73, Ary From danix111 at Wed Jul 2 04:53:48 2014 From: danix111 at (Daniel Ekmann) Date: Wed, 02 Jul 2014 10:53:48 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] N&O 201 In-Reply-To: <000e01cf95c4$1ee693f0$5cb3bbd0$> References: <000e01cf95c4$1ee693f0$5cb3bbd0$> Message-ID: <> Hey Ary. It looks like you marked my M14 transcripts as M24. Thanks for the HM01/M08a schedules, I just uploaded them to the Priyom calendar. Regards Daniel From ary at Wed Jul 2 05:04:25 2014 From: ary at (Ary Boender) Date: Wed, 2 Jul 2014 11:04:25 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] N&O 201 In-Reply-To: <> References: <000e01cf95c4$1ee693f0$5cb3bbd0$> <> Message-ID: <002301cf95d4$a0112fc0$e0338f40$> Sorry Daniel, I'll change it 73, Ary -----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- Van: Spooks [mailto:spooks-bounces at] Namens Daniel Ekmann Verzonden: woensdag 2 juli 2014 10:54 Aan: Shortwave Spy Numbers Stations Onderwerp: Re: [Spooks] N&O 201 Visit to unsubscribe from this list Hey Ary. It looks like you marked my M14 transcripts as M24. Thanks for the HM01/M08a schedules, I just uploaded them to the Priyom calendar. Regards Daniel ______________________________________________________________ Spooks mailing list Home: Help: Post: mailto:Spooks at This list hosted by: Please help support this email list: From ary at Wed Jul 2 05:06:40 2014 From: ary at (Ary Boender) Date: Wed, 2 Jul 2014 11:06:40 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] N&O 201 In-Reply-To: <> References: <000e01cf95c4$1ee693f0$5cb3bbd0$> <> Message-ID: <002401cf95d4$f04b3620$d0e1a260$> Daniel, Do you mean these? You marked them as M24....... M24 - 19 June 2014 - 04:16 i/p - 9463 - ... 90590 = = 580 580 128 128 00000 M24 - 26 June 2014 - 04:16 i/p - 9463 - ... 81854 = = 289 289 116 116 00000 73, Ary -----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- Van: Spooks [mailto:spooks-bounces at] Namens Daniel Ekmann Verzonden: woensdag 2 juli 2014 10:54 Aan: Shortwave Spy Numbers Stations Onderwerp: Re: [Spooks] N&O 201 Visit to unsubscribe from this list Hey Ary. It looks like you marked my M14 transcripts as M24. Thanks for the HM01/M08a schedules, I just uploaded them to the Priyom calendar. Regards Daniel ______________________________________________________________ Spooks mailing list Home: Help: Post: mailto:Spooks at This list hosted by: Please help support this email list: From danix111 at Wed Jul 2 05:15:18 2014 From: danix111 at (Daniel Ekmann) Date: Wed, 02 Jul 2014 11:15:18 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] N&O 201 In-Reply-To: <002401cf95d4$f04b3620$d0e1a260$> References: <000e01cf95c4$1ee693f0$5cb3bbd0$> <> <002401cf95d4$f04b3620$d0e1a260$> Message-ID: <> Hello. I mean these, I sent you them on 6 June: 6 June 2014 - 16:59:40z - 7485kHz H2A - M14 - 382 00000 6 June 2014 - 18:00z - 10423kHz A1A - M14 - 058 297 55 06759 65583 ... 27756 These are marked as M24 on page 20 in N&O 201. However, they're marked as M14 in the Logs section. Regards Daniel From ary at Wed Jul 2 05:30:25 2014 From: ary at (Ary Boender) Date: Wed, 2 Jul 2014 11:30:25 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] N&O 201 In-Reply-To: <> References: <000e01cf95c4$1ee693f0$5cb3bbd0$> <> <002401cf95d4$f04b3620$d0e1a260$> <> Message-ID: <002e01cf95d8$420174e0$c6045ea0$> Ok, the revised N&O 201 is now online Ary -----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- Van: Spooks [mailto:spooks-bounces at] Namens Daniel Ekmann Verzonden: woensdag 2 juli 2014 11:15 Aan: Shortwave Spy Numbers Stations Onderwerp: Re: [Spooks] N&O 201 Visit to unsubscribe from this list Hello. I mean these, I sent you them on 6 June: 6 June 2014 - 16:59:40z - 7485kHz H2A - M14 - 382 00000 6 June 2014 - 18:00z - 10423kHz A1A - M14 - 058 297 55 06759 65583 ... 27756 These are marked as M24 on page 20 in N&O 201. However, they're marked as M14 in the Logs section. Regards Daniel ______________________________________________________________ Spooks mailing list Home: Help: Post: mailto:Spooks at This list hosted by: Please help support this email list: From ary at Thu Jul 3 01:39:50 2014 From: ary at (Ary Boender) Date: Thu, 3 Jul 2014 07:39:50 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] E06 Message-ID: <001501cf9681$36041ae0$a20c50a0$> 15935 kHz, 03-07, 0500 UTC with error 679 358 102 28563 80012 24696 15948 97946 73004 83594 36037 35558 44068 87838 71307 29331 35878 40807 01744 89476 76317 41077 91010 63197 20811 37814 20165 06924 82247 24149 73294 08256 09441 73231 36532 74799 00065 46648 58898 32086 58996 29887 48378 97757 38004 74547 01707 24219 17729 51966 91277 26920 17880 47969 57611 40480 46592 53411 80841 69831 24889 30213 29628 28567 47168 57570 10960 81680 63670 88026 69265 34893 95851 68095 08290 37750 20608 03128 34143 92667 84278 71091 43002 87134 32383 14981 01856 91234 66003 68512 95771 87698 60781 94819 40092 26657 26 2 42814 428 stops 679 679 679 rptd 73746 50919 33003 33555 56997 358 358 102 102 00000 Ends at 0522 UTC Buzzing transmitter at 0523 UTC Ary From danix111 at Thu Jul 3 01:42:38 2014 From: danix111 at (Daniel Ekmann) Date: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 07:42:38 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] E06 In-Reply-To: <001501cf9681$36041ae0$a20c50a0$> References: <001501cf9681$36041ae0$a20c50a0$> Message-ID: <> Hello. On 07/03/2014 07:39 AM, Ary Boender wrote: > 679 358 102 I just noticed that this transmission contained 99 groups in total, not 102. Regards Daniel From danix111 at Thu Jul 3 02:21:56 2014 From: danix111 at (Daniel Ekmann) Date: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 08:21:56 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] E06 In-Reply-To: <> References: <001501cf9681$36041ae0$a20c50a0$> <> Message-ID: <> Hello. On 07/03/2014 07:42 AM, Daniel Ekmann wrote: > I just noticed that this transmission contained 99 groups in total, not 102. However, the 0600 UTC transmission on 17430 kHz contained all 102 groups. 679 358 102 28563 80012 24696 15948 97946 73004 83594 36037 35558 44068 87838 71307 29331 35878 40807 01744 89476 76317 41077 91010 63197 20811 37814 20165 06924 82247 24149 73294 08256 09441 73231 36532 74799 00065 46648 58898 32086 58996 29887 48378 97757 38004 74547 01707 24219 17729 51966 91277 26920 17880 47969 57611 40480 46592 53411 80841 69831 24889 30213 29628 28567 47168 57570 10960 81680 63670 88026 69265 34893 95851 68095 08290 37750 20608 03128 34143 92667 84278 71091 43002 87134 32383 14981 01856 91234 66003 68512 95771 87698 60781 94819 40092 26657 09432 42814 81018 22289 73746 50919 33003 33555 56997 358 102 00000 Regards Daniel From ary at Thu Jul 3 02:22:39 2014 From: ary at (Ary Boender) Date: Thu, 3 Jul 2014 08:22:39 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] E06 In-Reply-To: <> References: <001501cf9681$36041ae0$a20c50a0$> <> Message-ID: <001d01cf9687$3133e670$939bb350$> E06 17430 03-07-2014 0600 this time a complete one 679 358 102 28563 80012 24696 15948 97946 73004 83594 36037 35558 44068 87838 71307 29331 35878 40807 01744 89476 76317 41077 91010 63197 20811 37814 20165 06924 82247 24149 73294 08256 09441 73231 36532 74799 00065 46648 58898 32086 58996 29887 48378 97757 38004 74547 01707 24219 17729 51966 91277 26920 17880 47969 57611 40480 46592 53411 80841 69831 24889 30213 29628 28567 47168 57570 10960 81680 63670 88026 69265 34893 95851 68095 08290 37750 20608 03128 34143 92667 84278 71091 43002 87134 32383 14981 01856 91234 66003 68512 95771 87698 60781 94819 40092 26657 09432 42814 81018 22289 73746 50919 33003 33555 56997 358 102 00000 Ary -----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- Van: Spooks [mailto:spooks-bounces at] Namens Daniel Ekmann Verzonden: donderdag 3 juli 2014 7:43 Aan: Shortwave Spy Numbers Stations Onderwerp: Re: [Spooks] E06 Visit to unsubscribe from this list Hello. On 07/03/2014 07:39 AM, Ary Boender wrote: > 679 358 102 I just noticed that this transmission contained 99 groups in total, not 102. Regards Daniel ______________________________________________________________ Spooks mailing list Home: Help: Post: mailto:Spooks at This list hosted by: Please help support this email list: From ary at Thu Jul 3 05:21:49 2014 From: ary at (Ary Boender) Date: Thu, 3 Jul 2014 11:21:49 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] numbers logs Message-ID: <003701cf96a0$38977ee0$a9c67ca0$> 14375 03-07-2014 0500 HM01 AM/RDFT 56459 44702 75471 28268 82044 83758 13435 03-07-2014 0700 HM01 AM/RDFT 56459 44702 75471 28268 82044 83758 11635 03-07-2014 0827 HM01 AM/RDFT 56459 44702 75471 28268 82044 83758 11462 03-07-2014 0900 HM01 AM/RDFT 56459 44702 75471 28268 82044 83758 12852 03-07-2014 0900 S06s AM 167 498 5 81726 36450 99981 30906 45638 498 5 00000 13565 03-07-2014 0910 S06s AM 167 498 5 81726 36450 99981 30906 45638 498 5 00000 Ary From ary at Thu Jul 3 05:25:35 2014 From: ary at (Ary Boender) Date: Thu, 3 Jul 2014 11:25:35 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] HM01 skeds Message-ID: <003901cf96a0$bf179040$3d46b0c0$> Hi, I have updated the HM01 skeds Ary From russell0463 at Thu Jul 3 05:51:06 2014 From: russell0463 at (Russell) Date: Thu, 3 Jul 2014 19:51:06 +1000 Subject: [Spooks] V26 Message-ID: V26 9.153 MHz USB at 9.53 utc low signal Sent from my iPhone From ary at Fri Jul 4 08:51:10 2014 From: ary at (Ary Boender) Date: Fri, 4 Jul 2014 14:51:10 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] Enigma NL83 Message-ID: <000401cf9786$a2048210$e60d8630$> Hi all, Enigma Newsletter #83 is now online at 73, Ary From ary at Mon Jul 7 07:25:00 2014 From: ary at (Ary Boender) Date: Mon, 7 Jul 2014 13:25:00 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] Numbers logs Message-ID: <000401cf99d6$17626850$462738f0$> 7837 06-07-2014 1320 M03 CW 437/34 = = 27826 ... 9610 07-07-2014 0745 E11 USB 262/00 8725 07-07-2014 0820 E11 USB 438/00 12924 07-07-2014 0830 E11 USB 649/00 8221 07-07-2014 0830 S06s USB 371 245 6 38163 33231 31323 32680 85418 31896 245 6 00000 9353 07-07-2014 0840 S06s USB 371 245 6 38163 33231 31323 32680 85418 31896 245 6 00000 16380 07-07-2014 0900 S06s USB 872 461 5 26634 14690 95590 60386 03009 461 5 00000 14835 07-07-2014 0910 S06s USB 872 461 5 26634 14690 95590 60386 03009 461 5 00000 16530 07-07-2014 1015 S11a USB 475/00 16388 07-07-2014 1110 E11a USB 956/40 Attention 55049 01574 97086 83711 74095 01029 81419 45802 37878 43122 14604 54257 30165 31075 08112 25305 88640 62319 48781 98828 84498 89154 75297 33105 85479 75495 29596 96961 88556 61671 96365 36208 54032 67557 79228 81256 51592 88656 16121 24156 Attention, rpt msg, out 73, Ary From ary at Mon Jul 7 13:20:17 2014 From: ary at (Ary Boender) Date: Mon, 7 Jul 2014 19:20:17 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] Numbers logs Message-ID: <000e01cf9a07$b9762510$2c626f30$> 9327 07-07-2014 1642 M12 i.p. ... 93867 24142 57084 000 000 5412 07-07-2014 1700 G06 367 367 367 00000 10487 07-07-2014 1710 E11a 953/30 Attention 95902 61520 41043 53265 83336 39514 75385 44044 42912 82412 36475 62307 34210 12659 00479 85662 56850 90265 03076 28138 80918 43309 50232 50977 55391 44392 89705 34772 88812 43441 Attention, rpt msg, out Ary From spooks at Mon Jul 7 20:49:09 2014 From: spooks at (shawn fahrer via Spooks) Date: Mon, 7 Jul 2014 17:49:09 -0700 Subject: [Spooks] HM01 for first 7 days of July 2014 Message-ID: <> See attached .doc file. I assume that the HM01 numbers will EVENTUALLY change. This seems like a good day to do it (they're supposed to be back on 14375 -- a usually clear channel -- as of 05 UT for their two hour broadcast on July 8, 2014). If so, it maybe a major change (since half of the existing numbers end in 7 or 8, and change has been a bit slow on the HM01 front lately), so be prepared all you HM01 DX'ers worldwide. I certainly will be.... Sincerely, Shawn From Flushing NY (the HM01 guy) wishing you all 73 and good DX From rickhampton at Tue Jul 8 22:29:59 2014 From: rickhampton at (Rick Hampton) Date: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 22:29:59 -0400 Subject: [Spooks] Fwd: Re: HM01 for first 7 days of July 2014 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> Hi, everyone. For some reason, Shawn is having problems sending his HM01 transmission chart, so I'm having a go at it for him. 73, Rick -------- Original Message -------- On 7/7/2014 8:49 PM, shawn fahrer via Spooks wrote: See attached .doc file. I assume that the HM01 numbers will EVENTUALLY change. This seems like a good day to do it (they're supposed to be back on 14375 -- a usually clear channel -- as of 05 UT for their two hour broadcast on July 8, 2014). If so, it maybe a major change (since half of the existing numbers end in 7 or 8, and change has been a bit slow on the HM01 front lately), so be prepared all you HM01 DX'ers worldwide. I certainly will be.... Sincerely, Shawn From Flushing NY (the HM01 guy) wishing you all 73 and good DX From ary at Wed Jul 9 01:54:49 2014 From: ary at (Ary Boender) Date: Wed, 9 Jul 2014 07:54:49 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] Fwd: Re: HM01 for first 7 days of July 2014 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> Message-ID: <001301cf9b3a$4c36c520$e4a44f60$> Gents, you cannot send attachments to the list Ary -----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- Van: Spooks [mailto:spooks-bounces at] Namens Rick Hampton Verzonden: woensdag 9 juli 2014 4:30 Aan: Shortwave Spy Numbers Stations Onderwerp: [Spooks] Fwd: Re: HM01 for first 7 days of July 2014 Visit to unsubscribe from this list Hi, everyone. For some reason, Shawn is having problems sending his HM01 transmission chart, so I'm having a go at it for him. 73, Rick -------- Original Message -------- On 7/7/2014 8:49 PM, shawn fahrer via Spooks wrote: See attached .doc file. I assume that the HM01 numbers will EVENTUALLY change. This seems like a good day to do it (they're supposed to be back on 14375 -- a usually clear channel -- as of 05 UT for their two hour broadcast on July 8, 2014). If so, it maybe a major change (since half of the existing numbers end in 7 or 8, and change has been a bit slow on the HM01 front lately), so be prepared all you HM01 DX'ers worldwide. I certainly will be.... Sincerely, Shawn From Flushing NY (the HM01 guy) wishing you all 73 and good DX ______________________________________________________________ Spooks mailing list Home: Help: Post: mailto:Spooks at This list hosted by: Please help support this email list: From rickhampton at Wed Jul 9 06:57:40 2014 From: rickhampton at (Rick Hampton) Date: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 06:57:40 -0400 Subject: [Spooks] Fwd: Re: HM01 for first 7 days of July 2014 In-Reply-To: <001301cf9b3a$4c36c520$e4a44f60$> References: <> <> <001301cf9b3a$4c36c520$e4a44f60$> Message-ID: <> So we discovered. :-) On 7/9/2014 1:54 AM, Ary Boender wrote: > Visit to unsubscribe from this list > > Gents, you cannot send attachments to the list > Ary From ary at Thu Jul 10 05:01:51 2014 From: ary at (Ary Boender) Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 11:01:51 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] Numbers logs Message-ID: <000c01cf9c1d$979edff0$c6dc9fd0$> E11a, 16335 kHz USB, 09-07, 1155 UTC 716/37 Attention 03646 70477 06303 79527 73659 14170 48528 96658 08254 45960 21628 81048 46649 24103 19573 09096 28229 94866 48149 80704 69398 95761 06098 07641 19974 25779 55080 28396 14427 87823 58743 68368 35858 13019 08427 71588 57267 Attention, rpt msg, out M12, 8047/6802/5788 kHz CW, 09-07, 1700/1720/1740 UTC 463 1 1108 67 14686 58302 69429 42963 41146 81990 99497 70344 76847 03894 72198 67553 64419 88909 69565 55293 60879 64861 62933 84749 04428 07054 53944 44781 84858 70682 66705 09994 90185 41421 18031 36001 64325 37279 63465 29630 28324 75259 69168 69892 28704 75582 48455 26055 30538 45354 06801 69311 69859 78887 22103 40913 59666 96291 88164 20614 06697 25269 10095 60942 92191 61638 20515 92162 16072 88039 83732 000 000 M12, 11435/10698/9327 kHz CW, 09-07, 1830/1850/1910 UTC 938 1 6856 68 85411 42616 26709 16113 20421 67851 24915 03112 44249 20395 31162 50161 88818 54741 25184 33172 38136 02733 43704 86207 46599 38062 23589 86969 06518 02762 74071 52273 07781 75677 19549 12817 33327 88039 93413 21919 35124 62293 29300 71379 71122 33384 98126 09356 98519 87664 96292 34028 94391 77539 61623 84194 04024 45538 83618 87306 18513 95977 37383 54608 29085 13485 23736 01506 02304 76714 76689 06313 000 000 E07a, 8173/6923/5773 kHz USB, 09-07, 2000/2020/2040 UTC 147 1 69996 659 91 31232 70738 92629 40273 60733 85785 76152 98385 36606 90513 48319 49508 15596 07948 09473 72635 88947 35759 05863 16034 48149 40137 48270 69081 67193 11779 90116 20379 52579 52842 18196 04501 08114 65941 98219 41060 04943 66232 07215 48886 41633 79016 05016 75270 80522 99789 60044 01025 59850 69960 45146 83608 31734 93867 84051 59474 73787 59284 32154 55869 09458 88784 73904 63890 10053 42901 34600 11115 83105 89654 12776 15254 91631 07342 89212 76174 47745 70847 37749 12003 64583 22066 30963 02693 83653 18814 06821 07429 69423 37775 66325 000 000 73, Ary From ary at Thu Jul 10 06:04:59 2014 From: ary at (Ary Boender) Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 12:04:59 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] more numbers logs Message-ID: <001401cf9c26$6921d930$3b658b90$> E17z, 16780 kHz USB, 10-07, 0800 UTC 674 829 5 72663 46648 76529 01946 89891 829 5 00000 S06s, 11165/12530 kHz AM, 10-07, 0950/1000 UTC 635 281 7 20529 80749 03752 76367 84777 55977 48638 281 7 00000 73, Ary From ary at Thu Jul 10 08:13:28 2014 From: ary at (Ary Boender) Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 14:13:28 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] E11a S06s Message-ID: <002c01cf9c38$5c197e70$144c7b50$> E11a, 16335 kHz USB, 10-07, 1155 UTC: 718/36???? extrmely poor S06s, 13145/14535 kHz AM, 10-07, 1200/1210 UTC 425 967 8 96320 36793 53038 76342 15009 34140 78386 91497 967 8 00000 Ary From danix111 at Thu Jul 10 08:14:55 2014 From: danix111 at (Daniel Ekmann) Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 14:14:55 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] E11a S06s In-Reply-To: <002c01cf9c38$5c197e70$144c7b50$> References: <002c01cf9c38$5c197e70$144c7b50$> Message-ID: <> Hello Ary. On 07/10/2014 02:13 PM, Ary Boender wrote: > E11a, 16335 kHz USB, 10-07, 1155 UTC: 718/36???? extrmely poor It was 716/37. The same message as yesterday. Regards Daniel From ary at Thu Jul 10 08:25:47 2014 From: ary at (Ary Boender) Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 14:25:47 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] [UDXF] E11a S06s In-Reply-To: <002c01cf9c38$5c197e70$144c7b50$> References: <002c01cf9c38$5c197e70$144c7b50$> Message-ID: <002d01cf9c3a$14835020$3d89f060$> E11a appears to be a repeat of yesterday, so E11a, 16335 kHz USB, 10-07, 1155 UTC: 716/37 Attention 03646 70477 06303 79527 73659 14170 48528 96658 08254 45960 21628 81048 46649 24103 19573 09096 28229 94866 48149 80704 69398 95761 06098 07641 19974 25779 55080 28396 14427 87823 58743 68368 35858 13019 08427 71588 57267 Attention, rpt msg, out Thanks Danix, Ary From spooks at Thu Jul 10 18:40:32 2014 From: spooks at (shawn fahrer via Spooks) Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 15:40:32 -0700 Subject: [Spooks] HM01 Transmission List redo for the first 7 days of July 2014 Message-ID: <> HM01 Transmission Chart July 1 - July 7, 2014 Date Time Frequency Numbers Comments 07/01/2014 05 UTC 14375 KHz 56458 44701 75471 28267 82043 83757 Loud & clear; no chg from 06/30 07/02/2014 06 UTC 10345 KHz 56459 44702 75471 26268 82044 83758 Signal fading; # 3 unchanged 07/03/2014 05 UTC 14375 KHz 56459 44702 75471 26268 82044 83758 Loud but much (carrier?) fuzz 07/04/2014 05 UTC 5855 KHz 56459 44702 75471 26268 82044 83758 Surprisingly strong under WRMI* 07/05/2014 05 UTC 14375 KHz 56459 44702 75471 26268 82044 83758 Volume ? @ 0504 UTC; less fuzz 07/06/2014 06 UTC 10345 KHz 56459 44702 75471 26268 82044 83758 Poor signal with much fuzziness 07/07/2014 06 UTC 10345 KHz 56459 44702 75471 26268 82044 83758 Signal slightly better than 07/06 * Verified at 06 UT via 10345 KHz transmission. No longer as an attachment. Hopefully, you can all read it now..... Shawn From Flushing NY (the HM01 guy with the inexpensive radio) From 07code04stalker1776 at Fri Jul 11 04:23:39 2014 From: 07code04stalker1776 at (07code04stalker1776) Date: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 04:23:39 -0400 Subject: [Spooks] HM01 Message-ID: <> Today I have not been able to find HM01 from 0600z to 8000z on any of the normal frequencies that there on. I even did multiple scans of the HF spectrum and I have found no trace of it. The closest thing that I found that could possibly be connected in any way to HM01 is a SS shortwave station on 7554 kHz (A M08a frequency) which I believe is RHC at the normal RHC strength of S9 to S9+. No numbers just a SS program. If this is RHC then that would confirm that im not having a signal problem and that HM01 is just not there today for some reason. I'm sure that this is the case. From danix111 at Fri Jul 11 10:13:14 2014 From: danix111 at (Daniel Ekmann) Date: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 16:13:14 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] HM01 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> Yes, I've noticed that as well. Nothing at 0500 - 1000 UTC, no copy yesterday. Does not look like there is M08a at 1400 UTC either. Last HM01 logs I have are from 8 and 9 July 2014. Both "57521 07373 38122 08778 38085 07701." Regards Daniel From rickhampton at Fri Jul 11 14:04:19 2014 From: rickhampton at (Rick) Date: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 14:04:19 -0400 Subject: [Spooks] HM01 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> Message-ID: <> I haven't paid much attention in the past few rays, but has RHC been on the air? I would expect the to have a backup transmitter if they were having equipment problems of that nature. Rick Sent from a secure and undisclosed location... > On Jul 11, 2014, at 10:13, Daniel Ekmann wrote: > > Visit to unsubscribe from this list > > Yes, I've noticed that as well. Nothing at 0500 - 1000 UTC, no copy yesterday. Does not look like there is M08a at 1400 UTC either. > > Last HM01 logs I have are from 8 and 9 July 2014. Both "57521 07373 38122 08778 38085 07701." > > Regards > Daniel > > ______________________________________________________________ > Spooks mailing list > Home: > Help: > Post: mailto:Spooks at > > This list hosted by: > Please help support this email list: From spooks at Fri Jul 11 21:55:02 2014 From: spooks at (shawn fahrer via Spooks) Date: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 18:55:02 -0700 Subject: [Spooks] HM01 -- so I'm not the only one who noticed its absence today (07/11/2014) Message-ID: <> Not found at 05 UT OR 06 UT. Went to sleep for the night at 2:15 AM NYC time. Been through a "snatch and run" robbery / mugging today -- so I haven't had time to email the list with my report of ZERO signal on 07/11/14. And Rick, RHC HAS been on at least some of their usual frequencies in the 49 meter band (no problem with it as far as I can tell). It was only HM01 that was not there early this AM on the East coast of the USA. Perhaps the CD or other media was not made available to "Pedro", so there was no reason to run the transmitter for HM01. This may indicate that a new set of numbers MAY be on the horizon (since I would assume if the old numbers were to be rerun, they'd just use the previously existing program to do it). We shall see what happens on 14375 at 05 UT on July 12, 2014. I would be prepared to write some new sequences if I were you.... This is the latest from Shawn From Flushing NY (the HM01 guy) wishing you 73s and good DX From spooks at Sun Jul 13 14:08:26 2014 From: spooks at (shawn fahrer via Spooks) Date: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 11:08:26 -0700 Subject: [Spooks] HM01 appears to be HM 0 -GONE Message-ID: <> Has ANYONE monitored ANY SIGNAL from this longtime DX target / spy numbers station since 07/10/2014? I have not -- if "the HM01 guy" can't find it, something must be going on -- and it can't be good. In a related issue, have there been any M08a or V02 logs in the past few days? If not, perhaps there has been a "purge" in the Cuban Intelligence Service (CIS) leading to (permanent?) loss of shortwave service. Can the CIS use the (potentially former HM01) transmitters on a MW frequency to reach the US mainland and get their messages/assignments out via South FLA (or via Hispanola or friendly separatists in PR by beaming in a different direction)? Because as we know, spying never REALLY ends (just ask any NSA employee -- if they don't say, "no comment", that is).... Shawn From Flushing NY (potentially 'unemployed' if there's no HM01 to be the "HM01 guy" for) From tom at Sun Jul 13 14:29:44 2014 From: tom at (=?windows-1252?Q?Tom=E1=9A_Hetmer?=) Date: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 20:29:44 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] HM01 appears to be HM 0 -GONE In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> Hey Shawn, we've recently started almost daily monitoring of M08a and HM01 and I'm afraid you're right. Danix and me have unsuccessfully tried to find HM01/M08a on their regular schedules in the past few days. I still hope it's only a temporary thing, so we'll continue to look for them for some time, but at this point it really looks like they're gone. Last logs from us are M08a 8th July (broken transmission) HM01 9th July Nothing found since then. totoCZ Dne 13.7.2014 20:08, shawn fahrer via Spooks napsal(a): > Visit to unsubscribe from this list > > Has ANYONE monitored ANY SIGNAL from this longtime DX target / spy numbers station since 07/10/2014? I have not -- if "the HM01 guy" can't find it, something must be going on -- and it can't be good. In a related issue, have there been any M08a or V02 logs in the past few days? If not, perhaps there has been a "purge" in the Cuban Intelligence Service (CIS) leading to (permanent?) loss of shortwave service. > > Can the CIS use the (potentially former HM01) transmitters on a MW frequency to reach the US mainland and get their messages/assignments out via South FLA (or via Hispanola or friendly separatists in PR by beaming in a different direction)? Because as we know, spying never REALLY ends (just ask any NSA employee -- if they don't say, "no comment", that is).... > > Shawn From Flushing NY > (potentially 'unemployed' if there's no HM01 to be the "HM01 guy" for) > ______________________________________________________________ > Spooks mailing list > Home: > Help: > Post: mailto:Spooks at > > This list hosted by: > Please help support this email list: > From ranger2995 at Sun Jul 13 14:43:46 2014 From: ranger2995 at (Ernie Rice) Date: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 14:43:46 -0400 Subject: [Spooks] HM01 appears to be HM 0 -GONE In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> Vacation? I have not heard it all of July. Ernie Sent from my iPhone > On Jul 13, 2014, at 14:08, shawn fahrer via Spooks wrote: > > Visit to unsubscribe from this list > > Has ANYONE monitored ANY SIGNAL from this longtime DX target / spy numbers station since 07/10/2014? I have not -- if "the HM01 guy" can't find it, something must be going on -- and it can't be good. In a related issue, have there been any M08a or V02 logs in the past few days? If not, perhaps there has been a "purge" in the Cuban Intelligence Service (CIS) leading to (permanent?) loss of shortwave service. > > Can the CIS use the (potentially former HM01) transmitters on a MW frequency to reach the US mainland and get their messages/assignments out via South FLA (or via Hispanola or friendly separatists in PR by beaming in a different direction)? Because as we know, spying never REALLY ends (just ask any NSA employee -- if they don't say, "no comment", that is).... > > Shawn From Flushing NY > (potentially 'unemployed' if there's no HM01 to be the "HM01 guy" for) > ______________________________________________________________ > Spooks mailing list > Home: > Help: > Post: mailto:Spooks at > > This list hosted by: > Please help support this email list: From danix111 at Sun Jul 13 14:48:03 2014 From: danix111 at (Daniel Ekmann) Date: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 20:48:03 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] HM01 appears to be HM 0 -GONE In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> Message-ID: <> Hey Tom??. On 07/13/2014 08:29 PM, Tom?? Hetmer wrote: > Last logs from us are > M08a 8th July > > (broken transmission) Note that this is only our last recording - our last intercept of M08a was actually from July 10th at 20:00 UTC - no recording and sadly I missed the headers, as I was away. For your information, we have not heard anything at 23:00 UTC. > HM01 9th July > However, this is indeed our last log and recording. I tried HM01 on July 10th - I've only heard blank carriers on every schedule from 16:00 to 22:00 UTC. The next day, it was complete silence, with no carriers present. Regards Daniel From ke6zgp at Mon Jul 14 02:58:47 2014 From: ke6zgp at (Bryan Herbert) Date: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 23:58:47 -0700 Subject: [Spooks] HM01 appears to be HM 0 -GONE In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: Don't know if related but... Russia's president Putin is on a Latin America tour and flew into Cuba hours after the last broadcast. A quick Google news search shows Russia is reigniting their Cold War relationship with Cuba, they've even erased 90% of their debt. Y'all may remember Russia has in recent months been docking their comm boats in Cuba for maintenance and resupply. Some of you may even remember during the Cold War, Russia had maintained a listening post in Cuba named Lourdes which was used for spying on the United States. In 2001, that listening post was supposedly dismantled due to financial reasons. It's possible with their rekindled relationship Russia may build a new Lourdes, or even a new transmitting facility dependent of RHC. If the outage continues we will have to keep eyes and ears on Cuba for potential new equipment and frequencies. -- Bryan Herbert - KE6ZGP Newhall, CA. DM04RJ USA From ary at Mon Jul 14 08:30:21 2014 From: ary at (Ary Boender) Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 14:30:21 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] S06s Message-ID: <001601cf9f5f$6163e580$242bb080$> S06s, 10230/12165 kHz AM, 14-07-2014, 1200/1210 UTC. Note that groups 2 and 3 are the same as groups 6 and 7 on 11-07 at 0930/0940 UTC 831 249 5 31405 46464 33690 39783 32347 249 5 00000 Ary From ary at Mon Jul 14 10:48:55 2014 From: ary at (Ary Boender) Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 16:48:55 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] Buzzers Message-ID: <004801cf9f72$bd394950$37abdbf0$> BUZZERS is a novel written by Maurice Rosaler. Free as kindle book at Amazon ef=cm_cr_pr_product_top "Buzzers" is an edge of your seat thriller spanning thirty years of undercover espionage alternating between the former Soviet Union and modern day America. Cheers Ary From ary at Mon Jul 14 13:25:26 2014 From: ary at (Ary Boender) Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 19:25:26 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] numbers logs Message-ID: <006101cf9f88$9aa49640$cfedc2c0$> M12, 9327 kHz CW, 14-07-2014, 1640 UTC 938 1 2716 113 83508 21017 58536 91814 65901 87698 77980 41636 09976 40635 13540 85156 85285 35637 04710 15412 46596 24934 61740 62805 01843 10067 68422 59390 61299 87058 41407 16555 72864 66127 45333 43178 15258 83700 70893 59330 06856 66649 67280 49683 22070 61541 95016 83181 30378 88367 62074 07285 75171 98329 34241 00612 74197 12314 34351 28763 09509 87412 64760 72537 98798 66827 60207 48770 89670 42943 82445 31965 17427 75486 65809 26968 10666 85549 07458 69042 19385 12918 77414 79021 22529 55784 40466 93819 59036 81008 74037 29983 75027 02484 02629 70814 54466 60873 02434 17558 40961 86140 56659 47456 04707 79537 31675 85924 71637 71707 74243 59630 95153 98781 72473 36371 16977 000 000 E11a, 10487 kHz USB, 14-07-2014 1710 UTC 957/30 Attention 85102 07606 01815 52904 75719 38434 07502 15082 61084 91185 33884 92952 00900 69182 65395 84886 35701 25918 04399 13838 16211 10420 36695 34585 52034 00724 57480 35692 10980 37593 Attention, rpt msg, out G06, 5412 kHz USB, 14-07-2014, 1700 UTC 367 367 367 00000 73, Ary From spooks at Mon Jul 14 17:40:05 2014 From: spooks at (shawn fahrer via Spooks) Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 14:40:05 -0700 Subject: [Spooks] The Potentially Final HM01 DX Report from NYC Message-ID: <> Last HM01 Transmissions Chart Date Frequency Time Numbers Remarks 07/08/2014 14375 KHz 05 UT 57521 07372 38121 08777 38084 78148 Tones sounded ?off key? Early 0456 UT start, end @ 0458 UT prior to restart* 07/09/2014 5855 KHz 05 UT 57521 07373 38122 08778 38085 07701 Found @ 0507 UT # 07/10/2014 14375 KHz 05 UT 57521 07373 38122 08778 38085 07701 Pulsing carrier @ 0457 UT Program began @ 0506 UT 07/11/2014 ON ALL ANY NONE NOT FOUND ON AIR * Pulsing carrier (sounds like a ?whoosh?) prior to restart @ 0506 with distinct dual voice after second numbers repeat (tones NOT in ?artificial stereo?) Found an unusual (weak) image at ~ 11450 KHz plus or minus 500 KHz or so (usually I monitor this program at ? 910 KHz or ~ 13465 KHz); however, this is my first notice of an HM01 image on the 25 meter band. # Verified @ 06UT on 10345 KHz No further transmissions from HM01 have been noted here (or anywhere else as noted by the worldwide response to my previous requests for info from HM01 receptions since 07/10/2014. Until I can find another DX target, this is the HM01 Guy, potentially being forced into "retirement" (as he was from his original job) and signing off. Wishing the world good DX, 73 and eventually HM02 as a successor to HM01 on worldwide shortwave. Until then, I still remain Shawn From Flushing NY From tom at Mon Jul 14 17:47:37 2014 From: tom at (=?UTF-8?B?VG9tw6HFoSBIZXRtZXI=?=) Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 23:47:37 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] The Potentially Final HM01 DX Report from NYC In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> Daniel logged HM01 & M08a today, I'm pretty sure he'll add more details tomorrow. HM01 17:00 11530kHz 57521 07373 38122 08778 38085 07701 (same as 08-09 july) M08a July 14, 2014 14:00 8.097 MHz ????? 13562 26832 Dne 14.7.2014 23:40, shawn fahrer via Spooks napsal(a): > Visit to unsubscribe from this list > > Last HM01 Transmissions Chart > > Date Frequency Time Numbers Remarks > 07/08/2014 14375 KHz 05 UT 57521 07372 38121 08777 38084 78148 Tones sounded ?off key? Early 0456 UT start, end @ 0458 UT prior to restart* > 07/09/2014 5855 KHz 05 UT 57521 07373 38122 08778 38085 07701 Found @ 0507 UT # > 07/10/2014 14375 KHz 05 UT 57521 07373 38122 08778 38085 07701 Pulsing carrier @ 0457 UT Program began @ 0506 UT > 07/11/2014 ON ALL ANY NONE NOT FOUND ON AIR > > * Pulsing carrier (sounds like a ?whoosh?) prior to restart @ 0506 with distinct dual voice after second numbers repeat (tones NOT in ?artificial stereo?) > Found an unusual (weak) image at ~ 11450 KHz plus or minus 500 KHz or so (usually I monitor this program at ? 910 KHz or ~ 13465 KHz); however, this is my first notice of an HM01 image on the 25 meter band. > > # Verified @ 06UT on 10345 KHz > > > No further transmissions from HM01 have been noted here (or anywhere else as noted by the worldwide response to my previous requests for info from HM01 receptions since 07/10/2014. Until I can find another DX target, this is the HM01 Guy, potentially being forced into "retirement" (as he was from his original job) and signing off. > > Wishing the world good DX, 73 and eventually HM02 as a successor to HM01 on worldwide shortwave. Until then, I still remain > > Shawn From Flushing NY > ______________________________________________________________ > Spooks mailing list > Home: > Help: > Post: mailto:Spooks at > > This list hosted by: > Please help support this email list: > From shortwaveology at Mon Jul 14 18:11:33 2014 From: shortwaveology at (david goren) Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 15:11:33 -0700 Subject: [Spooks] The Potentially Final HM01 DX Report from NYC In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> Message-ID: <> A notoriously spotty transmission goes off for a few days and some folks freak out. What gives? On Jul 14, 2014, at 2:47 PM, Tom?? Hetmer wrote: > Visit to unsubscribe from this list > > Daniel logged HM01 & M08a today, I'm pretty sure he'll add more details > tomorrow. > > HM01 17:00 11530kHz > 57521 07373 38122 08778 38085 07701 > (same as 08-09 july) > > M08a > July 14, 2014 14:00 > 8.097 MHz > ????? 13562 26832 > > > Dne 14.7.2014 23:40, shawn fahrer via Spooks napsal(a): >> Visit to unsubscribe from this list >> >> Last HM01 Transmissions Chart >> >> Date Frequency Time Numbers Remarks >> 07/08/2014 14375 KHz 05 UT 57521 07372 38121 08777 38084 78148 Tones sounded ?off key? Early 0456 UT start, end @ 0458 UT prior to restart* >> 07/09/2014 5855 KHz 05 UT 57521 07373 38122 08778 38085 07701 Found @ 0507 UT # >> 07/10/2014 14375 KHz 05 UT 57521 07373 38122 08778 38085 07701 Pulsing carrier @ 0457 UT Program began @ 0506 UT >> 07/11/2014 ON ALL ANY NONE NOT FOUND ON AIR >> >> * Pulsing carrier (sounds like a ?whoosh?) prior to restart @ 0506 with distinct dual voice after second numbers repeat (tones NOT in ?artificial stereo?) >> Found an unusual (weak) image at ~ 11450 KHz plus or minus 500 KHz or so (usually I monitor this program at ? 910 KHz or ~ 13465 KHz); however, this is my first notice of an HM01 image on the 25 meter band. >> >> # Verified @ 06UT on 10345 KHz >> >> >> No further transmissions from HM01 have been noted here (or anywhere else as noted by the worldwide response to my previous requests for info from HM01 receptions since 07/10/2014. Until I can find another DX target, this is the HM01 Guy, potentially being forced into "retirement" (as he was from his original job) and signing off. >> >> Wishing the world good DX, 73 and eventually HM02 as a successor to HM01 on worldwide shortwave. Until then, I still remain >> >> Shawn From Flushing NY >> ______________________________________________________________ >> Spooks mailing list >> Home: >> Help: >> Post: mailto:Spooks at >> >> This list hosted by: >> Please help support this email list: > ______________________________________________________________ > Spooks mailing list > Home: > Help: > Post: mailto:Spooks at > > This list hosted by: > Please help support this email list: From ranger2995 at Mon Jul 14 18:22:50 2014 From: ranger2995 at (Ernie Rice) Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 18:22:50 -0400 Subject: [Spooks] The Potentially Final HM01 DX Report from NYC In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> Message-ID: I concentrated all day on hm01 and was rewarded with NOTHING Ernie Sent from my iPhone > On Jul 14, 2014, at 17:47, Tom?? Hetmer wrote: > > Visit to unsubscribe from this list > > Daniel logged HM01 & M08a today, I'm pretty sure he'll add more details > tomorrow. > > HM01 17:00 11530kHz > 57521 07373 38122 08778 38085 07701 > (same as 08-09 july) > > M08a > July 14, 2014 14:00 > 8.097 MHz > ????? 13562 26832 > > > Dne 14.7.2014 23:40, shawn fahrer via Spooks napsal(a): >> Visit to unsubscribe from this list >> >> Last HM01 Transmissions Chart >> >> Date Frequency Time Numbers Remarks >> 07/08/2014 14375 KHz 05 UT 57521 07372 38121 08777 38084 78148 Tones sounded ?off key? Early 0456 UT start, end @ 0458 UT prior to restart* >> 07/09/2014 5855 KHz 05 UT 57521 07373 38122 08778 38085 07701 Found @ 0507 UT # >> 07/10/2014 14375 KHz 05 UT 57521 07373 38122 08778 38085 07701 Pulsing carrier @ 0457 UT Program began @ 0506 UT >> 07/11/2014 ON ALL ANY NONE NOT FOUND ON AIR >> >> * Pulsing carrier (sounds like a ?whoosh?) prior to restart @ 0506 with distinct dual voice after second numbers repeat (tones NOT in ?artificial stereo?) >> Found an unusual (weak) image at ~ 11450 KHz plus or minus 500 KHz or so (usually I monitor this program at ? 910 KHz or ~ 13465 KHz); however, this is my first notice of an HM01 image on the 25 meter band. >> >> # Verified @ 06UT on 10345 KHz >> >> >> No further transmissions from HM01 have been noted here (or anywhere else as noted by the worldwide response to my previous requests for info from HM01 receptions since 07/10/2014. Until I can find another DX target, this is the HM01 Guy, potentially being forced into "retirement" (as he was from his original job) and signing off. >> >> Wishing the world good DX, 73 and eventually HM02 as a successor to HM01 on worldwide shortwave. Until then, I still remain >> >> Shawn From Flushing NY >> ______________________________________________________________ >> Spooks mailing list >> Home: >> Help: >> Post: mailto:Spooks at >> >> This list hosted by: >> Please help support this email list: >> > ______________________________________________________________ > Spooks mailing list > Home: > Help: > Post: mailto:Spooks at > > This list hosted by: > Please help support this email list: From utilityworld at Mon Jul 14 19:41:37 2014 From: utilityworld at (Utility Planet (Hugh Stegman)) Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 16:41:37 -0700 Subject: [Spooks] HM01 appears to be HM 0 -GONE In-Reply-To: References: <> Message-ID: <> They'll have to build a new Lourdes from scratch since the old one has disappeared from the face of the earth. The land was redeveloped after the base closed. The only remaining evidence visible on Google Earth is the road to the west which was widened so it could be used as an airplane runway. -hugh On 7/13/2014 11:58 PM, Bryan Herbert wrote: > It's possible with their rekindled relationship Russia may build a new > Lourdes, or even a new transmitting facility dependent of RHC. From kc2ttk at Mon Jul 14 22:55:05 2014 From: kc2ttk at (=?UTF-8?B?4pyHIEtDMlRUSw==?=) Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 22:55:05 -0400 Subject: [Spooks] HM01 appears to be HM 0 -GONE In-Reply-To: References: <> Message-ID: On Jul 14, 2014 2:58 AM, "Bryan Herbert" wrote: > Don't know if related but... I hate to speculate without so little as a magic 8-ball, either. But, since there's little else to do... > ... may build a new > Lourdes, or even a new transmitting facility dependent of RHC. I assume that RHC is still on air? Any unusual programming from them of late? Ditto for Mart?. ("Never believe anything until it's been officially denied.", Jim Hacker) What was the last Tx sent? When were the last message changes? And isn't it curious that M08a should return to the fore after a[n apparent] lull? (And would someone deoxidize my rusty grey cells and remind me when the last V02a Txs were - with and w/o "9"s?) Could Hurricane Arthur have dented HM01's tower? Has Carl Kasell inspired Pedro? Or was it that, with Brasil thoroughly embarrassed, Cuba no longer had anything to say to its bookmakers in Vegas? (?Que macana: salimos segundo!) Why is DIGTRX's site gone 404? Is Fidel alive? Is Ra?l facing a coup? Are DGI coming to DX at HOPE X while Snowden spills more NSA TMI by VoIP? (And, if so, would they please stop by the info desk so we could split mate [amargo]?) If any of it happens, we'll ask you about it on "Wait, wait... Don't Off-Air Me: An East Coast Insomiac's Companion", where all the signals are strong, all the hams are good-looking, and all the children are growing up analog... From ary at Tue Jul 15 02:00:06 2014 From: ary at (Ary Boender) Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 08:00:06 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] HM01 is back Message-ID: <002801cf9ff2$07b7ecf0$1727c6d0$> 0600 14375 kHz Ary From ary at Tue Jul 15 12:14:35 2014 From: ary at (Ary Boender) Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 18:14:35 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] Numbers logs Message-ID: <000901cfa047$df2ffce0$9d8ff6a0$> 9288 14-07-2014 2055 M32 CW CIAZ CIAZ CIAZ DE 7Y5R 7Y5R QTC 032 19 15 0050 032 = 485 = MMMMM GYBSF RFTYF WAPRV WNTUB WAPRV WNTUB WAPRV WNTUB ..... 6780 15-07-2014 0715 S06s USB 374 (unreadable) 20513 15-07-2014 0700 XPA2 MFSK-16 03825 00001 00000 10140 18213 15-07-2014 0720 XPA2 MFSK-16 03825 00001 00000 10140 15913 15-07-2014 0740 XPA2 MFSK-16 03825 00001 00000 10140 13435 15-07-2014 0700 HM01 AM/RDFT 57521 07373 38122 08778 38085 07701 6961 15-07-2014 0700 M23 CW 200 (R10) 14375 15-07-2014 0600 HM01 AM/RDFT 57521 07373 38122 08778 38085 07701 15632 15-07-2014 0745 E11 USB 335/00 14373 15-07-2014 0800 S06s USB 352 418 6 54928 33165 37858 39538 83873 44333 418 6 00000 12935 15-07-2014 0810 S06s USB 352 418 6 54928 33165 37858 39538 83873 44333 418 6 00000 11635 15-07-2014 0800 HM01 AM/RDFT 57521 07373 38122 08778 38085 07701 15388 15-07-2014 0800 V13 AM New Star #4. Tune followed by coded messages in Chinese 8530 15-07-2014 0915 S11a USB 484/00 9610 15-07-2014 1045 E11 USB 469/00 13722 15-07-2014 1400 E11a USB 981/10 Attention 30953 71096 36204 59478 21806 97695 58767 23921 62856 39588 Attention, rpt msg, out 7744 15-07-2014 1510 S06s USB 537 829 6 37684 46080 34015 41905 55088 38421 829 6 00000 6524 15-07-2014 1535 M03 CW 797/34 = = 77034 77034 55490 55490 57707 57707 91647 91647 73141 73141 90817 90817 98459 98459 14923 14923 19942 19942 44113 44113 00882 00882 21957 21957 44043 44043 60202 60202 78487 78487 44104 44104 01200 01200 44806 44806 01869 01869 97960 97960 89674 89674 42656 42656 60159 60159 78306 78306 93923 93923 85670 85670 62576 62576 34782 34782 09662 09662 24601 24601 37387 37387 58006 58006 96967 96967 38332 38332 = = 797/34 797/34 797/34 797/34 797/34 = = 77034 55490 57707 91647 73141 90817 98459 14923 19942 44113 00882 21957 44043 60202 78487 44104 01200 44806 01869 97960 89674 42656 60159 78306 93923 85670 62576 34782 09662 24601 37387 58006 96967 38332 = = 000 73, Ary From 07code04stalker1776 at Wed Jul 16 04:24:43 2014 From: 07code04stalker1776 at (07code04stalker1776) Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 04:24:43 -0400 Subject: [Spooks] (no subject) Message-ID: I was just reading in the paper that there reopening Lourdes in Cuba. HM01 was on back and strong as ever this morning btw. From ke6zgp at Wed Jul 16 04:43:32 2014 From: ke6zgp at (Bryan Herbert) Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 01:43:32 -0700 Subject: [Spooks] HM01 appears to be HM 0 -GONE In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> Message-ID: It could happen. Check out this article just posted to Russia Today. Though it appears recycled for propaganda purposes, if Ria Novosti publishes a similar article in the next month or two it's probably legit. On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 4:41 PM, Utility Planet (Hugh Stegman) < utilityworld at> wrote: > > > They'll have to build a new Lourdes from scratch since the old one has > disappeared from the face of the earth. The land was redeveloped after the > base closed. The only remaining evidence visible on Google Earth is the > road to the west which was widened so it could be used as an airplane > runway. > -- Bryan Herbert - KE6ZGP Newhall, CA. DM04RJ USA From russell0463 at Wed Jul 16 06:57:42 2014 From: russell0463 at (Russell) Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 20:57:42 +1000 Subject: [Spooks] HM01 Message-ID: <> HM01 9.155 MHz AM good signal ended at 10.55 utc Sent from my iPhone From ary at Wed Jul 16 10:33:49 2014 From: ary at (Ary Boender) Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 16:33:49 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] Lourdes back to Russia Message-ID: <000301cfa102$f63f64f0$e2be2ed0$> Interesting developments in Cuba: lligence-Center-to-Russia--.html Ary From utilityworld at Wed Jul 16 17:41:32 2014 From: utilityworld at (Utility Planet (Hugh Stegman)) Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 14:41:32 -0700 Subject: [Spooks] [UDXF] Re: Lourdes back to Russia In-Reply-To: <> References: <000301cfa102$f63f64f0$e2be2ed0$> <> <> Message-ID: <> Russian speakers will want to check out this link: Even put through Google Translate, it has lots of history and information. As noted in other reports, not to mention Google Earth imagery, Lourdes was completely demolished and turned over to Cuba. The new occupant of the site was a large technical school. Elsewhere it is reported that nowhere near as many personnel will be required this time, due to advances in technology. No further details were given. I'm sure that's secret. They quote an anonymous government/military source as saying, "I can say only one thing: finally!" Interesting times ahead. -hugh On 7/16/2014 1:25 PM, barry williams ba.williams at [UDXF] wrote: > > > Hello again Hugh, > > From justcallmebuddy at Wed Jul 16 20:53:46 2014 From: justcallmebuddy at (Todd Dokey) Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 16:53:46 -0800 Subject: [Spooks] [UDXF] Re: Lourdes back to Russia In-Reply-To: <> References: <000301cfa102$f63f64f0$e2be2ed0$> <> <> <> Message-ID: Yet another news item with some photos.. On 7/16/14, Utility Planet (Hugh Stegman) wrote: > Visit to unsubscribe from > this list > > Russian speakers will want to check out this link: > > > Even put through Google Translate, it has lots of history and information. > > As noted in other reports, not to mention Google Earth imagery, Lourdes > was completely demolished and turned over to Cuba. The new occupant of > the site was a large technical school. > > Elsewhere it is reported that nowhere near as many personnel will be > required this time, due to advances in technology. No further details > were given. I'm sure that's secret. > > They quote an anonymous government/military source as saying, "I can say > only one thing: finally!" > > Interesting times ahead. > > -hugh > > On 7/16/2014 1:25 PM, barry williams ba.williams at [UDXF] wrote: >> >> >> Hello again Hugh, >> >> > ______________________________________________________________ > Spooks mailing list > Home: > Help: > Post: mailto:Spooks at > > This list hosted by: > Please help support this email list: > -- Semper Reluctor "War is a country of will, there?s no room for sympathy. If you?re not willing to give up everything?You?ve already lost." -- Chief Dave From ary at Thu Jul 17 09:53:32 2014 From: ary at (Ary Boender) Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 15:53:32 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] M12 S06s logs Message-ID: <000901cfa1c6$80b70bb0$82252310$> S06s, 13145/14535 kHz AM, 17-07, 1200/1210 UTC 425 983 6 03009 81413 94043 83531 94063 63156 983 6 00000 M12, 13926/12126/10925 kHz. CW, 17-07, 1310/1330/1350 UTC 919 1 1957 131 84468 41817 23763 41455 45237 73797 60852 18012 02212 42520 35567 59018 07754 23366 41254 63009 08775 86453 67638 15136 42166 96798 30354 06253 49048 90473 35963 96899 15667 18053 89054 33758 37067 57089 34616 42986 36326 22723 34301 02281 64762 44722 48117 00421 37506 52664 54393 95450 33356 03969 16307 96805 33925 00621 69079 85056 16645 29798 85527 31412 04479 79782 67679 19610 08295 14597 36223 80933 55606 72313 11491 85224 37508 93470 22104 02676 00866 77032 92285 68306 53075 51483 30547 23465 93297 09880 75218 37611 70409 26957 25860 06723 37371 34355 94496 20038 41057 52879 54511 36810 47084 28012 25060 93188 87914 50973 38690 15607 92009 88142 89400 61125 36488 54939 91511 44057 34445 73339 92371 41513 05623 72745 72550 43273 06321 58548 95423 28409 92755 59669 88235 000 000 73, Ary From spooks at Thu Jul 17 16:11:14 2014 From: spooks at (shawn fahrer via Spooks) Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 13:11:14 -0700 Subject: [Spooks] HM01 on NEW 11462 KHz Message-ID: <> According to DX RE MIX NEWS # 862 from Georgi Bancov and Ivo Ivanov, dated: July 17, 2014 as found on DXLD Digest # 6000 on, we have some frequency changes at HM01 as shown below: "CUBA Additional frequencies of Cuban Spy Numbers station Hybrid Mode 01: 0500-0555 on 11462 UNID secret transmitter site Spanish Tue/Thu/Sat//14375 0900-0955 NF 11462 UNID secret transmitter site Spanish Tue/Thu/Sat x 12120" In passing, I should note that I first found a "weak image" of 14375 back on July 8 and was amazed to find HM01 there when I listed it at as being "around 11.450 MHz" instead of the exact 11.462 MHz (which isn't that far off a guess considering the limitations of my equipment): I am also wondering if 11462 is being used at the 06 - 07 UT segment, which would also be || to 14375 as part of their two hour run on that frequency on Tu / Th / Sa. Since this frequency does appear to be much weaker in Eastern N A than 14375 (and its usual image at - 910 KHz or ~ 13465 KHz that I pick up on my receiver), perhaps its signal is beamed in a different direction (South, so what I heard was from the back of the antenna instead of from the main beam) than the 14375 frequency is (North and East towards North America and Europe?). Perhaps those who can hear it better than me can figure this out better than Shawn From Flushing NY (this HM01 guy) From ary at Fri Jul 18 02:23:39 2014 From: ary at (Ary Boender) Date: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 08:23:39 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] E06 Message-ID: <000d01cfa250$d17346b0$7459d410$> E06, 17430 kHz USB, 18-07-2014, 0600 UTC 679 358 102 28563 80012 24696 15948 97946 73004 83594 36037 35558 44068 87838 71307 29331 35878 40807 01744 89476 76317 41077 91010 63197 20811 37814 20165 06924 82247 24149 73294 08256 09441 73231 36532 74799 00065 46648 58898 32086 58996 29887 48378 97757 38004 74547 01707 24219 17729 51966 91277 26920 17880 47969 57611 40480 46592 53411 80841 69831 24889 30213 29628 28567 47168 57570 10960 81680 63670 88026 69265 34893 95851 68095 08290 37750 20608 03128 34143 92667 84278 71091 43002 87134 32383 14981 01856 91234 66003 68512 95771 87698 60781 94819 40092 26657 09432 42814 81018 22289 73746 50919 33003 33555 56997 358 102 00000 73, Ary From russell0463 at Fri Jul 18 04:59:02 2014 From: russell0463 at (Russell) Date: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 18:59:02 +1000 Subject: [Spooks] HM01 Message-ID: <> HM01 9.065 MHz AM RDFT at 8.47 utc good signal into Sydney au Sent from my iPhone From russell0463 at Sat Jul 19 02:29:25 2014 From: russell0463 at (Russell) Date: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 16:29:25 +1000 Subject: [Spooks] HM01 Message-ID: <> HM01 14.375 MHz AM RDFT at 6.02 utc Sent from my iPhone From russell0463 at Sun Jul 20 04:45:43 2014 From: russell0463 at (Russell) Date: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 18:45:43 +1000 Subject: [Spooks] HM01 Message-ID: <> HM01 9.065 MHz AM at 8.45 utc good signal Sent from my iPhone From danix111 at Sun Jul 13 14:21:39 2014 From: danix111 at (Daniel Ekmann) Date: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 20:21:39 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] HM01 appears to be HM 0 -GONE Message-ID: Both HM01 and M08a were silent here on all their schedules since July 11th. My last M08a log is from July 10th at 20:00 UTC - sadly I missed the headers; nothing at 23:00 UTC. That day on HM01 I've only seen blank carriers on every schedule from 16:00 to 22:00 UTC. Regards Daniel U?ytkownik shawn fahrer via Spooks napisa?: >Visit to unsubscribe from this list > >Has ANYONE monitored ANY SIGNAL from this longtime DX target / spy numbers station since 07/10/2014? I have not -- if "the HM01 guy" can't find it, something must be going on -- and it can't be good. In a related issue, have there been any M08a or V02 logs in the past few days? If not, perhaps there has been a "purge" in the Cuban Intelligence Service (CIS) leading to (permanent?) loss of shortwave service. > >Can the CIS use the (potentially former HM01) transmitters on a MW frequency to reach the US mainland and get their messages/assignments out via South FLA (or via Hispanola or friendly separatists in PR by beaming in a different direction)? Because as we know, spying never REALLY ends (just ask any NSA employee -- if they don't say, "no comment", that is).... > >Shawn From Flushing NY >(potentially 'unemployed' if there's no HM01 to be the "HM01 guy" for) >______________________________________________________________ >Spooks mailing list >Home: >Help: >Post: mailto:Spooks at > >This list hosted by: >Please help support this email list: > From russell0463 at Sun Jul 20 05:45:30 2014 From: russell0463 at (Russell) Date: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 19:45:30 +1000 Subject: [Spooks] HM01 Message-ID: <> HM01 9.240 MHz AM RDFT at 9.40 utc good signal 9+ Sent from my iPhone From ary at Sun Jul 20 07:41:27 2014 From: ary at (Ary Boender) Date: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 13:41:27 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] HM01 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <000901cfa40f$8bc10060$a3430120$> Fair signal at 0800 UTC 9065 20-07-2014 0800 HM01 AM/RDFT 57526 07378 38127 12514 70631 07705 Ary -----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- Van: Spooks [mailto:spooks-bounces at] Namens Russell Verzonden: zondag 20 juli 2014 11:46 Aan: Spooks Onderwerp: [Spooks] HM01 Visit to unsubscribe from this list HM01 9.240 MHz AM RDFT at 9.40 utc good signal 9+ Sent from my iPhone ______________________________________________________________ Spooks mailing list Home: Help: Post: mailto:Spooks at This list hosted by: Please help support this email list: From ary at Mon Jul 21 03:19:02 2014 From: ary at (Ary Boender) Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 09:19:02 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] Numbers logs Message-ID: <001401cfa4b4$0cd555d0$26800170$> 10345 21-07-2014 0600 HM01 AM/RDFT 57527 07379 38128 12515 70632 07706 9330 21-07-2014 0700 HM01 AM/RDFT 57527 07379 38128 12515 70632 07706 18511 21-07-2014 0715 S11a USB 382/00 Ary From ary at Mon Jul 21 03:54:38 2014 From: ary at (Ary Boender) Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 09:54:38 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] E11a Message-ID: <001b01cfa4b9$06536f30$12fa4d90$> E11a, 9610 kHz USB, 21-07, 0745 UTC 269/30 Attention 46725 82223 01397 33271 43871 18064 44385 78299 98531 17525 12473 50492 28435 75348 89641 80415 91025 14287 00106 68929 61199 87341 54529 61858 67433 66588 32921 07271 80217 81756 Attention, rpt msg, out Ary From ary at Mon Jul 21 04:01:49 2014 From: ary at (Ary Boender) Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 10:01:49 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] G06 Message-ID: <001d01cfa4ba$07189e80$1549db80$> G06, 6948 kHz, 21-07-2014 0800 UTC G06 USB 215 215 215 00000 Ary From romanigian at Mon Jul 21 05:18:17 2014 From: romanigian at (Gian Romani) Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 11:18:17 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] NS schedules from ENIGMA2000 Message-ID: Good morning I'd like to know hot to do to obtain the number station schedules from ENIGMA2000. I remember some months ago it was possible to read it in the bulletin, while now it is no more included in the bulletin. Thank you bye Naig From p.beaumont at Mon Jul 21 05:34:43 2014 From: p.beaumont at (Beaumont, Paul) Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 09:34:43 +0000 Subject: [Spooks] NS schedules from ENIGMA2000 In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: Good morning Naig, One reason schedules are no longer included is because of wholesale plagiarism. Those E2k members who construct schedules [including myself] took umbrage at the manner in which certain persons just took and in some cases reposted as their own work. The other matter being those who freely used and never saw fit to supply any of their own loggings for us to use. Unfortunately the matter grew to a head and we sadly saw fit to refuse those who had reasonably asked permission to use and to withdraw their permitted use from Priyom who had also asked and were given permission. This isn't elitism; we are just protecting the wishes of those who produced schedules and who saw red at the wholesale abuse we suffered from certain 'non-contributing' members - of which a few more will be removed soon - and others mentioned above. Regards Paul For ENIGMA2000 I'd like to know hot to do to obtain the number station schedules from ENIGMA2000. I remember some months ago it was possible to read it in the bulletin, while now it is no more included in the bulletin. Thank you bye Naig From johnmb at Mon Jul 21 06:38:26 2014 From: johnmb at (john) Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 06:38:26 -0400 Subject: [Spooks] NS schedules from ENIGMA2000 In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <> At 05:34 AM 7/21/2014, you wrote: >\ > >This isn't elitism; But of course it is exactly elitism, as is the whole Enigma group. John --- This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection is active. From ranger2995 at Mon Jul 21 07:01:03 2014 From: ranger2995 at (Ernie Rice) Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 07:01:03 -0400 Subject: [Spooks] NS schedules from ENIGMA2000 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> They control the sleds so I guess elitism Ernie Sent from my iPhone > On Jul 21, 2014, at 6:38, john wrote: > > Visit to unsubscribe from this list > > At 05:34 AM 7/21/2014, you wrote: >> \ >> >> This isn't elitism; > > > But of course it is exactly elitism, as is the whole Enigma group. > > John > > > --- > This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection is active. > > > ______________________________________________________________ > Spooks mailing list > Home: > Help: > Post: mailto:Spooks at > > This list hosted by: > Please help support this email list: From fcardone at Mon Jul 21 07:40:18 2014 From: fcardone at (Flavio Cardone) Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 13:40:18 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] NS schedules from ENIGMA2000 In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <> Hello - don't kid yourself, it's elitism (if it wasn't, you - Enigma 2000 - wouldn't have to explain yourself) and you got annoyed because someone reposted your schedules without paying homage to Enigma2000? Sorry, that's ridiculous, in this age of information sharing. You shouldn't even *care* that someone reposts your lists. As per your logic, this list shouldn't exist, as we're all sharing information here. Did you ever hear, for instance, about open source? Enigma2000 is no longer significant. You know, making an exclusive club makes it interesting up to a point. At first, people can be attracted because they think it's "special". Then, as the same information can be found in other places (eg Priyom), people start not caring. I understand it makes you feel important and special when you restrict information, but in 2014 it's a joke. Oh, and incidentally the "copyright" you like to affirm on the Enigma2000 lists doesn't exist. Why? Because Enigma2000 has no legal personality. It is only a group on Yahoo. It doesn't have a legal director, representative or anything. Tell me, who would go to court to enforce the copyright? You? the moderators? Just grow up. Imagine if every radio amateur or sw dx'er kept their information just for them - radio wouldn't have evolved so much. So you don't want to help people who want to listen to number stations? Fine, good for you. On 21/07/14 11:34, Beaumont, Paul wrote: > Visit to unsubscribe from this list > > Good morning Naig, > > One reason schedules are no longer included is because of wholesale plagiarism. Those E2k members who construct schedules [including myself] took umbrage at the manner in which certain persons just took and in some cases reposted as their own work. > The other matter being those who freely used and never saw fit to supply any of their own loggings for us to use. > > Unfortunately the matter grew to a head and we sadly saw fit to refuse those who had reasonably asked permission to use and to withdraw their permitted use from Priyom who had also asked and were given permission. > > This isn't elitism; we are just protecting the wishes of those who produced schedules and who saw red at the wholesale abuse we suffered from certain 'non-contributing' members - of which a few more will be removed soon - and others mentioned above. > > Regards > Paul > For ENIGMA2000 > > > I'd like to know hot to do to obtain the number station schedules from ENIGMA2000. I remember some months ago it was possible to read it in the bulletin, while now it is no more included in the bulletin. > Thank you bye > Naig > > ______________________________________________________________ > Spooks mailing list > Home: > Help: > Post: mailto:Spooks at > > This list hosted by: > Please help support this email list: > From presentedin4d at Mon Jul 21 12:22:13 2014 From: presentedin4d at (Anthony Spinelli) Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 12:22:13 -0400 Subject: [Spooks] NS schedules from ENIGMA2000 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> Flavio, Bravo. The day and age we live in now - 2014 - isn't the Cold War, unlike some seem to wish to believe. In these times, on the INTERNET, we believe that the free flow of information is key to digital survival of hobbies - shortwave listening being one of them - and general livelihood. I can see no possible benefit in the redaction of this sort of information. Who are you helping, keeping schedules to yourselves? Are numbers stations made to be a club? In the grand scheme of things, who CARES about numbers stations so much as to keep all the information hush-hush? Everyone knows and praises Great Leader Enigma2000 for the supreme work he has done on the scene - and I don't deny that. But, sometimes, we need to let loose a little. This is 2014. This is the internet. If we want to keep everything secretive, silent, then might as well get our tin foil hats on and cover ourselves with a blanket in Mom's basement. If anything, keeping "our information ours" is very...childish? Why exist and claim to be for the benefit of others if that benefit is only given to those accepted into the club? Granted, I understand that "a lot of work goes into making these schedules." Good. Jonas Salk did a lot of good, hard work on the polio vaccine - that was released for free. So I don't see the excuse for people who love listening to numbers stations to have a good public eye for what people want. I have personally seen dozens of people join the numbers community. I tend to believe numbers station schedules are less difficult to make than a polio vaccine. The way I see it, everyone in this community needs to work together, rather slapping each other's knuckles just because of a couple numbers on the radio. If we keep everything so silent, then the shortwave community will die before the medium itself. -Anthony *The views here do not reflect the official views of PRIYOM or other PRIYOM members. On 7/21/2014 07:40, Flavio Cardone wrote: > Visit to unsubscribe from this list > > Hello - > > don't kid yourself, it's elitism (if it wasn't, you - Enigma 2000 - > wouldn't have to explain yourself) > > and you got annoyed because someone reposted your schedules without > paying homage to Enigma2000? Sorry, that's ridiculous, in this age of > information sharing. You shouldn't even *care* that someone reposts your > lists. As per your logic, this list shouldn't exist, as we're all > sharing information here. Did you ever hear, for instance, about open > source? > > Enigma2000 is no longer significant. You know, making an exclusive club > makes it interesting up to a point. At first, people can be attracted > because they think it's "special". Then, as the same information can be > found in other places (eg Priyom), people start not caring. > > I understand it makes you feel important and special when you restrict > information, but in 2014 it's a joke. > > Oh, and incidentally the "copyright" you like to affirm on the > Enigma2000 lists doesn't exist. Why? Because Enigma2000 has no legal > personality. It is only a group on Yahoo. It doesn't have a legal > director, representative or anything. Tell me, who would go to court to > enforce the copyright? You? the moderators? > > Just grow up. Imagine if every radio amateur or sw dx'er kept their > information just for them - radio wouldn't have evolved so much. > > So you don't want to help people who want to listen to number stations? > Fine, good for you. > > On 21/07/14 11:34, Beaumont, Paul wrote: >> Visit to unsubscribe from this list >> >> Good morning Naig, >> >> One reason schedules are no longer included is because of wholesale plagiarism. Those E2k members who construct schedules [including myself] took umbrage at the manner in which certain persons just took and in some cases reposted as their own work. >> The other matter being those who freely used and never saw fit to supply any of their own loggings for us to use. >> >> Unfortunately the matter grew to a head and we sadly saw fit to refuse those who had reasonably asked permission to use and to withdraw their permitted use from Priyom who had also asked and were given permission. >> >> This isn't elitism; we are just protecting the wishes of those who produced schedules and who saw red at the wholesale abuse we suffered from certain 'non-contributing' members - of which a few more will be removed soon - and others mentioned above. >> >> Regards >> Paul >> For ENIGMA2000 >> >> >> I'd like to know hot to do to obtain the number station schedules from ENIGMA2000. I remember some months ago it was possible to read it in the bulletin, while now it is no more included in the bulletin. >> Thank you bye >> Naig >> >> ______________________________________________________________ >> Spooks mailing list >> Home: >> Help: >> Post: mailto:Spooks at >> >> This list hosted by: >> Please help support this email list: >> > ______________________________________________________________ > Spooks mailing list > Home: > Help: > Post: mailto:Spooks at > > This list hosted by: > Please help support this email list: From ary at Mon Jul 21 12:42:22 2014 From: ary at (Ary Boender) Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 18:42:22 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] M12 Message-ID: <000101cfa502$bf173300$3d459900$> M12, 11435/10598/9327 kHz, 21-07, 1600/1620/1640 UTC 938 1 9455 107 33366 91272 04525 21326 38786 93110 06884 10974 58104 13205 75879 29475 32553 90921 13854 82260 73569 57728 95430 51577 60933 55357 02693 33163 96256 23992 83598 83978 41366 67462 33866 54854 10810 77215 66125 49148 79134 15340 29345 22641 16549 72823 17266 82631 53608 35710 22447 52970 58740 94203 08929 59652 64981 06964 17845 32824 86632 99821 42425 02213 98723 38854 29641 23373 63355 98784 45485 01752 39348 81981 02942 73645 84322 88271 58171 63511 79169 55218 31088 58033 22501 25439 03052 65866 88492 32137 38917 44014 95274 63272 56498 22409 03499 64138 53064 27568 88916 98400 80573 42805 60084 31709 23209 78610 21858 00011 46262 000 000 Ary From at Mon Jul 21 12:43:57 2014 From: at (Eric) Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 12:43:57 -0400 Subject: [Spooks] NS schedules from ENIGMA2000 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> Message-ID: Flavio & Anthony, I often bite my tongue when this topic occasionally rears its head. It's not the first time. I once wished to become a member of a certain numbers enthusiast group but was denied membership because I did not have much to offer (wife just had a baby so I was taking care of both resulting in about 3 hours sleep a night!). After a few harsh words exchanged on both ends, I realized that particular group was something I really didn't want to be a part of. I've been following numbers since the mid 80's and have even traveled to some "historic" sites. While I may not be "active", I read this list and UDXF *DAILY.* There are other publications that provide just as much, if not more information and entertainment. I say entertainment because that's really what this is all about... Fun (not meeting some "quota"). On Mon, Jul 21, 2014 at 12:22 PM, Anthony Spinelli wrote: > Visit to unsubscribe from > this list > > Flavio, > > Bravo. > > The day and age we live in now - 2014 - isn't the Cold War, unlike some > seem to wish to believe. In these times, on the INTERNET, we believe that > the free flow of information is key to digital survival of hobbies - > shortwave listening being one of them - and general livelihood. > > I can see no possible benefit in the redaction of this sort of > information. Who are you helping, keeping schedules to yourselves? Are > numbers stations made to be a club? In the grand scheme of things, who > CARES about numbers stations so much as to keep all the information > hush-hush? > > Everyone knows and praises Great Leader Enigma2000 for the supreme work he > has done on the scene - and I don't deny that. But, sometimes, we need to > let loose a little. This is 2014. This is the internet. If we want to keep > everything secretive, silent, then might as well get our tin foil hats on > and cover ourselves with a blanket in Mom's basement. If anything, keeping > "our information ours" is very...childish? Why exist and claim to be for > the benefit of others if that benefit is only given to those accepted into > the club? > > Granted, I understand that "a lot of work goes into making these > schedules." Good. Jonas Salk did a lot of good, hard work on the polio > vaccine - that was released for free. So I don't see the excuse for people > who love listening to numbers stations to have a good public eye for what > people want. I have personally seen dozens of people join the numbers > community. I tend to believe numbers station schedules are less difficult > to make than a polio vaccine. The way I see it, everyone in this community > needs to work together, rather slapping each other's knuckles just because > of a couple numbers on the radio. > > If we keep everything so silent, then the shortwave community will die > before the medium itself. > > -Anthony > > *The views here do not reflect the official views of PRIYOM or other > PRIYOM members. > > On 7/21/2014 07:40, Flavio Cardone wrote: > >> Visit to unsubscribe from >> this list >> >> Hello - >> >> don't kid yourself, it's elitism (if it wasn't, you - Enigma 2000 - >> wouldn't have to explain yourself) >> >> and you got annoyed because someone reposted your schedules without >> paying homage to Enigma2000? Sorry, that's ridiculous, in this age of >> information sharing. You shouldn't even *care* that someone reposts your >> lists. As per your logic, this list shouldn't exist, as we're all >> sharing information here. Did you ever hear, for instance, about open >> source? >> >> Enigma2000 is no longer significant. You know, making an exclusive club >> makes it interesting up to a point. At first, people can be attracted >> because they think it's "special". Then, as the same information can be >> found in other places (eg Priyom), people start not caring. >> >> I understand it makes you feel important and special when you restrict >> information, but in 2014 it's a joke. >> >> Oh, and incidentally the "copyright" you like to affirm on the >> Enigma2000 lists doesn't exist. Why? Because Enigma2000 has no legal >> personality. It is only a group on Yahoo. It doesn't have a legal >> director, representative or anything. Tell me, who would go to court to >> enforce the copyright? You? the moderators? >> >> Just grow up. Imagine if every radio amateur or sw dx'er kept their >> information just for them - radio wouldn't have evolved so much. >> >> So you don't want to help people who want to listen to number stations? >> Fine, good for you. >> >> On 21/07/14 11:34, Beaumont, Paul wrote: >> >>> Visit to unsubscribe >>> from this list >>> >>> Good morning Naig, >>> >>> One reason schedules are no longer included is because of wholesale >>> plagiarism. Those E2k members who construct schedules [including myself] >>> took umbrage at the manner in which certain persons just took and in some >>> cases reposted as their own work. >>> The other matter being those who freely used and never saw fit to >>> supply any of their own loggings for us to use. >>> >>> Unfortunately the matter grew to a head and we sadly saw fit to refuse >>> those who had reasonably asked permission to use and to withdraw their >>> permitted use from Priyom who had also asked and were given permission. >>> >>> This isn't elitism; we are just protecting the wishes of those who >>> produced schedules and who saw red at the wholesale abuse we suffered from >>> certain 'non-contributing' members - of which a few more will be removed >>> soon - and others mentioned above. >>> >>> Regards >>> Paul >>> For ENIGMA2000 >>> >>> >>> I'd like to know hot to do to obtain the number station schedules from >>> ENIGMA2000. I remember some months ago it was possible to read it in the >>> bulletin, while now it is no more included in the bulletin. >>> Thank you bye >>> Naig >>> >>> ______________________________________________________________ >>> Spooks mailing list >>> Home: >>> Help: >>> Post: mailto:Spooks at >>> >>> This list hosted by: >>> Please help support this email list: >>> >>> ______________________________________________________________ >> Spooks mailing list >> Home: >> Help: >> Post: mailto:Spooks at >> >> This list hosted by: >> Please help support this email list: >> > > ______________________________________________________________ > Spooks mailing list > Home: > Help: > Post: mailto:Spooks at > > This list hosted by: > Please help support this email list: > From romanigian at Mon Jul 21 12:49:53 2014 From: romanigian at (Gian Romani) Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 18:49:53 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] NS schedules from ENIGMA2000 In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: OK Paul, thanks for your kind reply, I understand the situation. It was a great service for fan like me, and I'm sure a lot of other fan miss that kind of useful instrument. Is there any solution for the future? Tnx again, sincerely Naig 2014-07-21 11:34 GMT+02:00 Beaumont, Paul : > Visit to unsubscribe from > this list > > Good morning Naig, > > One reason schedules are no longer included is because of wholesale > plagiarism. Those E2k members who construct schedules [including myself] > took umbrage at the manner in which certain persons just took and in some > cases reposted as their own work. > The other matter being those who freely used and never saw fit to supply > any of their own loggings for us to use. > > Unfortunately the matter grew to a head and we sadly saw fit to refuse > those who had reasonably asked permission to use and to withdraw their > permitted use from Priyom who had also asked and were given permission. > > This isn't elitism; we are just protecting the wishes of those who > produced schedules and who saw red at the wholesale abuse we suffered from > certain 'non-contributing' members - of which a few more will be removed > soon - and others mentioned above. > > Regards > Paul > For ENIGMA2000 > > > I'd like to know hot to do to obtain the number station schedules from > ENIGMA2000. I remember some months ago it was possible to read it in the > bulletin, while now it is no more included in the bulletin. > Thank you bye > Naig > > ______________________________________________________________ > Spooks mailing list > Home: > Help: > Post: mailto:Spooks at > > This list hosted by: > Please help support this email list: > From lciotti1 at Mon Jul 21 12:53:11 2014 From: lciotti1 at (Louis Ciotti) Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 12:53:11 -0400 Subject: [Spooks] NS schedules from ENIGMA2000 In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: Not wanting be be a thread crasher, but being a new guy like me to SW listening, and with sometimes narrow windows of listening times, is that a reliable schedule posted somewhere that I would be able to use to find some unique broadcasts?? On Mon, Jul 21, 2014 at 12:49 PM, Gian Romani wrote: > Visit to unsubscribe from this list > > OK Paul, > thanks for your kind reply, I understand the situation. It was a great > service for fan like me, and I'm sure a lot of other fan miss that kind of > useful instrument. Is there any solution for the future? > Tnx again, sincerely > Naig > > > 2014-07-21 11:34 GMT+02:00 Beaumont, Paul : > >> Visit to unsubscribe from >> this list >> >> Good morning Naig, >> >> One reason schedules are no longer included is because of wholesale >> plagiarism. Those E2k members who construct schedules [including myself] >> took umbrage at the manner in which certain persons just took and in some >> cases reposted as their own work. >> The other matter being those who freely used and never saw fit to supply >> any of their own loggings for us to use. >> >> Unfortunately the matter grew to a head and we sadly saw fit to refuse >> those who had reasonably asked permission to use and to withdraw their >> permitted use from Priyom who had also asked and were given permission. >> >> This isn't elitism; we are just protecting the wishes of those who >> produced schedules and who saw red at the wholesale abuse we suffered from >> certain 'non-contributing' members - of which a few more will be removed >> soon - and others mentioned above. >> >> Regards >> Paul >> For ENIGMA2000 >> >> >> I'd like to know hot to do to obtain the number station schedules from >> ENIGMA2000. I remember some months ago it was possible to read it in the >> bulletin, while now it is no more included in the bulletin. >> Thank you bye >> Naig >> >> ______________________________________________________________ >> Spooks mailing list >> Home: >> Help: >> Post: mailto:Spooks at >> >> This list hosted by: >> Please help support this email list: >> > ______________________________________________________________ > Spooks mailing list > Home: > Help: > Post: mailto:Spooks at > > This list hosted by: > Please help support this email list: From tom at Mon Jul 21 13:15:31 2014 From: tom at (=?windows-1252?Q?Tom=E1=9A_Hetmer?=) Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 19:15:31 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] NS schedules from ENIGMA2000 In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <> Hi, since E2k is no longer interested in helping the public with numbers station listening, the only available schedule i'm aware of is maintained by us. (use the AGENDA view or add it to your Google Calendar) We also typically log and discuss current broadcasts in the IRC chat, where we have an announcement system for next broadcasts set up. (and you can of course participate freely, no invitation needed) Regards Tom?? Hetmer Dne 21.7.2014 18:53, Louis Ciotti napsal(a): > Visit to unsubscribe from this list > > Not wanting be be a thread crasher, but being a new guy like me to SW > listening, and with sometimes narrow windows of listening times, is > that a reliable schedule posted somewhere that I would be able to use > to find some unique broadcasts?? From ranger2995 at Mon Jul 21 13:30:24 2014 From: ranger2995 at (Ernie Rice) Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 13:30:24 -0400 Subject: [Spooks] NS schedules from ENIGMA2000 In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: We can no longer look at the sheds anymore? Why? Are they classified? I am a casual dye is credit due but to deny the skeds is wrong and smacks of censorship Ernie Sent from my iPhone > On Jul 21, 2014, at 12:49, Gian Romani wrote: > > Visit to unsubscribe from this list > > OK Paul, > thanks for your kind reply, I understand the situation. It was a great > service for fan like me, and I'm sure a lot of other fan miss that kind of > useful instrument. Is there any solution for the future? > Tnx again, sincerely > Naig > > > 2014-07-21 11:34 GMT+02:00 Beaumont, Paul : > >> Visit to unsubscribe from >> this list >> >> Good morning Naig, >> >> One reason schedules are no longer included is because of wholesale >> plagiarism. Those E2k members who construct schedules [including myself] >> took umbrage at the manner in which certain persons just took and in some >> cases reposted as their own work. >> The other matter being those who freely used and never saw fit to supply >> any of their own loggings for us to use. >> >> Unfortunately the matter grew to a head and we sadly saw fit to refuse >> those who had reasonably asked permission to use and to withdraw their >> permitted use from Priyom who had also asked and were given permission. >> >> This isn't elitism; we are just protecting the wishes of those who >> produced schedules and who saw red at the wholesale abuse we suffered from >> certain 'non-contributing' members - of which a few more will be removed >> soon - and others mentioned above. >> >> Regards >> Paul >> For ENIGMA2000 >> >> >> I'd like to know hot to do to obtain the number station schedules from >> ENIGMA2000. I remember some months ago it was possible to read it in the >> bulletin, while now it is no more included in the bulletin. >> Thank you bye >> Naig >> >> ______________________________________________________________ >> Spooks mailing list >> Home: >> Help: >> Post: mailto:Spooks at >> >> This list hosted by: >> Please help support this email list: >> > ______________________________________________________________ > Spooks mailing list > Home: > Help: > Post: mailto:Spooks at > > This list hosted by: > Please help support this email list: From fcardone at Mon Jul 21 13:32:39 2014 From: fcardone at (Flavio Cardone) Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 19:32:39 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] NS schedules on In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <> Hello, @Louis Ciotti yes, you can find schedules at - there you can also listen to recordings, etc. :-) They are normal people and you can even e-mail them and they answer back :-D And here you have an online radio put up by a university in Holland, it supports 255 users at once, you can tune it, do whatever you want and listen to it on a computer. Zero to 30 MHz :-) Actually it also works if you're on a mobile phone or tablet. @Anthony Spinelli - I too have listened to numbers stations for many years. Let's not kid ourselves - this is a hobby and we just have fun. Proper government agencies record the whole HF spectrum at once and have it processed by computers that are more powerful than what we have at home. "Secrecy" on E2000 reminds me of boys using decoder rings to send up secret messages. Cute, but come on... :-D Now, if we're talking conspiracies, here is a Cardone replying to a Ciotti and Spinelli. If *that* is not suspicious... who knows what we're really telling each other pretending to be on this list :-D On 21/07/14 18:53, Louis Ciotti wrote: > Visit to unsubscribe from this list > > Not wanting be be a thread crasher, but being a new guy like me to SW > listening, and with sometimes narrow windows of listening times, is > that a reliable schedule posted somewhere that I would be able to use > to find some unique broadcasts?? > > On Mon, Jul 21, 2014 at 12:49 PM, Gian Romani wrote: >> Visit to unsubscribe from this list >> >> OK Paul, >> thanks for your kind reply, I understand the situation. It was a great >> service for fan like me, and I'm sure a lot of other fan miss that kind of >> useful instrument. Is there any solution for the future? >> Tnx again, sincerely >> Naig >> >> >> 2014-07-21 11:34 GMT+02:00 Beaumont, Paul : >> >>> Visit to unsubscribe from >>> this list >>> >>> Good morning Naig, >>> >>> One reason schedules are no longer included is because of wholesale >>> plagiarism. Those E2k members who construct schedules [including myself] >>> took umbrage at the manner in which certain persons just took and in some >>> cases reposted as their own work. >>> The other matter being those who freely used and never saw fit to supply >>> any of their own loggings for us to use. >>> >>> Unfortunately the matter grew to a head and we sadly saw fit to refuse >>> those who had reasonably asked permission to use and to withdraw their >>> permitted use from Priyom who had also asked and were given permission. >>> >>> This isn't elitism; we are just protecting the wishes of those who >>> produced schedules and who saw red at the wholesale abuse we suffered from >>> certain 'non-contributing' members - of which a few more will be removed >>> soon - and others mentioned above. >>> >>> Regards >>> Paul >>> For ENIGMA2000 >>> >>> >>> I'd like to know hot to do to obtain the number station schedules from >>> ENIGMA2000. I remember some months ago it was possible to read it in the >>> bulletin, while now it is no more included in the bulletin. >>> Thank you bye >>> Naig >>> >>> ______________________________________________________________ >>> Spooks mailing list >>> Home: >>> Help: >>> Post: mailto:Spooks at >>> >>> This list hosted by: >>> Please help support this email list: >>> >> ______________________________________________________________ >> Spooks mailing list >> Home: >> Help: >> Post: mailto:Spooks at >> >> This list hosted by: >> Please help support this email list: > ______________________________________________________________ > Spooks mailing list > Home: > Help: > Post: mailto:Spooks at > > This list hosted by: > Please help support this email list: > From romanigian at Mon Jul 21 13:42:16 2014 From: romanigian at (Gian Romani) Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 19:42:16 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] NS schedules from ENIGMA2000 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: Many tnx Tomas!!!!!! 2014-07-21 19:15 GMT+02:00 Tom?? Hetmer : > Visit to unsubscribe from > this list > > Hi, > > since E2k is no longer interested in helping the public with numbers > station listening, the only available schedule i'm aware of is > maintained by us. > > > (use the AGENDA view or add it to your Google Calendar) > > We also typically log and discuss current broadcasts in the IRC chat, > where we have an announcement system for next broadcasts set up. > (and you can of course participate freely, no invitation needed) > > Regards > Tom?? Hetmer > > Dne 21.7.2014 18:53, Louis Ciotti napsal(a): > > Visit to unsubscribe > from this list > > > > Not wanting be be a thread crasher, but being a new guy like me to SW > > listening, and with sometimes narrow windows of listening times, is > > that a reliable schedule posted somewhere that I would be able to use > > to find some unique broadcasts?? > ______________________________________________________________ > Spooks mailing list > Home: > Help: > Post: mailto:Spooks at > > This list hosted by: > Please help support this email list: > From justcallmebuddy at Mon Jul 21 13:56:49 2014 From: justcallmebuddy at (Todd Dokey) Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 09:56:49 -0800 Subject: [Spooks] NS schedules from ENIGMA2000 In-Reply-To: References: <> Message-ID: Yeah, too bad. I have spent lots of time converting various schedules into a database that I use to drive my radio. Have tried for decades to establish some kind of logging standard, and am always told it will never work, rather than trying to accomplish the task. It just means their scheds won't get used anymore. Seems counterproductive to me. -- Semper Reluctor "War is a country of will, there?s no room for sympathy. If you?re not willing to give up everything?You?ve already lost." -- Chief Dave From fcardone at Mon Jul 21 14:02:36 2014 From: fcardone at (Flavio Cardone) Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 20:02:36 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] NS schedules from ENIGMA2000 In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <> Hello, On 21/07/14 19:30, Ernie Rice wrote: > Visit to unsubscribe from this list > > We can no longer look at the sheds anymore? Why? > Are they classified? I am a casual dye is credit due but to deny the skeds is wrong and smacks of censorship > > Ernie they wouldn't feel important if other people could look at them :-) imagine someone sitting on a bench making a tally of how many cars pass by, classified by colour. So you approach them and say "can I take a look?" and the person answers back "NO! MY LIST! MY SECRET LIST! MY LIST IS SECRET!". You just go "m-kay" and think "geez". They want to have their extra special secret list, let them have it. It's the same frequencies that show up here. If something - say - is on 12.120 MHz AM, our 12.120 MHz are the same as theirs :-) > > Sent from my iPhone > >> On Jul 21, 2014, at 12:49, Gian Romani wrote: >> >> Visit to unsubscribe from this list >> >> OK Paul, >> thanks for your kind reply, I understand the situation. It was a great >> service for fan like me, and I'm sure a lot of other fan miss that kind of >> useful instrument. Is there any solution for the future? >> Tnx again, sincerely >> Naig >> >> >> 2014-07-21 11:34 GMT+02:00 Beaumont, Paul : >> >>> Visit to unsubscribe from >>> this list >>> >>> Good morning Naig, >>> >>> One reason schedules are no longer included is because of wholesale >>> plagiarism. Those E2k members who construct schedules [including myself] >>> took umbrage at the manner in which certain persons just took and in some >>> cases reposted as their own work. >>> The other matter being those who freely used and never saw fit to supply >>> any of their own loggings for us to use. >>> >>> Unfortunately the matter grew to a head and we sadly saw fit to refuse >>> those who had reasonably asked permission to use and to withdraw their >>> permitted use from Priyom who had also asked and were given permission. >>> >>> This isn't elitism; we are just protecting the wishes of those who >>> produced schedules and who saw red at the wholesale abuse we suffered from >>> certain 'non-contributing' members - of which a few more will be removed >>> soon - and others mentioned above. >>> >>> Regards >>> Paul >>> For ENIGMA2000 >>> >>> >>> I'd like to know hot to do to obtain the number station schedules from >>> ENIGMA2000. I remember some months ago it was possible to read it in the >>> bulletin, while now it is no more included in the bulletin. >>> Thank you bye >>> Naig >>> >>> ______________________________________________________________ >>> Spooks mailing list >>> Home: >>> Help: >>> Post: mailto:Spooks at >>> >>> This list hosted by: >>> Please help support this email list: >>> >> ______________________________________________________________ >> Spooks mailing list >> Home: >> Help: >> Post: mailto:Spooks at >> >> This list hosted by: >> Please help support this email list: > ______________________________________________________________ > Spooks mailing list > Home: > Help: > Post: mailto:Spooks at > > This list hosted by: > Please help support this email list: > From fabien.loche at Mon Jul 21 14:12:41 2014 From: fabien.loche at (Fabien LOCHE) Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 20:12:41 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] unsubscribe In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> unsubscribe Le 21 juil. 2014 ? 20:02, Flavio Cardone a ?crit : > Visit to unsubscribe from this list > > Hello, > > On 21/07/14 19:30, Ernie Rice wrote: >> Visit to unsubscribe from this list >> >> We can no longer look at the sheds anymore? Why? >> Are they classified? I am a casual dye is credit due but to deny the skeds is wrong and smacks of censorship >> >> Ernie > > they wouldn't feel important if other people could look at them :-) > > imagine someone sitting on a bench making a tally of how many cars pass > by, classified by colour. So you approach them and say "can I take a > look?" and the person answers back "NO! MY LIST! MY SECRET LIST! MY LIST > IS SECRET!". You just go "m-kay" and think "geez". > > They want to have their extra special secret list, let them have it. > It's the same frequencies that show up here. If something - say - is on > 12.120 MHz AM, our 12.120 MHz are the same as theirs :-) > >> >> Sent from my iPhone >> >>> On Jul 21, 2014, at 12:49, Gian Romani wrote: >>> >>> Visit to unsubscribe from this list >>> >>> OK Paul, >>> thanks for your kind reply, I understand the situation. It was a great >>> service for fan like me, and I'm sure a lot of other fan miss that kind of >>> useful instrument. Is there any solution for the future? >>> Tnx again, sincerely >>> Naig >>> >>> >>> 2014-07-21 11:34 GMT+02:00 Beaumont, Paul : >>> >>>> Visit to unsubscribe from >>>> this list >>>> >>>> Good morning Naig, >>>> >>>> One reason schedules are no longer included is because of wholesale >>>> plagiarism. Those E2k members who construct schedules [including myself] >>>> took umbrage at the manner in which certain persons just took and in some >>>> cases reposted as their own work. >>>> The other matter being those who freely used and never saw fit to supply >>>> any of their own loggings for us to use. >>>> >>>> Unfortunately the matter grew to a head and we sadly saw fit to refuse >>>> those who had reasonably asked permission to use and to withdraw their >>>> permitted use from Priyom who had also asked and were given permission. >>>> >>>> This isn't elitism; we are just protecting the wishes of those who >>>> produced schedules and who saw red at the wholesale abuse we suffered from >>>> certain 'non-contributing' members - of which a few more will be removed >>>> soon - and others mentioned above. >>>> >>>> Regards >>>> Paul >>>> For ENIGMA2000 >>>> >>>> >>>> I'd like to know hot to do to obtain the number station schedules from >>>> ENIGMA2000. I remember some months ago it was possible to read it in the >>>> bulletin, while now it is no more included in the bulletin. >>>> Thank you bye >>>> Naig >>>> >>>> ______________________________________________________________ >>>> Spooks mailing list >>>> Home: >>>> Help: >>>> Post: mailto:Spooks at >>>> >>>> This list hosted by: >>>> Please help support this email list: >>>> >>> ______________________________________________________________ >>> Spooks mailing list >>> Home: >>> Help: >>> Post: mailto:Spooks at >>> >>> This list hosted by: >>> Please help support this email list: >> ______________________________________________________________ >> Spooks mailing list >> Home: >> Help: >> Post: mailto:Spooks at >> >> This list hosted by: >> Please help support this email list: >> > ______________________________________________________________ > Spooks mailing list > Home: > Help: > Post: mailto:Spooks at > > This list hosted by: > Please help support this email list: From ranger2995 at Mon Jul 21 14:59:09 2014 From: ranger2995 at (Ernie Rice) Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 14:59:09 -0400 Subject: [Spooks] NS schedules from ENIGMA2000 In-Reply-To: References: <> Message-ID: <> I agree. Why do they have a list if no one can use/see them Er Sent from my iPhone > On Jul 21, 2014, at 13:56, Todd Dokey wrote: > > Visit to unsubscribe from this list > > Yeah, too bad. > > I have spent lots of time converting various schedules into a database > that I use to drive my radio. > > Have tried for decades to establish some kind of logging standard, and > am always told it will never work, rather than trying to accomplish > the task. > > It just means their scheds won't get used anymore. > > Seems counterproductive to me. > > > > -- > Semper Reluctor > > "War is a country of will, there?s no room for sympathy. If you?re not > willing to give up everything?You?ve already lost." > > -- Chief Dave > ______________________________________________________________ > Spooks mailing list > Home: > Help: > Post: mailto:Spooks at > > This list hosted by: > Please help support this email list: From ranger2995 at Mon Jul 21 15:00:15 2014 From: ranger2995 at (Ernie Rice) Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 15:00:15 -0400 Subject: [Spooks] NS schedules from ENIGMA2000 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> Aha I get it now Ernie Sent from my iPhone > On Jul 21, 2014, at 14:02, Flavio Cardone wrote: > > Visit to unsubscribe from this list > > Hello, > >> On 21/07/14 19:30, Ernie Rice wrote: >> Visit to unsubscribe from this list >> >> We can no longer look at the sheds anymore? Why? >> Are they classified? I am a casual dye is credit due but to deny the skeds is wrong and smacks of censorship >> >> Ernie > > they wouldn't feel important if other people could look at them :-) > > imagine someone sitting on a bench making a tally of how many cars pass > by, classified by colour. So you approach them and say "can I take a > look?" and the person answers back "NO! MY LIST! MY SECRET LIST! MY LIST > IS SECRET!". You just go "m-kay" and think "geez". > > They want to have their extra special secret list, let them have it. > It's the same frequencies that show up here. If something - say - is on > 12.120 MHz AM, our 12.120 MHz are the same as theirs :-) > >> >> Sent from my iPhone >> >>> On Jul 21, 2014, at 12:49, Gian Romani wrote: >>> >>> Visit to unsubscribe from this list >>> >>> OK Paul, >>> thanks for your kind reply, I understand the situation. It was a great >>> service for fan like me, and I'm sure a lot of other fan miss that kind of >>> useful instrument. Is there any solution for the future? >>> Tnx again, sincerely >>> Naig >>> >>> >>> 2014-07-21 11:34 GMT+02:00 Beaumont, Paul : >>> >>>> Visit to unsubscribe from >>>> this list >>>> >>>> Good morning Naig, >>>> >>>> One reason schedules are no longer included is because of wholesale >>>> plagiarism. Those E2k members who construct schedules [including myself] >>>> took umbrage at the manner in which certain persons just took and in some >>>> cases reposted as their own work. >>>> The other matter being those who freely used and never saw fit to supply >>>> any of their own loggings for us to use. >>>> >>>> Unfortunately the matter grew to a head and we sadly saw fit to refuse >>>> those who had reasonably asked permission to use and to withdraw their >>>> permitted use from Priyom who had also asked and were given permission. >>>> >>>> This isn't elitism; we are just protecting the wishes of those who >>>> produced schedules and who saw red at the wholesale abuse we suffered from >>>> certain 'non-contributing' members - of which a few more will be removed >>>> soon - and others mentioned above. >>>> >>>> Regards >>>> Paul >>>> For ENIGMA2000 >>>> >>>> >>>> I'd like to know hot to do to obtain the number station schedules from >>>> ENIGMA2000. I remember some months ago it was possible to read it in the >>>> bulletin, while now it is no more included in the bulletin. >>>> Thank you bye >>>> Naig >>>> >>>> ______________________________________________________________ >>>> Spooks mailing list >>>> Home: >>>> Help: >>>> Post: mailto:Spooks at >>>> >>>> This list hosted by: >>>> Please help support this email list: >>>> >>> ______________________________________________________________ >>> Spooks mailing list >>> Home: >>> Help: >>> Post: mailto:Spooks at >>> >>> This list hosted by: >>> Please help support this email list: >> ______________________________________________________________ >> Spooks mailing list >> Home: >> Help: >> Post: mailto:Spooks at >> >> This list hosted by: >> Please help support this email list: >> > ______________________________________________________________ > Spooks mailing list > Home: > Help: > Post: mailto:Spooks at > > This list hosted by: > Please help support this email list: From loic.gogniat at Mon Jul 21 16:07:42 2014 From: loic.gogniat at (=?UTF-8?Q?Lo=C3=AFc_Gogniat?=) Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 13:07:42 -0700 Subject: [Spooks] NS schedules from ENIGMA2000 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> Message-ID: Hi Please remove my email address from this mailing list. Thanks Rgds On Jul 21, 2014 9:00 PM, "Ernie Rice" wrote: > > Visit to unsubscribe from this list > > Aha I get it now > > Ernie > > Sent from my iPhone > > > On Jul 21, 2014, at 14:02, Flavio Cardone wrote: > > > > Visit to unsubscribe from this list > > > > Hello, > > > >> On 21/07/14 19:30, Ernie Rice wrote: > >> Visit to unsubscribe from this list > >> > >> We can no longer look at the sheds anymore? Why? > >> Are they classified? I am a casual dye is credit due but to deny the skeds is wrong and smacks of censorship > >> > >> Ernie > > > > they wouldn't feel important if other people could look at them :-) > > > > imagine someone sitting on a bench making a tally of how many cars pass > > by, classified by colour. So you approach them and say "can I take a > > look?" and the person answers back "NO! MY LIST! MY SECRET LIST! MY LIST > > IS SECRET!". You just go "m-kay" and think "geez". > > > > They want to have their extra special secret list, let them have it. > > It's the same frequencies that show up here. If something - say - is on > > 12.120 MHz AM, our 12.120 MHz are the same as theirs :-) > > > >> > >> Sent from my iPhone > >> > >>> On Jul 21, 2014, at 12:49, Gian Romani wrote: > >>> > >>> Visit to unsubscribe from this list > >>> > >>> OK Paul, > >>> thanks for your kind reply, I understand the situation. It was a great > >>> service for fan like me, and I'm sure a lot of other fan miss that kind of > >>> useful instrument. Is there any solution for the future? > >>> Tnx again, sincerely > >>> Naig > >>> > >>> > >>> 2014-07-21 11:34 GMT+02:00 Beaumont, Paul : > >>> > >>>> Visit to unsubscribe from > >>>> this list > >>>> > >>>> Good morning Naig, > >>>> > >>>> One reason schedules are no longer included is because of wholesale > >>>> plagiarism. Those E2k members who construct schedules [including myself] > >>>> took umbrage at the manner in which certain persons just took and in some > >>>> cases reposted as their own work. > >>>> The other matter being those who freely used and never saw fit to supply > >>>> any of their own loggings for us to use. > >>>> > >>>> Unfortunately the matter grew to a head and we sadly saw fit to refuse > >>>> those who had reasonably asked permission to use and to withdraw their > >>>> permitted use from Priyom who had also asked and were given permission. > >>>> > >>>> This isn't elitism; we are just protecting the wishes of those who > >>>> produced schedules and who saw red at the wholesale abuse we suffered from > >>>> certain 'non-contributing' members - of which a few more will be removed > >>>> soon - and others mentioned above. > >>>> > >>>> Regards > >>>> Paul > >>>> For ENIGMA2000 > >>>> > >>>> > >>>> I'd like to know hot to do to obtain the number station schedules from > >>>> ENIGMA2000. I remember some months ago it was possible to read it in the > >>>> bulletin, while now it is no more included in the bulletin. > >>>> Thank you bye > >>>> Naig > >>>> > >>>> ______________________________________________________________ > >>>> Spooks mailing list > >>>> Home: > >>>> Help: > >>>> Post: mailto:Spooks at > >>>> > >>>> This list hosted by: > >>>> Please help support this email list: > >>>> > >>> ______________________________________________________________ > >>> Spooks mailing list > >>> Home: > >>> Help: > >>> Post: mailto:Spooks at > >>> > >>> This list hosted by: > >>> Please help support this email list: > >> ______________________________________________________________ > >> Spooks mailing list > >> Home: > >> Help: > >> Post: mailto:Spooks at > >> > >> This list hosted by: > >> Please help support this email list: > >> > > ______________________________________________________________ > > Spooks mailing list > > Home: > > Help: > > Post: mailto:Spooks at > > > > This list hosted by: > > Please help support this email list: > ______________________________________________________________ > Spooks mailing list > Home: > Help: > Post: mailto:Spooks at > > This list hosted by: > Please help support this email list: From ei0db at Mon Jul 21 16:36:58 2014 From: ei0db at (EI0DB) Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 20:36:58 +0000 Subject: [Spooks] "Number Stations a.k.a "Foxs" Schedules missing. Message-ID: <> Hi all, I dissent totally and am disgusted by the dog in the manger attitude shown when the withholding of the schedules of number stations was challenged.. It is a hobby, step back,relax, chill out, enjoy it, this hobby is based on cooperation and information sharing, not secrecy government spooks are too good at that! My view for what it is worth, is that the whole thing rests on cooperation - you destroy that and ENIGMA2000 will crash and burn. Ask yourself; why should we send you our logs to colate if you claim the contents belongs to you, when that clearly is false. You do not own the date in the schedules, you and the the collators, rely on "we" the community of "watchers" who collect the raw dataand send it in so the the collators, producers of the news letter, creators of the schedules and other items can process it. Like us you put your efforts into a common pool for a common purpose, but you do not own it.. Our clear intention I believe in sending data in is so the collated data can be distributed to *_anyone needing it._*Not restricted to some tin-pot "committee" of the "chosen few"; your not running GCHQ or the NSAit's all in the public domain if you look! Carry on you will end-up with nothing to use to create the newsletter and schedules ifwe stopped sending stuff to you. So the data is NOT the property of the collators it is the collective property of the wider community of watchers who provided the raw datawith the intended to help other watchers by sharing it. I suggest you restore the schedulesor we need a new organization that will do the job properly. long time "watcher", 73s., Dave [5000 Kgs of Napalm flames!] From ranger2995 at Mon Jul 21 17:47:44 2014 From: ranger2995 at (Ernie Rice) Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 17:47:44 -0400 Subject: [Spooks] "Number Stations a.k.a "Foxs" Schedules missing. In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> Why would we care if it "crashed and burned"? If they don't publish a list(skeds) for us to see what good are they? I see both sided of this BUT it seems childish. Ernie Sent from my iPhone > On Jul 21, 2014, at 16:36, EI0DB wrote: > > Visit to unsubscribe from this list > > Hi all, I dissent totally and am disgusted by the dog in the manger attitude shown when the withholding of the schedules of number stations was challenged.. > > It is a hobby, step back,relax, chill out, enjoy it, this hobby is based on cooperation and information sharing, not secrecy government spooks are too good at that! > > My view for what it is worth, is that the whole thing rests on cooperation - you destroy that and ENIGMA2000 will crash and burn. Ask yourself; why should we send you our logs to colate if you claim the contents belongs to you, when that clearly is false. > > You do not own the date in the schedules, you and the the collators, rely on "we" the community of "watchers" who collect the raw dataand send it in so the the collators, producers of the news letter, creators of the schedules and other items can process it. > Like us you put your efforts into a common pool for a common purpose, but you do not own it.. > > Our clear intention I believe in sending data in is so the collated data can be distributed to *_anyone needing it._*Not restricted to some tin-pot "committee" of the "chosen few"; your not running GCHQ or the NSAit's all in the public domain if you look! > > Carry on you will end-up with nothing to use to create the newsletter and schedules ifwe stopped sending stuff to you. So the data is NOT the property of the collators it is the collective property of the wider community of watchers who provided the raw datawith the intended to help other watchers by sharing it. I suggest you restore the schedulesor we need a new organization that will do the job properly. > > long time "watcher", 73s., Dave [5000 Kgs of Napalm flames!] > > ______________________________________________________________ > Spooks mailing list > Home: > Help: > Post: mailto:Spooks at > > This list hosted by: > Please help support this email list: From kevin at Mon Jul 21 17:54:05 2014 From: kevin at (Kevin Elliott) Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 14:54:05 -0700 Subject: [Spooks] "Number Stations a.k.a "Foxs" Schedules missing. In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> Message-ID: What?s with all the negativity lately in the radio world? Ham radio has always been home to snarking old farts who have little patience with young newbies to the hobby (a complete disservice to the hobby, really), but SWL had always seemed very collaborative and positive from my perspective; which is why I stayed in the SWL world for so long (and only recently becoming a licensed ham). But lately I?m seeing a ton of snobbery everywhere ? IRLP mailing list, AMSAT-BB mailing list, and now here on the Spooks list. My 2 cents (but you get what you pay for) ? I?d like to see more collaborative attitudes and find a happy median. 73, Kevin On Jul 21, 2014, at 2:47 PM, Ernie Rice wrote: > Visit to unsubscribe from this list > > Why would we care if it "crashed and burned"? If they don't publish a list(skeds) for us to see what good are they? > I see both sided of this BUT it seems childish. > > Ernie > > > > Sent from my iPhone > >> On Jul 21, 2014, at 16:36, EI0DB wrote: >> >> Visit to unsubscribe from this list >> >> Hi all, I dissent totally and am disgusted by the dog in the manger attitude shown when the withholding of the schedules of number stations was challenged.. >> >> It is a hobby, step back,relax, chill out, enjoy it, this hobby is based on cooperation and information sharing, not secrecy government spooks are too good at that! >> >> My view for what it is worth, is that the whole thing rests on cooperation - you destroy that and ENIGMA2000 will crash and burn. Ask yourself; why should we send you our logs to colate if you claim the contents belongs to you, when that clearly is false. >> >> You do not own the date in the schedules, you and the the collators, rely on "we" the community of "watchers" who collect the raw dataand send it in so the the collators, producers of the news letter, creators of the schedules and other items can process it. >> Like us you put your efforts into a common pool for a common purpose, but you do not own it.. >> >> Our clear intention I believe in sending data in is so the collated data can be distributed to *_anyone needing it._*Not restricted to some tin-pot "committee" of the "chosen few"; your not running GCHQ or the NSAit's all in the public domain if you look! >> >> Carry on you will end-up with nothing to use to create the newsletter and schedules ifwe stopped sending stuff to you. So the data is NOT the property of the collators it is the collective property of the wider community of watchers who provided the raw datawith the intended to help other watchers by sharing it. I suggest you restore the schedulesor we need a new organization that will do the job properly. >> >> long time "watcher", 73s., Dave [5000 Kgs of Napalm flames!] >> >> ______________________________________________________________ >> Spooks mailing list >> Home: >> Help: >> Post: mailto:Spooks at >> >> This list hosted by: >> Please help support this email list: > ______________________________________________________________ > Spooks mailing list > Home: > Help: > Post: mailto:Spooks at > > This list hosted by: > Please help support this email list: From kc2ttk at Mon Jul 21 18:39:30 2014 From: kc2ttk at (=?UTF-8?B?4pyHIEtDMlRUSw==?=) Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 18:39:30 -0400 Subject: [Spooks] NS schedules from ENIGMA2000 In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: Perhaps it's the afterglow of having attended the HOPE X conference, but I feel the need to contribute on this topic: (1) Information will inevitably out. Some time ago I wrote here a little ditty on the fine line between security and obscurity - not a great one, I confess, but it was good on-the-spot imporvisation. There is a parallel: inevitably, encrypted communications can be broken. (2) Information goes where it is wanted. Not necessarily where you want it to go. The schpiel I wrote ended up on places I never expected (or wanted in some cases). (3) Attribution is information. Occasionally I'll quote others without attribution. In most cases it's because the need to communicate information is greater than my ability to identify the source(s). I try my best to identify such information by "quoting" (QED). (4) Plagiarism is fought by publication. Here's where things get dicey. Yes, Enigma2000, Numbers & Oddities, et al. and deserve recognition. In many cases, recognition is the sole remuneration for one's efforts. When less-than-honorable people repackage information as their own, there is no effective way to fight it save for the true source to continue publishing. Eventually, as more people exchange the core information they will also be exchanging ancillary information. Thus, while E2K scheds. may be regugitated undesireably, the fact that plagiarism is taking place will also pass along the grapevine. This will not necessarily prevent plagiarism in the future, but it will make the end user aware of authentic origination. (5) You can choose your friends. This is probably going to be misinterpreted so please read this next section at face value. Yes, I did ask to join Enigma's group, and yes, I was turned down. Even though no one likes to be rejected, in any society (big/small, in/out, hip/square, mainstream/underground) it is the group's decision to accept individuals and, having been accepted, the individual's duty to conform to the norms in order to continue his/her participation in said group. To rail aganst a group due to rejection merely assures future rejection; to accept makes the decision reversible at a later date. So, with repect to the "E2K Clique", I look at it this way: things are as they should be, and "should be" trumps "want to be" any day. Anyway, the point is to recognize the dilligence we have all put into numbers stations. People clearly value the work. In the end, they will also come to value the people behind the work. From johnmb at Mon Jul 21 19:21:32 2014 From: johnmb at (john) Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 19:21:32 -0400 Subject: [Spooks] NS schedules from ENIGMA2000 In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <> At 05:34 AM 7/21/2014, Beaumont, Paul wrote: >This isn't elitism; we are just protecting the wishes of those who >produced schedules and who saw red at the wholesale abuse we suffered from >certain 'non-contributing' members - of which a few more will be removed >soon - and others mentioned above. An old DEC buddy (Tom Parmenter) wrote in the what was probably the first internet Blog "Desperado" something like the following: " Forward with daring and whimsy. The Internet is the universal solvent of intellectual property rights " while requesting attribution if you forwarded his stuff. He was right of course. I was bounced years ago from Enigma2K for not contributing enough. That was somewhat paradoxical as I had joined the group in order to read and soak up enough to be able to contribute. The elitist attitude was laughable then and even more so now where there are so many other sources of "their" information. At some point they'll become so secret they'll cease to exist and they'll no longer be subject to the"wholesale abuse...." they stolidly suffer. John --- This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection is active. From tmjva at Mon Jul 21 20:14:55 2014 From: tmjva at (RUTMJVA) Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 20:14:55 -0400 Subject: [Spooks] "Number Stations a.k.a "Foxs" Schedules missing. In-Reply-To: References: <> <> Message-ID: <> And I don't even own a radio. I subscribe here just to see number formats from days of yore. Good times. On 07/21/2014 05:53 PM, Kevin Elliott wrote: > Visit to unsubscribe from this list > > What?s with all the negativity lately in the radio world? Ham radio has always been home to snarking old farts who have little patience with young newbies to the hobby (a complete disservice to the hobby, really), but SWL had always seemed very collaborative and positive from my perspective; which is why I stayed in the SWL world for so long (and only recently becoming a licensed ham). > > But lately I?m seeing a ton of snobbery everywhere ? IRLP mailing list, AMSAT-BB mailing list, and now here on the Spooks list. > > My 2 cents (but you get what you pay for) ? I?d like to see more collaborative attitudes and find a happy median. > > 73, > Kevin > -- Tracy Johnson BT NNNN From cspacone at Mon Jul 21 22:20:38 2014 From: cspacone at (Chris Spacone) Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 19:20:38 -0700 Subject: [Spooks] NS schedules from ENIGMA2000 In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <005701cfa553$87b294d0$9717be70$> Bye, don't need the drama. Have fun talking to yourselves... -----Original Message----- From: Spooks [mailto:spooks-bounces at] On Behalf Of Beaumont, Paul Sent: Monday, July 21, 2014 02:35 To: 'Shortwave Spy Numbers Stations' Subject: Re: [Spooks] NS schedules from ENIGMA2000 Visit to unsubscribe from this list Good morning Naig, One reason schedules are no longer included is because of wholesale plagiarism. Those E2k members who construct schedules [including myself] took umbrage at the manner in which certain persons just took and in some cases reposted as their own work. The other matter being those who freely used and never saw fit to supply any of their own loggings for us to use. Unfortunately the matter grew to a head and we sadly saw fit to refuse those who had reasonably asked permission to use and to withdraw their permitted use from Priyom who had also asked and were given permission. This isn't elitism; we are just protecting the wishes of those who produced schedules and who saw red at the wholesale abuse we suffered from certain 'non-contributing' members - of which a few more will be removed soon - and others mentioned above. Regards Paul For ENIGMA2000 I'd like to know hot to do to obtain the number station schedules from ENIGMA2000. I remember some months ago it was possible to read it in the bulletin, while now it is no more included in the bulletin. Thank you bye Naig ______________________________________________________________ Spooks mailing list Home: Help: Post: mailto:Spooks at This list hosted by: Please help support this email list: From weablab at Mon Jul 21 23:49:45 2014 From: weablab at (Ashley Dugan) Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 22:49:45 -0500 Subject: [Spooks] E2K and other matters Message-ID: I, too, sought membership in E2K and was coolly rebuffed. Confused, I thought maybe it was because I was American (I travel overseas frequently and get a lot of chaff for that), but no, they have contributing American members. Perhaps because I'm female? It is a male dominated hobby...but, again, no. I have been very welcome on this list and other sites, and have received great help and advice for a newbie to Numbers Stations as well as DXing in general. Maybe because my cheap little radio doesn't pick up much more than my microwave oven? No matter. I do greatly respect the time and hard work that goes into producing the E2k newsletter. I hope that will remain accessible to all of us. The bright side is that I have now discovered Priyom! A. Dugan On Jul 21, 2014 1:03 PM, wrote: > Send Spooks mailing list submissions to > spooks at > > To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit > > or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to > spooks-request at > > You can reach the person managing the list at > spooks-owner at > > When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific > than "Re: Contents of Spooks digest..." > > > Today's Topics: > > 1. Re: NS schedules from ENIGMA2000 (Ernie Rice) > 2. Re: NS schedules on (Flavio Cardone) > 3. Re: NS schedules from ENIGMA2000 (Gian Romani) > 4. Re: NS schedules from ENIGMA2000 (Todd Dokey) > 5. Re: NS schedules from ENIGMA2000 (Flavio Cardone) > > > ---------------------------------------------------------------------- > > Message: 1 > Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 13:30:24 -0400 > From: Ernie Rice > To: Shortwave Spy Numbers Stations > Subject: Re: [Spooks] NS schedules from ENIGMA2000 > Message-ID: > Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii > > We can no longer look at the sheds anymore? Why? > Are they classified? I am a casual dye is credit due but to > deny the skeds is wrong and smacks of censorship > > Ernie > > Sent from my iPhone > > > On Jul 21, 2014, at 12:49, Gian Romani wrote: > > > > Visit to unsubscribe > from this list > > > > OK Paul, > > thanks for your kind reply, I understand the situation. It was a great > > service for fan like me, and I'm sure a lot of other fan miss that kind > of > > useful instrument. Is there any solution for the future? > > Tnx again, sincerely > > Naig > > > > > > 2014-07-21 11:34 GMT+02:00 Beaumont, Paul : > > > >> Visit to unsubscribe > from > >> this list > >> > >> Good morning Naig, > >> > >> One reason schedules are no longer included is because of wholesale > >> plagiarism. Those E2k members who construct schedules [including myself] > >> took umbrage at the manner in which certain persons just took and in > some > >> cases reposted as their own work. > >> The other matter being those who freely used and never saw fit to > supply > >> any of their own loggings for us to use. > >> > >> Unfortunately the matter grew to a head and we sadly saw fit to refuse > >> those who had reasonably asked permission to use and to withdraw their > >> permitted use from Priyom who had also asked and were given permission. > >> > >> This isn't elitism; we are just protecting the wishes of those who > >> produced schedules and who saw red at the wholesale abuse we suffered > from > >> certain 'non-contributing' members - of which a few more will be removed > >> soon - and others mentioned above. > >> > >> Regards > >> Paul > >> For ENIGMA2000 > >> > >> > >> I'd like to know hot to do to obtain the number station schedules from > >> ENIGMA2000. I remember some months ago it was possible to read it in the > >> bulletin, while now it is no more included in the bulletin. > >> Thank you bye > >> Naig > >> > >> ______________________________________________________________ > >> Spooks mailing list > >> Home: > >> Help: > >> Post: mailto:Spooks at > >> > >> This list hosted by: > >> Please help support this email list: > >> > > ______________________________________________________________ > > Spooks mailing list > > Home: > > Help: > > Post: mailto:Spooks at > > > > This list hosted by: > > Please help support this email list: > > > ------------------------------ > > Message: 2 > Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 19:32:39 +0200 > From: Flavio Cardone > To: Shortwave Spy Numbers Stations > Subject: Re: [Spooks] NS schedules on > Message-ID: <53CD4EB7.5090405 at> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 > > Hello, > > @Louis Ciotti > > yes, you can find schedules at - there you can also > listen to recordings, etc. :-) They are normal people and you can even > e-mail them and they answer back :-D > > And here > > > > you have an online radio put up by a university in Holland, it supports > 255 users at once, you can tune it, do whatever you want and listen to > it on a computer. Zero to 30 MHz :-) Actually it also works if you're on > a mobile phone or tablet. > > @Anthony Spinelli - > > I too have listened to numbers stations for many years. Let's not kid > ourselves - this is a hobby and we just have fun. > > Proper government agencies record the whole HF spectrum at once and have > it processed by computers that are more powerful than what we have at home. > > "Secrecy" on E2000 reminds me of boys using decoder rings to send up > secret messages. Cute, but come on... :-D > > Now, if we're talking conspiracies, here is a Cardone replying to a > Ciotti and Spinelli. If *that* is not suspicious... who knows what we're > really telling each other pretending to be on this list :-D > > On 21/07/14 18:53, Louis Ciotti wrote: > > Visit to unsubscribe > from this list > > > > Not wanting be be a thread crasher, but being a new guy like me to SW > > listening, and with sometimes narrow windows of listening times, is > > that a reliable schedule posted somewhere that I would be able to use > > to find some unique broadcasts?? > > > > On Mon, Jul 21, 2014 at 12:49 PM, Gian Romani > wrote: > >> Visit to unsubscribe > from this list > >> > >> OK Paul, > >> thanks for your kind reply, I understand the situation. It was a great > >> service for fan like me, and I'm sure a lot of other fan miss that kind > of > >> useful instrument. Is there any solution for the future? > >> Tnx again, sincerely > >> Naig > >> > >> > >> 2014-07-21 11:34 GMT+02:00 Beaumont, Paul : > >> > >>> Visit to unsubscribe > from > >>> this list > >>> > >>> Good morning Naig, > >>> > >>> One reason schedules are no longer included is because of wholesale > >>> plagiarism. Those E2k members who construct schedules [including > myself] > >>> took umbrage at the manner in which certain persons just took and in > some > >>> cases reposted as their own work. > >>> The other matter being those who freely used and never saw fit to > supply > >>> any of their own loggings for us to use. > >>> > >>> Unfortunately the matter grew to a head and we sadly saw fit to refuse > >>> those who had reasonably asked permission to use and to withdraw their > >>> permitted use from Priyom who had also asked and were given permission. > >>> > >>> This isn't elitism; we are just protecting the wishes of those who > >>> produced schedules and who saw red at the wholesale abuse we suffered > from > >>> certain 'non-contributing' members - of which a few more will be > removed > >>> soon - and others mentioned above. > >>> > >>> Regards > >>> Paul > >>> For ENIGMA2000 > >>> > >>> > >>> I'd like to know hot to do to obtain the number station schedules from > >>> ENIGMA2000. I remember some months ago it was possible to read it in > the > >>> bulletin, while now it is no more included in the bulletin. > >>> Thank you bye > >>> Naig > >>> > >>> ______________________________________________________________ > >>> Spooks mailing list > >>> Home: > >>> Help: > >>> Post: mailto:Spooks at > >>> > >>> This list hosted by: > >>> Please help support this email list: > >>> > >> ______________________________________________________________ > >> Spooks mailing list > >> Home: > >> Help: > >> Post: mailto:Spooks at > >> > >> This list hosted by: > >> Please help support this email list: > > ______________________________________________________________ > > Spooks mailing list > > Home: > > Help: > > Post: mailto:Spooks at > > > > This list hosted by: > > Please help support this email list: > > > > > ------------------------------ > > Message: 3 > Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 19:42:16 +0200 > From: Gian Romani > To: Shortwave Spy Numbers Stations > Subject: Re: [Spooks] NS schedules from ENIGMA2000 > Message-ID: > WJ0kYE5hvK7EzjP5gJvTuwNYsDZA at> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 > > Many tnx Tomas!!!!!! > > > > 2014-07-21 19:15 GMT+02:00 Tom?? Hetmer : > > > Visit to unsubscribe from > > this list > > > > Hi, > > > > since E2k is no longer interested in helping the public with numbers > > station listening, the only available schedule i'm aware of is > > maintained by us. > > > > > > (use the AGENDA view or add it to your Google Calendar) > > > > We also typically log and discuss current broadcasts in the IRC chat, > > where we have an announcement system for next broadcasts set up. > > (and you can of course participate freely, no invitation needed) > > > > Regards > > Tom?? Hetmer > > > > Dne 21.7.2014 18:53, Louis Ciotti napsal(a): > > > Visit to unsubscribe > > from this list > > > > > > Not wanting be be a thread crasher, but being a new guy like me to SW > > > listening, and with sometimes narrow windows of listening times, is > > > that a reliable schedule posted somewhere that I would be able to use > > > to find some unique broadcasts?? > > ______________________________________________________________ > > Spooks mailing list > > Home: > > Help: > > Post: mailto:Spooks at > > > > This list hosted by: > > Please help support this email list: > > > > > ------------------------------ > > Message: 4 > Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 09:56:49 -0800 > From: Todd Dokey > To: Shortwave Spy Numbers Stations > Subject: Re: [Spooks] NS schedules from ENIGMA2000 > Message-ID: > jt6ibR9_8Qp6A at> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 > > Yeah, too bad. > > I have spent lots of time converting various schedules into a database > that I use to drive my radio. > > Have tried for decades to establish some kind of logging standard, and > am always told it will never work, rather than trying to accomplish > the task. > > It just means their scheds won't get used anymore. > > Seems counterproductive to me. > > > > -- > Semper Reluctor > > "War is a country of will, there?s no room for sympathy. If you?re not > willing to give up everything?You?ve already lost." > > -- Chief Dave > > > ------------------------------ > > Message: 5 > Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 20:02:36 +0200 > From: Flavio Cardone > To: Shortwave Spy Numbers Stations > Subject: Re: [Spooks] NS schedules from ENIGMA2000 > Message-ID: <53CD55BC.9070605 at> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 > > Hello, > > On 21/07/14 19:30, Ernie Rice wrote: > > Visit to unsubscribe > from this list > > > > We can no longer look at the sheds anymore? Why? > > Are they classified? I am a casual dye is credit due but to > deny the skeds is wrong and smacks of censorship > > > > Ernie > > they wouldn't feel important if other people could look at them :-) > > imagine someone sitting on a bench making a tally of how many cars pass > by, classified by colour. So you approach them and say "can I take a > look?" and the person answers back "NO! MY LIST! MY SECRET LIST! MY LIST > IS SECRET!". You just go "m-kay" and think "geez". > > They want to have their extra special secret list, let them have it. > It's the same frequencies that show up here. If something - say - is on > 12.120 MHz AM, our 12.120 MHz are the same as theirs :-) > > > > > Sent from my iPhone > > > >> On Jul 21, 2014, at 12:49, Gian Romani wrote: > >> > >> Visit to unsubscribe > from this list > >> > >> OK Paul, > >> thanks for your kind reply, I understand the situation. It was a great > >> service for fan like me, and I'm sure a lot of other fan miss that kind > of > >> useful instrument. Is there any solution for the future? > >> Tnx again, sincerely > >> Naig > >> > >> > >> 2014-07-21 11:34 GMT+02:00 Beaumont, Paul : > >> > >>> Visit to unsubscribe > from > >>> this list > >>> > >>> Good morning Naig, > >>> > >>> One reason schedules are no longer included is because of wholesale > >>> plagiarism. Those E2k members who construct schedules [including > myself] > >>> took umbrage at the manner in which certain persons just took and in > some > >>> cases reposted as their own work. > >>> The other matter being those who freely used and never saw fit to > supply > >>> any of their own loggings for us to use. > >>> > >>> Unfortunately the matter grew to a head and we sadly saw fit to refuse > >>> those who had reasonably asked permission to use and to withdraw their > >>> permitted use from Priyom who had also asked and were given permission. > >>> > >>> This isn't elitism; we are just protecting the wishes of those who > >>> produced schedules and who saw red at the wholesale abuse we suffered > from > >>> certain 'non-contributing' members - of which a few more will be > removed > >>> soon - and others mentioned above. > >>> > >>> Regards > >>> Paul > >>> For ENIGMA2000 > >>> > >>> > >>> I'd like to know hot to do to obtain the number station schedules from > >>> ENIGMA2000. I remember some months ago it was possible to read it in > the > >>> bulletin, while now it is no more included in the bulletin. > >>> Thank you bye > >>> Naig > >>> > >>> ______________________________________________________________ > >>> Spooks mailing list > >>> Home: > >>> Help: > >>> Post: mailto:Spooks at > >>> > >>> This list hosted by: > >>> Please help support this email list: > >>> > >> ______________________________________________________________ > >> Spooks mailing list > >> Home: > >> Help: > >> Post: mailto:Spooks at > >> > >> This list hosted by: > >> Please help support this email list: > > ______________________________________________________________ > > Spooks mailing list > > Home: > > Help: > > Post: mailto:Spooks at > > > > This list hosted by: > > Please help support this email list: > > > > > ------------------------------ > > Subject: Digest Footer > > ______________________________________________________________ > Spooks mailing list > Home: > Help: > Post: mailto:Spooks at > - > Visit for complete information about Spy > Numbers Stations > > > ------------------------------ > > End of Spooks Digest, Vol 126, Issue 14 > *************************************** > From kc2ttk at Tue Jul 22 01:08:07 2014 From: kc2ttk at (=?UTF-8?B?4pyHIEtDMlRUSw==?=) Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 01:08:07 -0400 Subject: [Spooks] HM01 IP Message-ID: 2014-07-22 05:05 UTC 14375 KHz 12516 70633 07707 55528 73871 38529 From kd7jyk at Tue Jul 22 01:13:48 2014 From: kd7jyk at (KD7JYK DM09) Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 22:13:48 -0700 Subject: [Spooks] NS schedules from ENIGMA2000 References: <> Message-ID: <020d01cfa56d$49371a40$1254fb48@mainframe> : But of course it is exactly elitism, as is the whole Enigma group. Now, who DOES get those schedules? Kurt From kd7jyk at Tue Jul 22 01:22:08 2014 From: kd7jyk at (KD7JYK DM09) Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 22:22:08 -0700 Subject: [Spooks] NS schedules from ENIGMA2000 References: Message-ID: <020e01cfa56d$4a363ac0$1254fb48@mainframe> : Yes, I did ask to join Enigma's group, and yes, I was turned down. I feel special. I was there for a few years. There was relatively little discussion and EVERYTHING on it was a duplicate of several other lists I was on at the time, about five or six, so, I didn't get dropped, I left. I've had no problems with that group, or anyone on it that I know, but from what I read here, anything they have could have been obtained anywhere of a dozen other open forums and probably is, so why care? Kurt From kc2ttk at Tue Jul 22 01:59:45 2014 From: kc2ttk at (=?UTF-8?B?4pyHIEtDMlRUSw==?=) Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 01:59:45 -0400 Subject: [Spooks] NS schedules from ENIGMA2000 In-Reply-To: <020e01cfa56d$4a363ac0$1254fb48@mainframe> References: <020e01cfa56d$4a363ac0$1254fb48@mainframe> Message-ID: Your "why care?" caused me this thought: If what you say is true (not that I doubt it), then it appears that information was outed *to* Enigma just as it outed *from* Enigma. So, aside from designating official-by-fiat station IDs, does Enigma matter at all? I pose the thought rhetorically as soliciting an answer will probably ruffle feathers, fuel a flame war, and clog the mailing list. And yet I cannot help but wonder. On Jul 22, 2014 1:25 AM, "KD7JYK DM09" wrote: > Visit to unsubscribe from > this list > > : Yes, I did ask to join Enigma's group, and yes, I was turned down. > > I feel special. I was there for a few years. There was relatively little > discussion and EVERYTHING on it was a duplicate of several other lists I > was > on at the time, about five or six, so, I didn't get dropped, I left. I've > had no problems with that group, or anyone on it that I know, but from what > I read here, anything they have could have been obtained anywhere of a > dozen > other open forums and probably is, so why care? > > Kurt > > ______________________________________________________________ > Spooks mailing list > Home: > Help: > Post: mailto:Spooks at > > This list hosted by: > Please help support this email list: > From ary at Tue Jul 22 03:58:25 2014 From: ary at (Ary Boender) Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 09:58:25 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] Logs Message-ID: <002601cfa582$b7c33970$2749ac50$> 13424 22-07-2014 0645 E11 USB 517/00 5430 22-07-2014 0700 S06s USB 374 281 5 72538 01983 57574 38291 98954 281 5 00000 6780 22-07-2014 0715 S06s USB 374 281 5 72538 01983 57574 38291 98954 281 5 00000 14753 22-07-2014 0710 E11 USB 633/00 7365 22-07-2014 0730 S06s AM 427 951 6 43169 42483 18958 37032 30440 93442 951 6 00000 11655 22-07-2014 0740 S06s AM 427 951 6 43169 42483 18958 37032 30440 93442 951 6 00000 15632 22-07-2014 0745 E11 USB 335/00 20513 22-07-2014 0700 XPA2 MFSK-16 00689 00095 56599 ... 24285 10412 35272 18213 22-07-2014 0720 XPA2 MFSK-16 00689 00095 56599 ... 24285 10412 35272 15913 22-07-2014 0740 XPA2 MFSK-16 00689 00095 56599 ... 24285 10412 35272 XPA2: 20513/18213/15913 kHz, 22-07, 0700/0720/0740 UTC 00689 00095 56599 46628 24867 34099 20202 83143 30761 10142 46338 34841 15605 48417 44800 87084 39975 68450 26969 18594 29447 47073 69600 17956 52882 12669 18077 30864 38118 66018 08886 48044 70065 11118 58746 78511 55681 16948 46633 22109 23771 74995 94528 04873 45161 06958 33551 17077 72866 22300 91400 96221 15051 76256 42273 07115 69430 87531 53939 61911 34486 66924 95966 04381 83279 48746 53991 15353 16472 12265 99643 82493 53409 08691315511 82146 66817 33772 29327 04905 36734 58815 28453 80360 70134 99251 94689 93641 14202 68072 74481 33360 57367 46999 77998 24285 10412 35272 73, Ary From ary at Tue Jul 22 04:15:42 2014 From: ary at (Ary Boender) Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 10:15:42 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] More logs Message-ID: <002f01cfa585$21bc0f80$65342e80$> 14373 22-07-2014 0800 S06s USB 352 418 6 54928 33165 37858 39538 83873 44333 418 6 00000 12935 22-07-2014 0810 S06s USB 352 418 6 54928 33165 37858 39538 83873 44333 418 6 00000 11635 22-07-2014 0800 HM01 AM/RDFT 57528 73871 38129 12517 70633 07707 Ary From ary at Tue Jul 22 05:03:46 2014 From: ary at (Ary Boender) Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 11:03:46 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] HM01 Message-ID: <003101cfa58b$d92c4cb0$8b84e610$> 11462 22-07-2014 0900 HM01 AM/RDFT 57528 73871 38129 12517 70633 07707 Ary From at Tue Jul 22 06:14:01 2014 From: at (Eric) Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 06:14:01 -0400 Subject: [Spooks] "Number Stations a.k.a "Foxs" Schedules missing. In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> <> Message-ID: <> I miss the 80's. Maybe not the clothes or hair styles but certainly the amount and variety of content available in the air! > On Jul 21, 2014, at 8:14 PM, RUTMJVA wrote: > > Visit to unsubscribe from this list > > And I don't even own a radio. I subscribe here just to see number formats from days of yore. Good times. > > >> On 07/21/2014 05:53 PM, Kevin Elliott wrote: >> Visit to unsubscribe from this list >> >> What?s with all the negativity lately in the radio world? Ham radio has always been home to snarking old farts who have little patience with young newbies to the hobby (a complete disservice to the hobby, really), but SWL had always seemed very collaborative and positive from my perspective; which is why I stayed in the SWL world for so long (and only recently becoming a licensed ham). >> >> But lately I?m seeing a ton of snobbery everywhere ? IRLP mailing list, AMSAT-BB mailing list, and now here on the Spooks list. >> >> My 2 cents (but you get what you pay for) ? I?d like to see more collaborative attitudes and find a happy median. >> >> 73, >> Kevin > > > -- > Tracy Johnson > > BT > > > > > > > > NNNN > > ______________________________________________________________ > Spooks mailing list > Home: > Help: > Post: mailto:Spooks at > > This list hosted by: > Please help support this email list: From fcardone at Tue Jul 22 07:53:58 2014 From: fcardone at (Flavio Cardone) Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 13:53:58 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] "Number Stations a.k.a "Foxs" Schedules missing. In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> <> Message-ID: <> Hello, On 22/07/14 02:14, RUTMJVA wrote: > And I don't even own a radio. I subscribe here just to see number > formats from days of yore. Good times. Actually you don't even need one, you can play around with that University of Twente WebSDR, and wherever you are, you will have a "European" signal on your computer. Many years ago, Enigma was a nice, proper useful group. From those days we inherited the classification of number stations (E01, etc.). If they decided to implode by having only a dozen of people on the group, who cares. It's a pity though, because I remember how things were once. About their silly copyright, they even have someone saying on their web-page that a "gentleman of the legal profession" who belongs to their group sent an e-mail saying their copyright exists, etc. I am not a "gentleman of the legal profession", I am a lawyer. Yes, copyright "always" exists, it belongs to the creator of the intellectual property. Enigma2000 is not a legal entity, it is not registered anywhere. There is no board of directors, there is no legal representative. It publishes contributions by individual people, who themselves are reproducing information broadcast by someone else. If I had their schedules, I would publish them at once, just to annoy them :-D Then what, they would go to court and ask for damages? What is the amount of direct damage such publication would have caused? Zero. The amount of lost profits? Zero. The damages they'd get? Zero. This, unfortunately, is the problem with internet groups. The group founder can just shut down the group, delete its files, and it's all gone. Funny, though, that Enigma2000 don't mind using the information on THIS list but think they are too good to help other people. They'll eventually just die out. And who cares, really, if they don't help at all. From ei0db at Tue Jul 22 09:41:56 2014 From: ei0db at (EI0DB) Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 13:41:56 +0000 Subject: [Spooks] Regenerating ? Schedules. Message-ID: <> Hi All, Real question is; is there enough information out on the web to regenerate the schedules without Enigma? And has anyone the time, patience and incentive to do it and stay doing it? Then if yes, how can it be distributed, so everyone gets what they need ? I had a look at but was put off by seeing they are encrypting stuff. I am pretty certain that the "spooks" GCHQ, Russians, Red Chinese and various BVD type outfits in Europe, not to mention the occupants of black glasstower at Fort George G Meade, in Maryland, can read their stuff faster than it is typed. Giving users a false sense of security which is very very dangerous. Always think before you write or send anything over the Web it is absolutely insecure! best 72s, Dave From danix111 at Tue Jul 22 09:47:19 2014 From: danix111 at (Daniel Ekmann) Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 15:47:19 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] Regenerating ? Schedules. In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> Hello. On 07/22/2014 03:41 PM, EI0DB wrote: > I had a look at but was put off by seeing they are encrypting stuff. Priyom is not encrypting anything. Emails to Priyom don't have to be encrypted. I don't know what you are talking about. Regards Daniel From csmolinski at Tue Jul 22 09:51:57 2014 From: csmolinski at (Chris Smolinski) Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 09:51:57 -0400 Subject: [Spooks] Spy Numbers Logging Datavase Re: Regenerating ? Schedules. In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> There's a database of loggings here: If loggings are entered into this database, using this easy to use form here, rather than just typed as a message to the list, they automatically get entered into the database: No human intervention is required. It's that easy! Loggings can then be searched here: This can make it much easier to collate information, to put together schedules. And, all the loggings are publicly available for all to use. There's over 120,000 loggings in the database right now, in fact. The more people that contribute their loggings, the more there will be for everyone else to see and use. There are some tools to display logs from the past during the current hour and day of week, as well as the next hour, to see what stations might be on the air. Right now it uses all loggings, so you get some old entries. This can certainly be tightened up to display only loggings from the last year for example. Let me know what would be best. I'd also like to point out that the website has a forum for numbers stations (in addition to forums for other radio related topics) here:,7.0.html On Jul 22, 2014, at 9:41 AM, EI0DB wrote: > Visit to unsubscribe from this list > > Hi All, Real question is; is there enough information out on the web to regenerate the schedules without Enigma? And has anyone the time, patience and incentive to do it and stay doing it? Then if yes, how can it be distributed, so everyone gets what they need ? > > I had a look at but was put off by seeing they are encrypting stuff. I am pretty certain that the "spooks" GCHQ, Russians, Red Chinese and various BVD type outfits in Europe, not to mention the occupants of black glasstower at Fort George G Meade, in Maryland, can read their stuff faster than it is typed. Giving users a false sense of security which is very very dangerous. Always think before you write or send anything over the Web it is absolutely insecure! > > > best 72s, Dave > ______________________________________________________________ > Spooks mailing list > Home: > Help: > Post: mailto:Spooks at > > This list hosted by: > Please help support this email list: > Chris Smolinski Black Cat Systems From fcardone at Tue Jul 22 10:02:38 2014 From: fcardone at (Flavio Cardone) Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 16:02:38 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] Regenerating ? Schedules. In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> Message-ID: <> Hello, I also don't understand what you mean by priyom encrypting stuff. All the schedules are there, including a very useful feature that says what is the next station that will be transmitting. Combine that with uwente's online radio, and you can listen to numbers stations live and without a radio. And if you install fldigi or something you can even decode digital transmissions. On 22/07/14 15:47, Daniel Ekmann wrote: > Visit to unsubscribe from > this list > > Hello. > > On 07/22/2014 03:41 PM, EI0DB wrote: >> I had a look at but was put off by seeing they are > encrypting stuff. > > Priyom is not encrypting anything. Emails to Priyom don't have to be > encrypted. I don't know what you are talking about. > > Regards > Daniel > > ______________________________________________________________ > Spooks mailing list > Home: > Help: > Post: mailto:Spooks at > > This list hosted by: > Please help support this email list: From ary at Tue Jul 22 11:16:48 2014 From: ary at (Ary Boender) Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 17:16:48 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] S06s Message-ID: <004e01cfa5bf$f5a399f0$e0eacdd0$> 6766 22-07-2014 1500 S06s USB 537 829 6 37684 46080 34015 41905 55088 38421 829 6 00000 7744 22-07-2014 1510 S06s USB 537 829 6 37684 46080 34015 41905 55088 38421 829 6 00000 73, Ary From patrol at Tue Jul 22 11:19:26 2014 From: patrol at (Pavel Troller) Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 17:19:26 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] Regenerating ? Schedules. In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> <> Message-ID: <> Hi! I'm also very thankful for The schedules are there and I just tested even the "next station" featuer - it was the S06 at 6676 now at 03:00z, I tuned my rig - and it was there, S9+20! 73, Pavel, Prague > Hello, > > I also don't understand what you mean by priyom encrypting stuff. All > the schedules are there, including a very useful feature that says what > is the next station that will be transmitting. > > Combine that with uwente's online radio, and you can listen to numbers > stations live and without a radio. And if you install fldigi or > something you can even decode digital transmissions. > > On 22/07/14 15:47, Daniel Ekmann wrote: > > Visit to unsubscribe from > > this list > > > > Hello. > > > > On 07/22/2014 03:41 PM, EI0DB wrote: > >> I had a look at but was put off by seeing they are > > encrypting stuff. > > > > Priyom is not encrypting anything. Emails to Priyom don't have to be > > encrypted. I don't know what you are talking about. > > > > Regards > > Daniel From ranger2995 at Tue Jul 22 11:48:26 2014 From: ranger2995 at (Ernie Rice) Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 11:48:26 -0400 Subject: [Spooks] Regenerating ? Schedules. In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> <> <> Message-ID: <> This discussion reminds me when I was younger. I lived in grew up poor There was a one guy that used to come to our neighborhood to play football he was much better off than the rest of us his family had money so to speak. He brought the football. But he got ready to go home game was over. He would tell us football is mine. I'm taking it going home. Same thing!!' E Sent from my iPhone > On Jul 22, 2014, at 11:19, Pavel Troller wrote: > > Visit to unsubscribe from this list > > Hi! > I'm also very thankful for The schedules are there and I just > tested even the "next station" featuer - it was the S06 at 6676 now at 03:00z, > I tuned my rig - and it was there, S9+20! > 73, Pavel, Prague > >> Hello, >> >> I also don't understand what you mean by priyom encrypting stuff. All >> the schedules are there, including a very useful feature that says what >> is the next station that will be transmitting. >> >> Combine that with uwente's online radio, and you can listen to numbers >> stations live and without a radio. And if you install fldigi or >> something you can even decode digital transmissions. >> >>> On 22/07/14 15:47, Daniel Ekmann wrote: >>> Visit to unsubscribe from >>> this list >>> >>> Hello. >>> >>>> On 07/22/2014 03:41 PM, EI0DB wrote: >>>> I had a look at but was put off by seeing they are >>> encrypting stuff. >>> >>> Priyom is not encrypting anything. Emails to Priyom don't have to be >>> encrypted. I don't know what you are talking about. >>> >>> Regards >>> Daniel > ______________________________________________________________ > Spooks mailing list > Home: > Help: > Post: mailto:Spooks at > > This list hosted by: > Please help support this email list: From Webweasel at Tue Jul 22 12:27:34 2014 From: Webweasel at (Webweasel) Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 17:27:34 +0100 Subject: [Spooks] Regenerating ? Schedules. In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> <> Message-ID: <> -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Hello All Just to clear up any misunderstanding. Nothing is encrypted on, however we do offer a GPG key for those who wish to use encrypted email. The NSA can probably read it of course, but it was asked for, so we supplied it. All our logs are publically available. You don't even need to go to the website, we have an XML based API that is publically available at feel free to use it for analysis work. We have a schedule on our front page, although google calander has issues with the display format and many are "missing" this is only a display issue. If you go to the sub-page you should find everything displays correctly. We do our best to keep the schedules up to date (Many thanks to all the contributors) but all help is appreciated. If we are missing a schedule please let us know. Email and our IRC channel #priyom on freenode are the best way to contact us. For any people wishing to contribute all we really ask is you hang around on IRC for a week or two to prove your not... err irresponsible. After that we generally give out logins to the website and database. is trying to be an online community, we built the site for everyone who wish's to publish on the web. Simply, I built a playground for you all, come and play. Write blog posts, add information pages treat the site like a wiki without anonymous membership. Our motto for members is never ask permission! Go ahead and do something. We can always roll it back if its wrong/offensive. As for the E2k discussion. I think you guys should pay a bit more respect to the Enigma group. I am sure a lot of us would not be here if it wasn't for their hard work, dedication and effort. Both sides have very valid arguments. Perhaps we should all take a step back to consider the others decision? Anyways... Come find us on the IRC channel, we are a friendly bunch and quite a community has been built (Though do be warned, any topic is up for converstation. The only thing we don't tolerate is intolerence) 73'yall Stefan Meyers/Webweasel (One of priyom.orgs founders) -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (MingW32) Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - iEYEARECAAYFAlPOkPYACgkQhjYmUoM5CpSvDQCfc0h/9qVfFFLIZsQv5I7AMqKk 2bgAoLGCLkIbZwe9M397WEC1HGUdBBvC =Ierj -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- From ary at Wed Jul 23 01:46:24 2014 From: ary at (Ary Boender) Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 07:46:24 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] S06 Message-ID: <001101cfa639$711c71f0$535555d0$> S06, 15721 kHz USB, 23-07-2014, 0400 UTC 480 326 55 22709 10281 00917 20322 85345 59542 48053 54825 37792 50710 93546 63057 32678 43279 94651 97676 40209 97928 76993 75453 62471 91273 29577 46084 46264 23893 63185 77904 80412 50623 80583 02684 88480 87896 31981 86686 52842 77826 54190 20194 31027 13712 16904 42666 50303 56659 24550 45744 91399 97998 47140 21262 97349 47198 78566 326 55 00000 Ary From kd7jyk at Wed Jul 23 02:18:11 2014 From: kd7jyk at (KD7JYK DM09) Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 23:18:11 -0700 Subject: [Spooks] NS schedules from ENIGMA2000 References: <020e01cfa56d$4a363ac0$1254fb48@mainframe> Message-ID: <023901cfa63e$531015e0$bb54fb48@mainframe> : So, aside from designating official-by-fiat station IDs... That's what I figured out they did. Kurt From ary at Wed Jul 23 03:06:14 2014 From: ary at (Ary Boender) Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 09:06:14 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] HM01 and XPA Message-ID: <001201cfa644$984724e0$c8d56ea0$> 10345 23-07-2014 0600 HM01 AM/RDFT 28627 07711 68158 24467 55523 54737 9330 23-07-2014 0700 HM01 AM/RDFT 28627 07711 68158 24467 55523 54737 XPA, 11409/13509/14609 kHz, 23-07, 0600/0620/0640 UTC, MFSK-20 456 456 456 1 02649 00165 98063 29846 81186 11848 20203 06312 04924 25749 68322 70041 04817 06976 99551 56121 06292 92232 56387 55477 23723 49724 18014 66791 10906 18282 66531 13629 21556 03001 97413 31102 24042 74597 80339 95871 45991 14496 65880 21479 88582 79239 81814 98781 52145 58034 61799 63524 30732 63416 63566 81545 12799 60337 85533 01992 08892 59588 89878 40492 31945 29455 39827 92107 41995 38623 46954 91192 16525 87311 54635 32164 23852 01649 97170 10793 70915 46673 40424 08908 96656 89443 58248 17725 05812 22898 94385 53254 92572 96954 07931 54033 87087 79146 55123 58641 36894 33498 13165 34328 27693 05139 81389 49900 48877 72792 80339 10250 96605 27129 27810 26314 88580 04653 87140 56775 03098 49660 97010 06926 51342 91990 21378 99244 12915 24571 62598 93109 90358 46719 65331 81171 28170 55556 73371 12172 84662 32207 57889 22290 68656 34946 46886 17553 67672 37360 40251 82125 80320 01944 67857 92634 95564 81162 43232 22474 78165 88140 97699 33612 73598 40803 60914 38892 00567 15497 08289 44301 Ary From ei0db at Tue Jul 22 13:18:39 2014 From: ei0db at (EI0DB) Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 17:18:39 +0000 Subject: [Spooks] regenerating schedules Message-ID: <> Hi All, thank you for all the pointers, what I was referring to the first message to Priyom off their web site used PGP crypt. Got a very helpful email back so they have my log and latest intercept of M12 maybe on 7931 kcs at 1657 zulu. 73s, Dave From ei0db at Wed Jul 23 08:28:33 2014 From: ei0db at (EI0DB) Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 12:28:33 +0000 Subject: [Spooks] reply: priynom not encrypted. Message-ID: <> Hi All ,just to clear this up I accept Priyom is not encrypted. The confusion on my part was that the first time I looked at their web page and wanted to sent them a message. My message was encrypted then sent. which was a bit off putting. As I know the internet and email is the most insecure method of communication. Likened to conducted a "private" conversion using bull-horns across the Concourse at Paddington station in the rush hour. And I would bet all the major "spook" outfits, GCHQ ,NSA, KGB (by what ever current name), Red Chines Intel, not forgetting the nosy EU,can break PGP in real time, So it gives a false sense of security to users - just gut instinct as nobody is telling! The outcome of my message was that I got a very friendly and helpful email back and they now have my April to June log. I think I have used the "what stations are up in the next hour facility in the past". Setting up for E12's 1700 zulu transmissions using the Dutch-SDR, I bagged another "fox". A mores stream just appeared on 7931 Kcs a known Russian military frequency, lasted from 1655 to 1659 zulu fast morse all numbers, it was gone before the BBC pips on Radio 4, 198 Kcs. my decoder (cwLab4x) thinks the speed was around 35 wpm, Good hunting, and 73s, Dave From spooks at Wed Jul 23 21:56:01 2014 From: spooks at (shawn fahrer via Spooks) Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 18:56:01 -0700 Subject: [Spooks] HM01 07/23/2014 Message-ID: <> 10345 23-07-2014 0600 HM01 AM/RDFT 28627 07711 68158 24467 55523 54737 as noted by Ary (on UDXF) and yours truly (now). However, I have two points to make about last night's broadcast: 1) All new numbers today (which may mean new "marching orders" for all those [spies?] who can properly translate these numbers and data tones). 2) Signal surprisingly WEAK and hard to get a fix on in my part of the world. Ary, did you have any problem with the signal where you are? One final comment: It wouldn't surprise me if these numbers do not change much for a few days (due to lots of final 7's and one final 8; such numbers can't roll past 9 as we know). Besides, we have had recent history of such lack of change (such as the first few days of this month starting on July 2). And a question: on 07/22/2014 on 14375 @ 05 UT, I heard 57528 73871 (new number, just for this day) 38129 12516 70633 07707. Did you hear anything on the supposedly || 11462? I didn't hear anything resembling HM01 close to the 25 meter band @ 05 UT, the night before (didn't stay up for the 06 UT rebroadcast).... Shawn From Flushing NY (wondering if broadcasts on 11462 are just a passing fad, a spur from a faulty transmitter, or a frequency for Central and South America which we'd only get from the back of the antenna on a good propagation evening) From kc2ttk at Wed Jul 23 22:14:05 2014 From: kc2ttk at (=?UTF-8?B?4pyHIEtDMlRUSw==?=) Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 22:14:05 -0400 Subject: [Spooks] HM01 07/23/2014 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: Since both of us are within the five boroughs, my confirmation falls a little short of conclusive. That said, HM01 has indeed been very weak of late - even on known-good/reliable frequencies. I tried to pick up the 11462 KHz transmission. Had I not heard the carrier come on* I wouldn't've spotted HM01. Even the RDFT attention tone (at the end of the callup) was barely audible, and that's what I rely on to confirm that HM01's on the air when I can't hear the vox/callup. * or, more accurately, the distinctive sound that comes out of the speaker when my radio hones in on and syncs to the LSB. On Jul 23, 2014 9:56 PM, "shawn fahrer via Spooks" wrote: > Visit to unsubscribe from > this list > > 10345 23-07-2014 0600 HM01 AM/RDFT 28627 07711 68158 24467 55523 54737 as > noted by Ary (on UDXF) and yours truly (now). > However, I have two points to make about last night's broadcast: > > 1) All new numbers today (which may mean new "marching orders" for all > those [spies?] who can properly translate these numbers and data tones). > 2) Signal surprisingly WEAK and hard to get a fix on in my part of the > world. Ary, did you have any problem with the signal where you are? > > One final comment: It wouldn't surprise me if these numbers do not change > much for a few days (due to lots of final 7's and one final 8; such numbers > can't roll past 9 as we know). Besides, we have had recent history of such > lack of change (such as the first few days of this month starting on July > 2). > > And a question: on 07/22/2014 on 14375 @ 05 UT, I heard 57528 73871 (new > number, just for this day) 38129 12516 70633 07707. Did you hear anything > on the supposedly || 11462? I didn't hear anything resembling HM01 close to > the 25 meter band @ 05 UT, the night before (didn't stay up for the 06 UT > rebroadcast).... > > Shawn From Flushing NY > (wondering if broadcasts on 11462 are just a passing fad, a spur from a > faulty transmitter, or a frequency for Central and South America which we'd > only get from the back of the antenna on a good propagation evening) > ______________________________________________________________ > Spooks mailing list > Home: > Help: > Post: mailto:Spooks at > > This list hosted by: > Please help support this email list: > From ary at Thu Jul 24 01:19:29 2014 From: ary at (Ary Boender) Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 07:19:29 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] HM01 07/23/2014 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <001901cfa6fe$d8eb5880$8ac20980$> Hi Shawn, I have them right now on 14375 kHz 24-07 0500z 28628 07711 68159 24468 55524 54738. All changed except for the 2nd group. I usually can hear the 0500-0800 transmissions before it fades away. The Twente WedSDR (ca 130 km away from me) gives a much better result than my own radio. I live in the Netherlands. Cheers Ary From ary at Thu Jul 24 02:01:50 2014 From: ary at (Ary Boender) Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 08:01:50 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] HM01 07/23/2014 In-Reply-To: <001901cfa6fe$d8eb5880$8ac20980$> References: <> <001901cfa6fe$d8eb5880$8ac20980$> Message-ID: <001d01cfa704$c38e62b0$4aab2810$> 14375 kHz 24-07 0600z 28628 07711 68159 24468 55524 54738. Weak and fading now Ary -----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- Van: Spooks [mailto:spooks-bounces at] Namens Ary Boender Verzonden: donderdag 24 juli 2014 7:19 Aan: 'shawn fahrer'; 'Shortwave Spy Numbers Stations' Onderwerp: Re: [Spooks] HM01 07/23/2014 Visit to unsubscribe from this list Hi Shawn, I have them right now on 14375 kHz 24-07 0500z 28628 07711 68159 24468 55524 54738. All changed except for the 2nd group. I usually can hear the 0500-0800 transmissions before it fades away. The Twente WedSDR (ca 130 km away from me) gives a much better result than my own radio. I live in the Netherlands. Cheers Ary ______________________________________________________________ Spooks mailing list Home: Help: Post: mailto:Spooks at This list hosted by: Please help support this email list: From ary at Thu Jul 24 03:06:05 2014 From: ary at (Ary Boender) Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 09:06:05 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] HM01 07/23/2014 In-Reply-To: <001d01cfa704$c38e62b0$4aab2810$> References: <> <001901cfa6fe$d8eb5880$8ac20980$> <001d01cfa704$c38e62b0$4aab2810$> Message-ID: <002201cfa70d$bd29cb40$377d61c0$> 13435 24-07 0700 28628 07711 68159 24468 55524 54738 Better signal than at 0600 Ary -----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- Van: Spooks [mailto:spooks-bounces at] Namens Ary Boender Verzonden: donderdag 24 juli 2014 8:02 Aan: 'Shortwave Spy Numbers Stations' Onderwerp: Re: [Spooks] HM01 07/23/2014 Visit to unsubscribe from this list 14375 kHz 24-07 0600z 28628 07711 68159 24468 55524 54738. Weak and fading now Ary -----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- Van: Spooks [mailto:spooks-bounces at] Namens Ary Boender Verzonden: donderdag 24 juli 2014 7:19 Aan: 'shawn fahrer'; 'Shortwave Spy Numbers Stations' Onderwerp: Re: [Spooks] HM01 07/23/2014 Visit to unsubscribe from this list Hi Shawn, I have them right now on 14375 kHz 24-07 0500z 28628 07711 68159 24468 55524 54738. All changed except for the 2nd group. I usually can hear the 0500-0800 transmissions before it fades away. The Twente WedSDR (ca 130 km away from me) gives a much better result than my own radio. I live in the Netherlands. Cheers Ary ______________________________________________________________ Spooks mailing list Home: Help: Post: mailto:Spooks at This list hosted by: Please help support this email list: ______________________________________________________________ Spooks mailing list Home: Help: Post: mailto:Spooks at This list hosted by: Please help support this email list: From danix111 at Thu Jul 24 03:18:47 2014 From: danix111 at (Daniel Ekmann) Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 09:18:47 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] HM01 07/23/2014 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> Hello. On 07/24/2014 03:56 AM, shawn fahrer via Spooks wrote: > 10345 23-07-2014 0600 HM01 AM/RDFT 28627 07711 68158 24467 55523 54737 as noted by Ary (on UDXF) and yours truly (now). I was listening to HM01 on 22 July 2014 at 1600 UTC (normal turnover time for HM01) - I noticed that the headers given were the same as the previous day: 57528 73871 38129 12516 70633 07707 Then I tried 2200 UTC and entirely different ones - those that you have transcribed - were given. Regards Daniel From ary at Thu Jul 24 05:03:15 2014 From: ary at (Ary Boender) Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 11:03:15 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] HM01 Message-ID: <004301cfa71e$1b112680$51337380$> 11462 24-07 0900 28628 07711 68159 24468 55524 54738 Fair signal Ary From ary at Thu Jul 24 06:22:14 2014 From: ary at (Ary Boender) Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 12:22:14 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] HM01 Message-ID: <004f01cfa729$23c51510$6b4f3f30$> 12180 24-07-2014 1019 i.p., barely audible. Very weak RDFT tones. Voice inaudible Ary From danix111 at Thu Jul 24 13:53:03 2014 From: danix111 at (Daniel Ekmann) Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 19:53:03 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] E11 with Windows XP shutdown sound, 24 July 2014 Message-ID: <> Hello. E11 - 24 July 2014 - 17:30 - 8088 USB - 416/00 Followed by Windows XP shutdown sound at 17:35:25z. In the recording at 4:01 It looks like these are the final transmissions they put out before going home, judging by the presence of WinXP shutdown sounds: Thursday 1730z Friday 2000z Saturday 2005z Sunday 2005z I have not heard it yet on Monday, Tuesday nor Wednesday. Note that the sound is not always transmitted. Regards Daniel From at Fri Jul 25 08:10:46 2014 From: at (Eric) Date: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 08:10:46 -0400 Subject: [Spooks] E11a Message-ID: E11a, 16388 Khz USB, 25-07-2014. 950/31 First log in several years thanks to University of Twente. I sure wish we had SDR's like that back in the mid 80's! From ary at Fri Jul 25 08:31:33 2014 From: ary at (Ary Boender) Date: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 14:31:33 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] Logs Message-ID: <000a01cfa804$5f416310$1dc42930$> 11742/12585 kHz, 25-07, 0600/0610 UTC, S06s 934 207 5 30173 30823 86833 49338 44530 207 5 00000 7845/9125 kHz, 25-07, 0600/0610 UTC, S06s 196 420 5 81406 36889 47688 33374 45836 420 5 00000 10290/9655 kHz, 25-07, 0930/0940 UTC, S06s 516 208 7 46062 68672 97478 39685 39485 96632 52537 208 7 00000 11581 kHz, 25-07, 1020 UTC, S11a 427/30 Vnimanie 43645 71558 01170 56301 40549 35013 91504 22413 68521 00117 36980 19060 51446 05925 89855 11081 92047 54182 29961 64723 70954 69386 39411 72357 67863 42572 62380 51743 37149 60056 Vnimanie, rpt msg, konec 13424 kHz, 25-07, 0545 UTC, E11a 340/34 Attention 62544 36853 56073 28325 02389 56431 71591 96048 42203 16422 90488 97826 22789 12033 72240 30065 67256 84535 87944 87138 11244 40399 67720 80914 31356 19623 04049 23572 37392 88215 98142 00369 44353 02134 Silence (no "Attention"), rpt msg Repeat started halfway the second group with 853 56073 etc., out 5855 25-07-2014 0500 HM01 AM/RDFT 28629 07712 57251 34031 55525 14421 10345 25-07-2014 060 HM01 AM/RDFT 28629 07712 57251 34031 55525 14421 9330 25-07-2014 0700 HM01 AM/RDFT 28629 07712 57251 34031 55525 14421 9240 25-07-2014 0900 HM01 AM/RDFT 28629 07712 57251 34031 55525 14421 8549 25-07-2014 0712 M51 CW NR 58 J 25 09:12:46 2014 = EZQAQ NSJHR XYPCP KYSKT ... 73, Ary From ary at Fri Jul 25 11:23:33 2014 From: ary at (Ary Boender) Date: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 17:23:33 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] Books Message-ID: <001701cfa81c$6643e530$32cbaf90$> I just discovered Worldtracker which hosts many interesting books, also about spying / intelligence. Check this out: * Wiring Vietnam The Electronic Wall.pdf * Why the CIA Gets It Wrong and What Needs to Be Done to Get It Right.pdf * The Sword And The Shield. The Mitrokhin Archive And The Secret History Of The KGB-OCR.pdf * The Master of Disguise.pdf * The Agency And The Hil The CIA's Relationship With Congress 1946-2004.pdf * Spymaster (Oleg Kalugin).pdf * Spy Wars.pdf * Spy the Lie Former CIA Officers Teach You How to Detect Deception.epub * Spy Capitalism Itek and the CIA.pdf * Spies The Secret Agents Who Changed the Course of History.pdf * Spies Inc..pdf * Seduced by Secrets Inside the Stasi's Spy-Tech World.pdf * Robert Wallace - Spycraft.pdf * Legacy of Ashes - The History of the CIA.pdf * Historical Dictionary of United States Intelligence.pdf * Historical Dictionary of Middle Eastern Intelligence.pdf * Historical Dictionary of Israeli Intelligence.pdf * Historical Dictionary of International Intelligence.pdf * Ganser NATO's secret armies - operation gladio and terrorism in western europe.pdf * Espionage A Reference Handbook.pdf * Encyclopedia of the Central Intelligence Agency.pdf * Early Cold War Spies.pdf * CIA Deception Research Program No. 9/ * Big Breach From Top Secret To Maximum Security, 1st Edition, 2001-01 .pdf * analytic culture report.pdf Ary From fcardone at Fri Jul 25 13:05:26 2014 From: fcardone at (Flavio Cardone) Date: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 19:05:26 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] Books In-Reply-To: <001701cfa81c$6643e530$32cbaf90$> References: <001701cfa81c$6643e530$32cbaf90$> Message-ID: <> Thanks :-) On 25/07/14 17:23, Ary Boender wrote: > Visit to unsubscribe from this list > > I just discovered Worldtracker which hosts many > interesting books, also about spying / intelligence. Check this out: > > * > 0Vietnam%20The%20Electronic%20Wall.pdf> Wiring Vietnam The Electronic > Wall.pdf > * > e%20CIA%20Gets%20It%20Wrong%20and%20What%20Needs%20to%20Be%20Done%20to%20Get > %20It%20Right.pdf> Why the CIA Gets It Wrong and What Needs to Be Done to > Get It Right.pdf > * > ord%20And%20The%20Shield.%20The%20Mitrokhin%20Archive%20And%20The%20Secret%2 > 0History%20Of%20The%20KGB-OCR.pdf> The Sword And The Shield. The Mitrokhin > Archive And The Secret History Of The KGB-OCR.pdf > * The Master of Disguise.pdf > ster%20of%20Disguise.pdf> > * > ency%20And%20The%20Hil%20%20The%20CIA%27s%20Relationship%20With%20Congress%2 > 01946-2004.pdf> The Agency And The Hil The CIA's Relationship With Congress > 1946-2004.pdf > * Spymaster (Oleg Kalugin).pdf > r%20%28Oleg%20Kalugin%29.pdf> > * Spy Wars.pdf > rs.pdf> > * > e%20Lie%20Former%20CIA%20Officers%20Teach%20You%20How%20to%20Detect%20Decept > ion.epub> Spy the Lie Former CIA Officers Teach You How to Detect > Deception.epub > * > pitalism%20Itek%20and%20the%20CIA.pdf> Spy Capitalism Itek and the CIA.pdf > * > The%20Secret%20Agents%20Who%20Changed%20the%20Course%20of%20History.pdf> > Spies The Secret Agents Who Changed the Course of History.pdf > * Spies Inc..pdf > Inc..pdf> > * > 20by%20Secrets%20Inside%20the%20Stasi%27s%20Spy-Tech%20World.pdf> Seduced by > Secrets Inside the Stasi's Spy-Tech World.pdf > * Robert Wallace - Spycraft.pdf > 0Wallace%20-%20Spycraft.pdf> > * > 0of%20Ashes%20-%20The%20History%20of%20the%20CIA.pdf> Legacy of Ashes - The > History of the CIA.pdf > * > al%20Dictionary%20of%20United%20States%20Intelligence.pdf> Historical > Dictionary of United States Intelligence.pdf > * > al%20Dictionary%20of%20Middle%20Eastern%20Intelligence.pdf> Historical > Dictionary of Middle Eastern Intelligence.pdf > * > al%20Dictionary%20of%20Israeli%20Intelligence.pdf> Historical Dictionary of > Israeli Intelligence.pdf > * > al%20Dictionary%20of%20International%20Intelligence.pdf> Historical > Dictionary of International Intelligence.pdf > * > 0NATO%27s%20secret%20armies%20-%20operation%20gladio%20and%20terrorism%20in% > 20western%20europe.pdf> Ganser NATO's secret armies - operation gladio and > terrorism in western europe.pdf > * Espionage A Reference Handbook.pdf > e%20A%20Reference%20Handbook.pdf> > * > edia%20of%20the%20Central%20Intelligence%20Agency.pdf> Encyclopedia of the > Central Intelligence Agency.pdf > * Early Cold War Spies.pdf > Cold%20War%20Spies.pdf> > * > ception%20Research%20Program%20No.%209/> CIA Deception Research Program No. > 9/ > * > each%20From%20Top%20Secret%20To%20Maximum%20Security,%201st%20Edition,%20200 > 1-01%20.pdf> Big Breach From Top Secret To Maximum Security, 1st Edition, > 2001-01 .pdf > * analytic culture report.pdf > %20culture%20report.pdf> > > Ary > > > > ______________________________________________________________ > Spooks mailing list > Home: > Help: > Post: mailto:Spooks at > > This list hosted by: > Please help support this email list: > From cisquet at Fri Jul 25 15:06:22 2014 From: cisquet at (Frank) Date: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 21:06:22 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] Books In-Reply-To: <001701cfa81c$6643e530$32cbaf90$> References: <001701cfa81c$6643e530$32cbaf90$> Message-ID: <> What a load of interesting stuff, Ary. Where (how) will I find the time to read it all... Thanks a lot! Frank On 25-7-2014 17:23, Ary Boender wrote: > Visit to unsubscribe from this list > > I just discovered Worldtracker which hosts many > interesting books, also about spying / intelligence. Check this out: > > * > 0Vietnam%20The%20Electronic%20Wall.pdf> Wiring Vietnam The Electronic > Wall.pdf > * > e%20CIA%20Gets%20It%20Wrong%20and%20What%20Needs%20to%20Be%20Done%20to%20Get > %20It%20Right.pdf> Why the CIA Gets It Wrong and What Needs to Be Done to > Get It Right.pdf > * > ord%20And%20The%20Shield.%20The%20Mitrokhin%20Archive%20And%20The%20Secret%2 > 0History%20Of%20The%20KGB-OCR.pdf> The Sword And The Shield. The Mitrokhin > Archive And The Secret History Of The KGB-OCR.pdf > * The Master of Disguise.pdf > ster%20of%20Disguise.pdf> > * > ency%20And%20The%20Hil%20%20The%20CIA%27s%20Relationship%20With%20Congress%2 > 01946-2004.pdf> The Agency And The Hil The CIA's Relationship With Congress > 1946-2004.pdf > * Spymaster (Oleg Kalugin).pdf > r%20%28Oleg%20Kalugin%29.pdf> > * Spy Wars.pdf > rs.pdf> > * > e%20Lie%20Former%20CIA%20Officers%20Teach%20You%20How%20to%20Detect%20Decept > ion.epub> Spy the Lie Former CIA Officers Teach You How to Detect > Deception.epub > * > pitalism%20Itek%20and%20the%20CIA.pdf> Spy Capitalism Itek and the CIA.pdf > * > The%20Secret%20Agents%20Who%20Changed%20the%20Course%20of%20History.pdf> > Spies The Secret Agents Who Changed the Course of History.pdf > * Spies Inc..pdf > Inc..pdf> > * > 20by%20Secrets%20Inside%20the%20Stasi%27s%20Spy-Tech%20World.pdf> Seduced by > Secrets Inside the Stasi's Spy-Tech World.pdf > * Robert Wallace - Spycraft.pdf > 0Wallace%20-%20Spycraft.pdf> > * > 0of%20Ashes%20-%20The%20History%20of%20the%20CIA.pdf> Legacy of Ashes - The > History of the CIA.pdf > * > al%20Dictionary%20of%20United%20States%20Intelligence.pdf> Historical > Dictionary of United States Intelligence.pdf > * > al%20Dictionary%20of%20Middle%20Eastern%20Intelligence.pdf> Historical > Dictionary of Middle Eastern Intelligence.pdf > * > al%20Dictionary%20of%20Israeli%20Intelligence.pdf> Historical Dictionary of > Israeli Intelligence.pdf > * > al%20Dictionary%20of%20International%20Intelligence.pdf> Historical > Dictionary of International Intelligence.pdf > * > 0NATO%27s%20secret%20armies%20-%20operation%20gladio%20and%20terrorism%20in% > 20western%20europe.pdf> Ganser NATO's secret armies - operation gladio and > terrorism in western europe.pdf > * Espionage A Reference Handbook.pdf > e%20A%20Reference%20Handbook.pdf> > * > edia%20of%20the%20Central%20Intelligence%20Agency.pdf> Encyclopedia of the > Central Intelligence Agency.pdf > * Early Cold War Spies.pdf > Cold%20War%20Spies.pdf> > * > ception%20Research%20Program%20No.%209/> CIA Deception Research Program No. > 9/ > * > each%20From%20Top%20Secret%20To%20Maximum%20Security,%201st%20Edition,%20200 > 1-01%20.pdf> Big Breach From Top Secret To Maximum Security, 1st Edition, > 2001-01 .pdf > * analytic culture report.pdf > %20culture%20report.pdf> > > Ary > > > > ______________________________________________________________ > Spooks mailing list > Home: > Help: > Post: mailto:Spooks at > > This list hosted by: > Please help support this email list: > From ary at Fri Jul 25 17:23:27 2014 From: ary at (Ary Boender) Date: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 23:23:27 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] Books In-Reply-To: <001701cfa81c$6643e530$32cbaf90$> References: <001701cfa81c$6643e530$32cbaf90$> Message-ID: <003701cfa84e$ad1c9240$0755b6c0$> There are also many books about Military items, Communications and Cryptography online yptography/ 73, Ary From spooks at Fri Jul 25 21:31:25 2014 From: spooks at (shawn fahrer via Spooks) Date: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 18:31:25 -0700 Subject: [Spooks] HM01 07/25/2014 Message-ID: <> 0500 UT 5855 barely heard tones; couldn't make out voice part 0600 UT 10345 Fuzzy carrier by 0559 UT; signal itself loud and clear 28629 07702 57251 34031 55525 14421 1, 2, & 5 New 3, 4, and 6 increased by 1 also heard on 0700 UT 9330 weaker signal than 10345 (same numbers as above) Had to eat a late "third meal" in order to take medicine for inflammation in my right thumb (injury received, among others, in mugging two weeks ago today), so I was still awake by 3 AM Eastern Time to hear it for the first time on the Bell & Howell (and figure out on the dial just where 9330 kHz is -- just about 50 kHz away at 9.38 MHz, which is pretty good since 5.830 MHz can be found at about 6.3 MHz on that band's printed dial).... You get used to it after awhile-- that's part of the fun of DXing "old style"..... There should be at least one more change in store tonight (05 UT on 07/26/2014) -- assuming the band which includes 14345 has decent propagation to my area..... Hoping for good DX, wishing 73s to all, this has been Shawn From Flushing NY From spooks at Mon Jul 28 13:25:57 2014 From: spooks at (shawn fahrer via Spooks) Date: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 10:25:57 -0700 Subject: [Spooks] HM01 Logs since Mid-month return to SW Message-ID: <> Day Time Frequency Numbers Comments 07/15/14 05 UT 14375 57521 07373 38122 08778 38085 07701 No change from 07/10; signal missing 07/11/-07/14 07/16/14 05 UT 5855 57522 07374 38123 12511 38086 07701 New# 4; # 6 unchanged; rest increased by 1 07/17/14 05 UT 14375 57523 07375 38124 12511 38087 07702 # 4 unchanged; remainder increased by 1 07/18/14 05 UT 5855 57524 07376 38125 12512 38088 07703 All numbers increased by 1 07/19/14 05 UT 14375 57525 07377 38126 12513 70631 07704 New # 5; weak || 11462; remainder increased by 1 07/20/14 05 UT 5855 57526 07378 38127 12514 70631 07705 All increased by 1, except # 5 07/21/14 05 UT 5855 57527 07379 38128 12515 70632 07706 All raised by 1 07/22/14 05 UT 14375 57528 73871 38129 12516 70633 07707 New# 2; remainder raised by 1; 11462 not found 07/23/14 06 UT 10345 28627 07711 68158 24467 55523 54737 5855 not heard @ 05 UT; weak signal; all new #?s 07/24/14 ------- -------- ------------------------------------ No signal heard anywhere on the dial 07/25/14 06 UT 10345 28629 07712 57251 34031 55525 14421 (1, 2. 5 up by 1) No 5855; signal loud and clear; 3, 4, 6 NEW 07/26/14 05 UT 11462 28629 07712 57251 34031 55525 14421 || 14375 NOT HEARD; ~ Confirmed with 13465 @ 07 UT* 07/27/14 05 UT 5855 28629 07712 57251 34031 55525 14421 Unchanged 07/28/14 05 UT 5855 28629 07712 57251 34031 55525 14421 Unchanged; heard @ 06 UT on 10345 & ~ 9435* * Difference between 14375 and 13465 = difference between 10345 & 9435, or 910 KHz. (2nd maybe due to an image on radio, but note that change from the 05 - 06 UT frequency to the 07 UT frequency is exactly 910 KHz. Perhaps it is just an odd coincidence.) Most 5855 logs are confirmed by 10345 @ 06 UT except where noted. Shawn From Flushing NY (the HM01 guy) From ary at Mon Jul 28 16:59:44 2014 From: ary at (Ary Boender) Date: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 22:59:44 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] HM01 Logs since Mid-month return to SW In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <001b01cfaaa6$dc7211f0$955635d0$> Thanks Shawn. I had lots of (thunder) interference during the past few days so I haven't heard much. I hope that the conditions will be better tomorrow. Ary -----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- Van: Spooks [mailto:spooks-bounces at] Namens shawn fahrer via Spooks Verzonden: maandag 28 juli 2014 19:26 Aan: Spooks Liat Onderwerp: [Spooks] HM01 Logs since Mid-month return to SW Visit to unsubscribe from this list Day Time Frequency Numbers Comments 07/15/14 05 UT 14375 57521 07373 38122 08778 38085 07701 No change from 07/10; signal missing 07/11/-07/14 07/16/14 05 UT 5855 57522 07374 38123 12511 38086 07701 New# 4; # 6 unchanged; rest increased by 1 07/17/14 05 UT 14375 57523 07375 38124 12511 38087 07702 # 4 unchanged; remainder increased by 1 07/18/14 05 UT 5855 57524 07376 38125 12512 38088 07703 All numbers increased by 1 07/19/14 05 UT 14375 57525 07377 38126 12513 70631 07704 New # 5; weak || 11462; remainder increased by 1 07/20/14 05 UT 5855 57526 07378 38127 12514 70631 07705 All increased by 1, except # 5 07/21/14 05 UT 5855 57527 07379 38128 12515 70632 07706 All raised by 1 07/22/14 05 UT 14375 57528 73871 38129 12516 70633 07707 New# 2; remainder raised by 1; 11462 not found 07/23/14 06 UT 10345 28627 07711 68158 24467 55523 54737 5855 not heard @ 05 UT; weak signal; all new #?s 07/24/14 ------- -------- ------------------------------------ No signal heard anywhere on the dial 07/25/14 06 UT 10345 28629 07712 57251 34031 55525 14421 (1, 2. 5 up by 1) No 5855; signal loud and clear; 3, 4, 6 NEW 07/26/14 05 UT 11462 28629 07712 57251 34031 55525 14421 || 14375 NOT HEARD; ~ Confirmed with 13465 @ 07 UT* 07/27/14 05 UT 5855 28629 07712 57251 34031 55525 14421 Unchanged 07/28/14 05 UT 5855 28629 07712 57251 34031 55525 14421 Unchanged; heard @ 06 UT on 10345 & ~ 9435* * Difference between 14375 and 13465 = difference between 10345 & 9435, or 910 KHz. (2nd maybe due to an image on radio, but note that change from the 05 - 06 UT frequency to the 07 UT frequency is exactly 910 KHz. Perhaps it is just an odd coincidence.) Most 5855 logs are confirmed by 10345 @ 06 UT except where noted. Shawn From Flushing NY (the HM01 guy) ______________________________________________________________ Spooks mailing list Home: Help: Post: mailto:Spooks at This list hosted by: Please help support this email list: From utilityworld at Mon Jul 28 18:21:40 2014 From: utilityworld at (Utility Planet (Hugh Stegman)) Date: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 15:21:40 -0700 Subject: [Spooks] HM01 28 July strangeness Message-ID: <> HM01 7/28 2100 n/h any freq HM01 10715 7/28 2200 Started out weak-readable, got much weaker, suddenly cut off at 22:09:15. Carrier back up at 22:19:40, still no audio. -hugh Southern California Excalibur Pro, 45' PAR EF-SWL wire From utilityworld at Mon Jul 28 18:27:23 2014 From: utilityworld at (Utility Planet (Hugh Stegman)) Date: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 15:27:23 -0700 Subject: [Spooks] [UDXF] HM01 28 July strangeness In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> HM01 audio back at 2222. Signal still in the noise. -hugh From weablab at Mon Jul 28 18:52:03 2014 From: weablab at (Ashley Dugan) Date: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 17:52:03 -0500 Subject: [Spooks] Mugging Message-ID: Sorry to hear about the mugging. Hope you're doing OK. Ashley from NE Oklahoma. From ary at Wed Jul 30 01:08:07 2014 From: ary at (Ary Boender) Date: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 07:08:07 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] HM01 Message-ID: <003301cfabb4$40bf3710$c23da530$> 05855 kHz, 30-07-2014, 0500 UTC, HM01 AM/RDFT: 83121 07713 57251 34031 55526 14421 Ary From ary at Wed Jul 30 01:38:07 2014 From: ary at (Ary Boender) Date: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 07:38:07 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] HM01 Message-ID: <003501cfabb8$71c2fcd0$5548f670$> Note that yesterday the 2300 UTC transmission was back on the air 8135 kHz, 29-07-2014, 2301 UTC, HM01 LSB/RDFT: YL/SS in LSB 83121 07713 57251 34031 55526 14421 then RDFT Ary From ary at Wed Jul 30 03:01:25 2014 From: ary at (Ary Boender) Date: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 09:01:25 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] HM01 Message-ID: <003901cfabc4$14827f30$3d877d90$> 10345 30-07-2014 0600 kHz HM01 AM/RDFT 83121 07713 57251 34031 55526 14421 09330 30-07-2014 0700 kHz HM01 AM/RDFT 83121 07713 57251 34031 55526 14421 Ary From ary at Wed Jul 30 04:11:22 2014 From: ary at (Ary Boender) Date: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 10:11:22 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] HM01 Message-ID: <004a01cfabcd$da110e70$8e332b50$> 9065 30-07-2014 0800 83121 07713 57251 34031 55526 14421 Cheers Ary From ary at Thu Jul 31 01:28:29 2014 From: ary at (Ary Boender) Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 07:28:29 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] HM01 Message-ID: <001701cfac80$439a49d0$cacedd70$> 14375 31-07-2014 0500 83122 07714 57252 34032 55527 14422. Late start at 0505z Ary From ary at Thu Jul 31 06:32:46 2014 From: ary at (Ary Boender) Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 12:32:46 +0200 Subject: [Spooks] Numbers logs Message-ID: <000901cfacaa$c5dbd510$51937f30$> 14375 31-07-2014 0500 HM01 AM/RDFT 83122 07714 57252 34032 55527 14422. Late start at 0505z 14375 31-07-2014 0600 HM01 AM/RDFT 83122 07714 57252 34032 55527 14422 13435 31-07-2014 0700 HM01 AM/RDFT 83122 07714 57252 34032 55527 14422 11635 31-07-2014 0800 HM01 AM/RDFT 83122 07714 57252 34032 55527 14422 11462 31-07-2014 0900 HM01 AM/RDFT 83122 07714 57252 34032 55527 14422 12180 31-07-2014 1000 HM01 AM/RDFT 83122 07714 57252 34032 55527 14422 //11635 kHz 11635 31-07-2014 1000 HM01 AM/RDFT 83122 07714 57252 34032 55527 14422 //12180 kHz 9184 31-07-2014 0650 M12 CW 911 911 911 000 15388 31-07-2014 0700 V13 AM New Star #4 15388 31-07-2014 0800 V13 AM New Star #4 4909 31-07-2014 0900 E11 USB 248/00 12952 31-07-2014 0900 S06s AM 167 167 167 00000 13565 31-07-2014 0910 S06s AM 167 167 167 00000 9255 31-07-2014 0930 S06s AM 314 314 314 00000 10213 31-07-2014 0930 E11a USB 270/32 Attention 82484 93520 93803 ... 06151 24726 13479 Attention, rpt msg, out 16530 31-07-2014 1015 S11a USB 479/38 Vnimanie 40964 01285 51057 ... 00750 14144 18961 Vnimanie, rpt msg, konec 73, Ary (AB) From spooks at Thu Jul 31 21:59:28 2014 From: spooks at (shawn fahrer via Spooks) Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 18:59:28 -0700 Subject: [Spooks] HM01 for 07/26 - end of Month Message-ID: <> From spooks at Thu Jul 31 22:01:15 2014 From: spooks at (shawn fahrer via Spooks) Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 19:01:15 -0700 Subject: [Spooks] Redo Memo for HM01 Message-ID: <> Date Time Frequency Numbers Comments 07/26/2014 05 UT 11462 28629 07712 57251 34031 55525 14421 14375 NOT heard; weak signal (back of antenna?) 07/27/2014 05 UT 5855 28629 07712 57251 34031 55525 14421 Under WRMI (5850) Confirmed at 06 UT* 07/28/2014 05 UT 5855 28629 07712 57251 34031 55525 14421 As above; also noted image @ 9435 (-910 KHz from primary) 07/29/2014 05 UT 14375 28629 07712 57251 34031 55525 14421 Loud and clear; image @ ~ 13465 (- 910 Khz) 07/30/2014 05 UT 5855 83121 07713 57251 34031 55526 14421 2. 5 up by 1; new # 1; 3, 4, 6 unchanged 07/31/2014 05 UT 14375 83122 07714 57252 34032 55527 14422 All #?s up by 1; image @ 13465 & 14830 ( + 455 KHz); || 11462 weak * 10345 KHz ? loud and clear at this frequency. Shawn From Flushing NY