From ary at Wed Dec 3 09:11:50 2014 From: ary at (Ary Boender) Date: Wed, 3 Dec 2014 15:11:50 +0100 Subject: [Spooks] N&O 206 Message-ID: <000301d00f03$15525460$3ff6fd20$> "Numbers & Oddities #206" is now online as is the updated logs database. I will upload the recordings later this week Ary From ary at Thu Dec 4 05:49:58 2014 From: ary at (Ary Boender) Date: Thu, 4 Dec 2014 11:49:58 +0100 Subject: [Spooks] N&O website update Message-ID: <003201d00fb0$0c85cb20$25916160$> Hi, I added recordings of E06, E07a, E11, E11a, M12, M14, M42 (various modes), M89, S06, S06s, S11,X06, XPA, XPA2, Polish FSK to the N&O website 73, Ary From ary at Thu Dec 4 15:49:10 2014 From: ary at (Ary Boender) Date: Thu, 4 Dec 2014 21:49:10 +0100 Subject: [Spooks] Numbers logs November Message-ID: <001501d01003$c1106d90$433148b0$> Hi, here are my November numbers stations logs. @ Jim: No need to put them in the UDXF logs section, Jim. The logs can be downloaded from Ary HM01 5855 19-11-2014 0500 AM/RDFT Wed 60753 71602 80785 87414 52446 86785 HM01 10345 16-11-2014 0600 AM/RDFT Sun 60751 22749 80782 87411 52443 86782 E06 19350 6-11-2014 0600 USB Thu 507 832 109 67028 79337 00529 ... 90453 48479 55090 832 109 00000 S06s 7125 28-11-2014 0600 USB Fri 934 281 5 99925 44326 92970 83889 59535 281 5 00000 S06s 8795 28-11-2014 0610 USB Fri 934 281 5 99925 44326 92970 83889 59535 281 5 00000 HM01 14375 18-11-2014 0630 AM/RDFT Tue 60752 71601 80784 87413 52445 86784 HM01 10345 19-11-2014 0630 AM/RDFT Wed 60753 71602 80785 87414 52446 86785 S06s 13470 2-11-2014 0630 AM Sun 524 983 6 35479 30050 45056 31397 33732 64535 983 6 00000 HM01 10345 10-11-2014 0630 AM/RDFT Mon 67504 22743 53236 38223 36415 43685 S06s 16515 16-11-2014 0640 AM Sun 524 871 6 52401 63919 92699 14600 74248 48754 871 6 00000 S06s 16515 2-11-2014 0640 AM Sun 524 983 6 35479 30050 45056 31397 33732 64535 983 6 00000 E11a 7840 25-11-2014 0645 USB Tue 515/30 Attention 54663 02165 69199 ... 64680 64433 70939 Attention, rpt msg, out E11 7840 18-11-2014 0645 USB Tue 517/00 HM01 9330 19-11-2014 0700 AM/RDFT Wed 60753 71602 80785 87414 52446 86785 XPA 11409 19-11-2014 0700 MFSK20/10Bd Wed 456 456 456 000 09641 00001 00000 10140 HM01 9330 17-11-2014 0700 AM/RDFT Mon 60751 71601 80783 87412 52444 86783 E06 20980 21-11-2014 0700 USB Fri 507 832 109 67028 79337 ... 90453 48479 55090 832 109 00000 S06s 5250 25-11-2014 0700 USB Tue 374 298 5 12864 14986 92499 69320 85039 298 5 00000 XPA 11409 1-11-2014 0700 MFSK-20/10Bd Sat 456 456 456 1 06985 00213 79974 ... 09793 75226 37634 S06s 5250 18-11-2014 0700 USB Tue 374 298 5 12864 14986 92499 69320 85939 298 5 00000 HM01 13435 18-11-2014 0700 AM/RDFT Tue 60752 71601 80784 87413 52445 86784 HM01 9330 10-11-2014 0700 AM/RDFT Mon 67504 22743 53236 38223 36415 43685 HM01 9330 21-11-2014 0700 AM/RDFT Fri 60755 71604 80787 89861 52448 86787 XPA 11409 22-11-2014 0700 MFSK-20/10Bd Sat 456 456 456 000 04069 00001 00000 10140 XPA 13509 1-11-2014 0700 MFSK-20/10Bd Sat 456 456 456 1 06985 00213 79974 ... 09793 75226 37634 XPA 11409 29-11-2014 0700 MFSK-20/10Bd Sat 456 456 456 1 01762 00177 84882 ... 42237 16280 40121 M42 12175 28-11-2014 0700 FSK 200/1000 Fri Russian diplo/intel. Link IDs 45136, 08208, 04176, 04096 XPA 14609 1-11-2014 0700 MFSK-20/10Bd Sat 456 456 456 1 06985 00213 79974 ... 09793 75226 37634 M01 5465 16-11-2014 0700 CW Sun 197 30 30 = = HM01 13435 22-11-2014 0700 AM/RDFT Sat 60756 71605 80788 89862 05561 86788 E06 20975 7-11-2014 0700 USB Fri 507 832 109 67028 79337 00529 ... 90453 48479 55090 832 109 00000 HM01 9330 16-11-2014 0700 AM/RDFT Sun 60751 22749 80782 87411 52443 86782 S06s 7150 7-11-2014 0700 USB Fri 196 842 5 62159 85689 57708 29853 23328 842 5 00000 E11 10800 18-11-2014 0710 USB Tue 633/00 S06s 8215 7-11-2014 0710 USB Fri 196 842 5 62159 85689 57708 29853 23328 842 5 00000 E11a 10800 14-11-2014 0710 USB Fri 637/31 Attention 26308 16082 74248 ... 25203 77654 31255 Attention, rpt msg, out E11 10800 25-11-2014 0710 USB Tue 633/00 M42 10154 28-11-2014 0710 FSK 200/1000 Fri Russian diplo/intel. Link IDs 45136, 61680 S11a 19099 19-11-2014 0715 USB Wed 382/00 S06s 6320 18-11-2014 0715 USB Tue 374 298 5 12864 14986 92499 69320 85939 298 5 00000 XPA 13509 29-11-2014 0720 MFSK-20/10Bd Sat 456 456 456 1 01762 00177 84882 ... 42237 16280 40121 XPA 13509 22-11-2014 0720 MFSK-20/10Bd Sat 456 456 456 000 04069 00001 00000 10140 XPA 13509 19-11-2014 0720 MFSK20/10Bd Wed 456 456 456 000 09641 00001 00000 10140 HM01 14345 11-11-2014 0730 AM/RDFT Tue 67505 22744 53237 38224 36416 43686 S06s 7410 25-11-2014 0730 AM Tue 427 853 6 16556 44452 83405 81334 21031 15149 853 6 00000 S06s 7410 18-11-2014 0730 AM Tue 427 853 6 16556 44452 83405 81334 21031 15149 853 6 00000 XPA 14609 26-11-2014 0740 MFSK-20/10Bd Wed 456 456 456 1 01762 00177 84882 ... 42237 16280 40121 XPA 14690 12-11-2014 0740 MFSK-20/10Bd Wed 456 456 456 1 194-gr msg S06s 11532 18-11-2014 0740 AM Tue 427 853 6 16556 44452 83405 81334 21031 15149 853 6 00000 S06s 11532 25-11-2014 0740 AM Tue 427 853 6 16556 44452 83405 81334 21031 15149 853 6 00000 XPA 14609 19-11-2014 0740 MFSK20/10Bd Wed 456 456 456 000 09641 00001 00000 10140 XPA 14609 29-11-2014 0740 MFSK-20/10Bd Sat 456 456 456 1 01762 00177 84882 ... 42237 16280 40121 XPA 14609 22-11-2014 0740 MFSK-20/10Bd Sat 456 456 456 000 04069 00001 00000 10140 E11 16112 11-11-2014 0745 USB Tue 335/00 E11a 16112 18-11-2014 0745 USB Tue 330/30 Attention 99484 32081 92565 ... 69244 30925 09613 32104 Attention, rpt msg, out E11a 10213 10-11-2014 0745 USB Mon 262/33 Attention 74496 83422 23189 ... 13261 04316 52368 Attention, rpt msg, out E11 10213 17-11-2014 0745 USB Mon 262/00 X06 13420 11-11-2014 0758 USB Tue Mazielka. Sequence: 534216 MX 6917.5 5-11-2014 0758 CW Wed "Beacon L St Petersburg" HM01 9065 16-11-2014 0800 AM/RDFT Sun 60751 22749 80782 87411 52443 86782 G06 5463 10-11-2014 0800 USB Mon 315 315 315 00000 HM01 11635 18-11-2014 0800 AM/RDFT Tue 60752 71601 80784 87413 52445 86784 G06 5463 17-11-2014 0800 USB Mon 215 215 215 00000 HM01 9065 10-11-2014 0800 AM/RDFT Mon 67504 22743 53236 38223 36415 43685 HM01 9065 17-11-2014 0800 AM/RDFT Mon 60751 71601 80783 87412 52444 86783 HM01 9065 19-11-2014 0800 AM/RDFT Wed 60753 71602 80785 87414 52446 86785 HM01 14345 11-11-2014 0800 AM/RDFT Tue 67505 22744 53237 38224 36416 43686. Should be on 11635 kHz. Stopped after several minutes. Switched to 11635 kHz at 0830z HM01 9065 21-11-2014 0800 AM/RDFT Fri 60755 71604 80787 89861 52448 86787 S06s 11945 25-11-2014 0800 USB Tue 352 490 6 27361 90603 41965 18289 23791 65920 490 6 00000 HM01 9065 26-11-2014 0800 AM/RDFT Wed 22151 71609 61482 89866 05564 06603 HM01 11635 22-11-2014 0800 AM/RDFT Sat 60756 71605 80788 89862 05561 86788 M14 5413 22-11-2014 0800 CW Sat unreadable E11 10429 16-11-2014 0805 USB Sun 311/00 E11 10429 26-11-2014 0805 USB Wed 311/00 E11a 10429 19-11-2014 0805 USB Wed 373/38 Attention 94282 53820 33856 ... 11510 37560 35349 Attention, rpt msg, out E11a 10429 23-11-2014 0809 USB Sun i.p. S06s 13195 25-11-2014 0810 USB Tue 352 490 6 27361 90603 41965 18289 23791 65920 490 6 00000 E11 10125 10-11-2014 0820 USB Mon 438/00 E11a 10125 17-11-2014 0820 USB Mon 439/37 Attention 70870 32135 89319 ... 03188 93033 42002 Attention, rpt msg, out S06s 6778 26-11-2014 0820 USB Wed 471 235 6 33796 13577 74526 46647 79302 53516 235 6 00000 E11 10125 13-11-2014 0820 USB Thu 438/00 S06s 8057 10-11-2014 0830 USB Mon 371 982 5 47665 94092 48521 63888 92060 982 5 00000 S06s 8057 17-11-2014 0830 USB Mon 371 906 5 33796 13577 74526 46647 79302 906 5 00000 S06s 7335 26-11-2014 0830 AM Wed 745 961 8 88620 58069 71732 74537 57440 10597 23521 47660 961 8 00000 HM01 11635 11-11-2014 0830 AM/RDFT Tue 67505 22744 53237 38224 36416 43686 E11 9446 10-11-2014 0830 USB Mon 649/00 E11 9446 21-11-2014 0830 USB Fri 649/00 E11 9446 7-11-2014 0830 USB Fri 649/00 E11 9446 14-11-2014 0830 USB Fri 649/00 S06s 7675 26-11-2014 0830 USB Wed 471 235 6 33796 13577 74526 46647 79302 53516 235 6 00000 E11 9446 17-11-2014 0830 USB Mon 649/00 E11a 9446 28-11-2014 0835 USB Fri i.p. S06s 8530 17-11-2014 0840 USB Mon 371 906 5 33796 13577 74526 46647 79302 906 5 00000 S06s 8530 10-11-2014 0840 USB Mon 371 982 5 47665 94092 48521 63888 92060 982 5 00000 S06s 11830 26-11-2014 0840 AM Wed 745 961 8 88620 58069 71732 74537 57440 10597 23521 47660 961 8 00000 S06s 12952 13-11-2014 0900 AM Thu 167 492 5 29551 97532 64325 59747 56214 492 5 00000 E11 9446 10-11-2014 0900 USB Mon 534/00 S06s 14675 10-11-2014 0900 USB Mon 872 931 5 46062 68672 97478 39685 30485 931 5 00000 HM01 11462 11-11-2014 0900 AM/RDFT Tue 67505 22744 53237 38224 36416 43686 E11a 9446 19-11-2014 0900 USB Wed 538/30 Attention 34226 56942 85384 ... 10941 99636 98082 Attention, rpt msg, out HM01 9240 23-11-2014 0900 AM/RDFT Sun 60757 717606 80789 89863 05561 06601 HM01 9240 16-11-2014 0900 AM/RDFT Sun 60751 22749 80782 87411 52443 86782 HM01 9240 10-11-2014 0900 AM/RDFT Mon 67504 22743 53236 38223 36415 43685 HM01 9240 19-11-2014 0900 AM/RDFT Wed 60753 71602 80785 87414 52446 86785 HM01 11462 13-11-2014 0900 AM/RDFT Thu 67507 22746 53239 38226 52440 43688 E11 4441 13-11-2014 0900 USB Thu 248/00 HM01 9240 30-11-2014 0900 AM/RDFT Sun 22155 00103 61486 l21481 05568 06607 S06s 14675 3-11-2014 0900 USB Mon 872 931 5 46062 58672 97478 39685 30485 931 5 00000 E11 9446 3-11-2014 0900 USB Mon 534/00 E07a 11553 1-11-2014 0900 USB Sat 515 515 515 000 S06s 12830 10-11-2014 0910 USB Mon 872 931 5 46062 68672 97478 39685 30485 931 5 00000 S06s 12830 3-11-2014 0910 USB Mon 872 931 5 46062 58672 97478 39685 30485 931 5 00000 S06s 13565 13-11-2014 0910 AM Thu 167 492 5 29551 97532 64325 59747 56214 492 5 00000 S11a 7504 14-11-2014 0915 USB Fri 484/00 S11a 7504 4-11-2014 0915 USB Tue 484/00 S11a 7504 11-11-2014 0915 USB Tue 484/00 E07a 12153 1-11-2014 0920 USB Sat 515 515 515 000 S06s 11780 7-11-2014 0930 AM Fri 516 403 7 83529 17326 34287 42618 53552 63011 32377 403 7 00000 S06s 8812 13-11-2014 0930 USB Thu 315 890 5 26634 14690 95590 60386 03009 890 5 00000 S06s 11780 14-11-2014 0930 AM Fri 516 403 7 83529 17326 34287 42718 53552 63011 32377 403 7 00000 S06s 9540 13-11-2014 0940 USB Thu 315 890 5 26634 14690 95590 60386 03009 890 5 00000 S06s 12570 14-11-2014 0940 AM Fri 516 403 7 83529 17326 34287 42718 53552 63011 32377 403 7 00000 S06s 12750 7-11-2014 0940 AM Fri 516 403 7 83529 17326 34287 42618 53552 63011 32377 403 7 00000 HM01 9155 19-11-2014 1000 AM/RDFT Wed 60753 71602 80785 87414 52446 86785 HM01 12180 11-11-2014 1000 AM/RDFT Tue 67505 22744 53237 38224 36416 43686 S06s 6440 11-11-2014 1000 USB Tue 893 462 5 38013 42924 35945 32057 30805 462 5 00000 HM01 9155 16-11-2014 1000 AM/RDFT Sun 60751 22749 80782 87411 52443 86782 HM01 9155 7-11-2014 1000 AM/RDFT Fri 67501 66368 53232 01608 36411 43681 S06s 5660 11-11-2014 1000 USB Tue 893 462 5 38013 42924 35945 32057 30805 462 5 00000 X06 9158 7-11-2014 1013 USB Fri Mazielka. Sequence: 361245 S11a 12530 3-11-2014 1015 USB Mon 475/00 S11a 9610 21-11-2014 1020 USB Fri 426/00 S11a 6433 19-11-2014 1020 USB Wed 221/00 E11 8091 12-11-2014 1045 USB Wed 469/00 E11 12153 11-11-2014 1045 USB Tue 576/00 E11a 14410 17-11-2014 1110 USB Mon 956/33 Attention 22594 04207 41679 ... 39606 55813 77196 Attention, rpt msg, out E11a 14410 3-11-2014 1110 USB Mon 952/33 Attention 69182 53976 22061 ... 64402 68275 35773 Attention, rpt msg, out E11 18030 19-11-2014 1300 USB Wed 133/00 E11 18030 18-11-2014 1300 USB Tue 133/00 MX 20096 2-11-2014 1305 CW Sun "Beacon C " M03 4505 19-11-2014 1320 CW Wed 543/00 = = 000 XPA2 17462 21-11-2014 1400 MFSK-16/20Bd Fri 05207 00001 00000 10140 E11a 10690 1-11-2014 1400 USB Sat 982/10 Attention 48839 56330 74502 21921 46140 67669 03010 10184 46267 54440 Attention, rpt msg, out XPA2 16114 21-11-2014 1420 MFSK-16/20Bd Fri 05207 00001 00000 10140 XPA2 16114 7-11-2014 1420 MFSK-16/20Bd Fri 03188 00001 00000 10140 XPA2 14828 21-11-2014 1440 MFSK-16/20Bd Fri 05207 00001 00000 10140 E11 4441 1-11-2014 1445 USB Sat 287/00 M01 5810 1-11-2014 1500 CW Sat 197 339 30 = 65043 49367 59311 ... 19541 98300 60744 = 339 30 000 S06s 9170 18-11-2014 1610 USB Tue i.p. 492 6 00000 M14 5374 21-11-2014 1700 CW Fri 382 382 382 00000 E11a 6923 21-11-2014 1710 USB Fri 953/21 Attention 11711 18384 71492 ... 32679 53838 72933 Attention, rpt msg, out E11 5082 20-11-2014 1730 USB Thu 416/00 M12 11491 20-11-2014 1740 CW Thu 725 1 8570 107 45532 11658 45736 97787 59742 ... 92359 53912 00794 98300 68353 000 000 MX 8497.8 3-11-2014 1802 CW Mon "Beacon L " MX 6817.5 3-11-2014 1802 CW Mon "Beacon L " M12 7931 13-11-2014 1820 CW Thu 257 1 3071 98 3071 98 52708 15622 48417 ... 93214 54262 76488 000 000 M14 4636 11-11-2014 1820 CW Tue 186 (R) 275 275 020 020 51059 51059 23438 23438 76167 ... 96823 96823 17105 17105 275 275 020 020 00000 G06 4519 13-11-2014 1830 USB Thu 271 394 20 06132 75514 79681 ... 49870 63962 04884 394 20 00000 M42 7760 29-11-2014 1900 FSK-200/500 Sat RYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRY Msg: 00000++++++++++162)5761 (repeated for 8 mins) XPA 8123 11-11-2014 1900 MFSK-20/10Bd Tue 158 158 158 1 03885 00241 66096 ... 85986 96322 77110 XPA 8123 20-11-2014 1900 MFSK-20/19Bd Thu 158 158 158 000 04927 00001 00000 10140 XPA 8123 13-11-2014 1900 MFSK-20/10Bd Thu 158 158 158 000 02008 00001 00000 10140 S06 3838 20-11-2014 1905 USB Thu 349 349 349 00000 XPA 7523 20-11-2014 1920 MFSK-20/19Bd Thu 158 158 158 000 04927 00001 00000 10140 XPA 7523 11-11-2014 1920 MFSK-20/10Bd Tue 158 158 158 1 03885 00241 66096 ... 85986 96322 77110 XPA 7523 13-11-2014 1920 MFSK-20/10Bd Thu 158 158 158 000 02008 00001 00000 10140 M01b 3545 13-11-2014 1932 CW Thu 910 (R) 27 3 27 3 86 86 = = 80958 80958 23776 23776 71873 71873 ... XPA 6823 11-11-2014 1940 MFSK-20/10Bd Tue 158 158 158 1 03885 00241 66096 ... 85986 96322 77110 XPA 6823 13-11-2014 1940 MFSK-20/10Bd Thu 158 158 158 000 02008 00001 00000 10140 XPA 6823 20-11-2014 1940 MFSK-20/19Bd Thu 158 158 158 000 04927 00001 00000 10140 M01 4490 13-11-2014 2000 CW Thu 197 000500055 (!) 94903 20099 67124 37656 90011 ... 76441 44567 47131 15833 90034 274 274 30 30 = = 000 M12 5829 13-11-2014 2020 CW Thu 658 1 9765 82 9765 82 97663 11456 02621 ... 64575 79098 78892 81918 000 000 E06 4836 20-11-2014 2036 USB Thu 321 (R) 569 569 20 20 14259 22676 32782 ... 73311 98089 12250 569 569 20 20 00000 M12 5072 13-11-2014 2040 CW Thu 658 1 9765 82 9765 82 97663 11456 02621 ... 64575 79098 78892 81918 000 000 E07a 5864 19-11-2014 2100 USB Wed 815 815 815 1 67077 6676 89 6676 89 52146 76504 66823 ... 85115 80507 44504 000 000 E07a 5164 19-11-2014 2120 USB Wed 815 815 815 1 67077 6676 89 6676 89 52146 76504 66823 ... 85115 80507 44504 000 000 E06 4760 21-11-2014 2130 USB Fri 470 613 20 14259 22676 32782 ... 73311 98089 12250 613 20 00000 E07a 4564 19-11-2014 2140 USB Wed 815 815 815 1 67077 6676 89 6676 89 52146 76504 66823 ... 85115 80507 44504 000 000 MX 7091.2 9-11-2014 2146 CW/ISB Sun "Beacon V (ISB offset 400Hz)" MX 6917.5 9-11-2014 2149 CW Sun "Beacon L St Petersburg" MX 8497.8 9-11-2014 2149 CW Sun "Beacon L St Petersburg" MX 5153.9 9-11-2014 2156 CW Sun "Beacon S Sevoromorsk" MX 5153.7 9-11-2014 2156 CW Sun "Beacon D Sevastopol" XSL 4153 10-11-2014 2231 QPSK 1500Bd Mon Japanese Navy a.k.a. Slot Machine XSL 4231.5 10-11-2014 2231 QPSK 1500Bd Mon Japanese Navy a.k.a. Slot Machine XSL 5417 10-11-2014 2232 QPSK 1500Bd Mon Japanese Navy a.k.a. Slot Machine XSL 6250 10-11-2014 2234 QPSK 1500Bd Mon Japanese Navy a.k.a. Slot Machine XSL 6417 10-11-2014 2234 QPSK 1500Bd Mon Japanese Navy a.k.a. Slot Machine XSL 6445 10-11-2014 2236 QPSK 1500Bd Mon Japanese Navy a.k.a. Slot Machine XSL 8313 10-11-2014 2237 QPSK 1500Bd Mon Japanese Navy a.k.a. Slot Machine XSL 8703.5 10-11-2014 2237 QPSK 1500Bd Mon Japanese Navy a.k.a. Slot Machine XSL 8588 10-11-2014 2237 QPSK 1500Bd Mon Japanese Navy a.k.a. Slot Machine 73, Ary From toto at Sat Dec 6 17:46:43 2014 From: toto at (toto) Date: Sat, 6 Dec 2014 23:46:43 +0100 Subject: [Spooks] Station OLX is back (sort of) In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: Hi Jochen, yes, it was sent by us :-) toto From avare at Fri Dec 12 13:17:42 2014 From: avare at (Priyom) Date: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 23:17:42 +0500 Subject: [Spooks] E07 Message-ID: <> Hello, there suprise from E07 (Russian intelligence). He now daily send message on J3E mode instead A3E mode. Voice and speed reading as E07a. Used ID 831 Probably sked: 1100z Search 1120z 17464 kHz 1140z Search 1200z 16139 kHz 1220z 14607 kHz 1240z 13591 kHz 1600z 9121 kHz 1620z 7967 kHz 1640z 6942 kHz 1700z 6949 kHz 1720z 5886 kHz 1740z 5091 kHz 9/10/11 December message: 813 1 490 46 82965 92347 14423 56103 14931 55955 86440 54013 35919 76751 75499 19343 83749 78087 70424 47983 90748 21554 02715 09002 96263 68339 45187 16267 83026 65436 66819 47590 62694 63600 56830 54434 51130 25275 88101 24640 81088 94525 68246 52878 95191 71279 31858 55714 65077 00545 000 000 12 December message: 813 1 352 43 00097 05158 04663 73410 01310 90143 45971 98576 27838 02726 45847 35256 28703 02937 46147 31372 54199 65032 09987 55233 44760 52535 69471 14558 20707 11027 15207 86611 57337 79500 01104 44455 38871 83715 50127 57275 21038 30287 23725 30049 07000 70155 53008 000 000 Thanks to: Ary Boender, mco, Mab1n0g10n Lvoe to: danix111, toto Avare From ary at Sat Dec 13 02:27:14 2014 From: ary at (Ary Boender) Date: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 08:27:14 +0100 Subject: [Spooks] HM01 Message-ID: <002501d016a6$37835340$a689f9c0$> 9330 13-12-2014 0630 HM01 73822 44447 04862 25775 24253 50581. Should be on 14375 kHz Nothing heard on any of the known freqs between 0700-0720 Ary From ary at Sat Dec 13 03:25:19 2014 From: ary at (Ary Boender) Date: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 09:25:19 +0100 Subject: [Spooks] HM01 In-Reply-To: <002501d016a6$37835340$a689f9c0$> References: <002501d016a6$37835340$a689f9c0$> Message-ID: <002f01d016ae$54cb13e0$fe613ba0$> Also no transmission heard between 0800-0815 Ary -----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- Van: Spooks [mailto:spooks-bounces at] Namens Ary Boender Verzonden: zaterdag 13 december 2014 8:27 Aan: 'Shortwave Spy Numbers Stations' Onderwerp: [Spooks] HM01 Visit to unsubscribe from this list 9330 13-12-2014 0630 HM01 73822 44447 04862 25775 24253 50581. Should be on 14375 kHz Nothing heard on any of the known freqs between 0700-0720 Ary ______________________________________________________________ Spooks mailing list Home: Help: Post: mailto:Spooks at This list hosted by: Please help support this email list: From ary at Sat Dec 13 04:30:55 2014 From: ary at (Ary Boender) Date: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 10:30:55 +0100 Subject: [Spooks] HM01 In-Reply-To: <002f01d016ae$54cb13e0$fe613ba0$> References: <002501d016a6$37835340$a689f9c0$> <002f01d016ae$54cb13e0$fe613ba0$> Message-ID: <003101d016b7$7eb08bf0$7c11a3d0$> 11462 13-12-2014 0900 HM01 73822 44447 04862 25775 24253 50581 Ary -----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- Van: Spooks [mailto:spooks-bounces at] Namens Ary Boender Verzonden: zaterdag 13 december 2014 9:25 Aan: 'Shortwave Spy Numbers Stations' Onderwerp: Re: [Spooks] HM01 Visit to unsubscribe from this list Also no transmission heard between 0800-0815 Ary -----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- Van: Spooks [mailto:spooks-bounces at] Namens Ary Boender Verzonden: zaterdag 13 december 2014 8:27 Aan: 'Shortwave Spy Numbers Stations' Onderwerp: [Spooks] HM01 Visit to unsubscribe from this list 9330 13-12-2014 0630 HM01 73822 44447 04862 25775 24253 50581. Should be on 14375 kHz Nothing heard on any of the known freqs between 0700-0720 Ary ______________________________________________________________ Spooks mailing list Home: Help: Post: mailto:Spooks at This list hosted by: Please help support this email list: ______________________________________________________________ Spooks mailing list Home: Help: Post: mailto:Spooks at This list hosted by: Please help support this email list: From ary at Sat Dec 13 05:14:39 2014 From: ary at (Ary Boender) Date: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 11:14:39 +0100 Subject: [Spooks] HM01 In-Reply-To: <003101d016b7$7eb08bf0$7c11a3d0$> References: <002501d016a6$37835340$a689f9c0$> <002f01d016ae$54cb13e0$fe613ba0$> <003101d016b7$7eb08bf0$7c11a3d0$> Message-ID: <003501d016bd$9aafd8f0$d00f8ad0$> 12180 13-12-2014 1000 HM01 AM/RDFT 73822 44447 04862 25775 24253 50581 Ary -----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- Van: Spooks [mailto:spooks-bounces at] Namens Ary Boender Verzonden: zaterdag 13 december 2014 10:31 Aan: 'Shortwave Spy Numbers Stations' Onderwerp: Re: [Spooks] HM01 Visit to unsubscribe from this list 11462 13-12-2014 0900 HM01 73822 44447 04862 25775 24253 50581 Ary -----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- Van: Spooks [mailto:spooks-bounces at] Namens Ary Boender Verzonden: zaterdag 13 december 2014 9:25 Aan: 'Shortwave Spy Numbers Stations' Onderwerp: Re: [Spooks] HM01 Visit to unsubscribe from this list Also no transmission heard between 0800-0815 Ary -----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- Van: Spooks [mailto:spooks-bounces at] Namens Ary Boender Verzonden: zaterdag 13 december 2014 8:27 Aan: 'Shortwave Spy Numbers Stations' Onderwerp: [Spooks] HM01 Visit to unsubscribe from this list 9330 13-12-2014 0630 HM01 73822 44447 04862 25775 24253 50581. Should be on 14375 kHz Nothing heard on any of the known freqs between 0700-0720 Ary ______________________________________________________________ Spooks mailing list Home: Help: Post: mailto:Spooks at This list hosted by: Please help support this email list: ______________________________________________________________ Spooks mailing list Home: Help: Post: mailto:Spooks at This list hosted by: Please help support this email list: ______________________________________________________________ Spooks mailing list Home: Help: Post: mailto:Spooks at This list hosted by: Please help support this email list: From ranger2995 at Sat Dec 13 10:10:09 2014 From: ranger2995 at (Ernie Rice) Date: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 10:10:09 -0500 Subject: [Spooks] HM01 In-Reply-To: <002501d016a6$37835340$a689f9c0$> References: <002501d016a6$37835340$a689f9c0$> Message-ID: At 0500utc I heard on 14375 a very weak station with numbers and no digital mode. It was a yl Ernie Sent from mi iPhone 5 developed from alien crash debris found in Roswell New Mexico > On Dec 13, 2014, at 02:27, Ary Boender wrote: > > Visit to unsubscribe from this list > > 9330 13-12-2014 0630 HM01 73822 44447 04862 25775 24253 50581. > Should be on 14375 kHz > > Nothing heard on any of the known freqs between 0700-0720 > > Ary > > > ______________________________________________________________ > Spooks mailing list > Home: > Help: > Post: mailto:Spooks at > > This list hosted by: > Please help support this email list: From ary at Sat Dec 13 11:37:55 2014 From: ary at (Ary Boender) Date: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 17:37:55 +0100 Subject: [Spooks] HM01 In-Reply-To: References: <002501d016a6$37835340$a689f9c0$> Message-ID: <001a01d016f3$254d95d0$6fe8c170$> In Spanish?? Ary -----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- Van: Spooks [mailto:spooks-bounces at] Namens Ernie Rice Verzonden: zaterdag 13 december 2014 16:10 Aan: Shortwave Spy Numbers Stations Onderwerp: Re: [Spooks] HM01 Visit to unsubscribe from this list At 0500utc I heard on 14375 a very weak station with numbers and no digital mode. It was a yl Ernie Sent from mi iPhone 5 developed from alien crash debris found in Roswell New Mexico > On Dec 13, 2014, at 02:27, Ary Boender wrote: > > Visit to unsubscribe > from this list > > 9330 13-12-2014 0630 HM01 73822 44447 04862 25775 24253 50581. > Should be on 14375 kHz > > Nothing heard on any of the known freqs between 0700-0720 > > Ary > > > ______________________________________________________________ > Spooks mailing list > Home: > Help: > Post: mailto:Spooks at > > This list hosted by: Please help support this email > list: ______________________________________________________________ Spooks mailing list Home: Help: Post: mailto:Spooks at This list hosted by: Please help support this email list: From ary at Mon Dec 15 06:09:34 2014 From: ary at (Ary Boender) Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 12:09:34 +0100 Subject: [Spooks] E07 Message-ID: <002a01d01857$9b7a76a0$d26f63e0$> 18646 15-12-2014 1100 E07 new message 813 1 678 51 40087 44527 29022 02821 97230 10694 94148 41412 11814 39195 92407 13059 99280 64969 42985 84465 45947 62867 25616 13356 26141 01942 52582 47225 79430 19318 93398 30450 90253 87417 01817 10186 20469 10838 04111 95962 98530 61720 35408 79370 32442 44191 31173 51484 18874 89077 05056 25202 20953 65051 38908 Ary From ary at Tue Dec 16 09:37:04 2014 From: ary at (Ary Boender) Date: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 15:37:04 +0100 Subject: [Spooks] numbers logs Message-ID: <004a01d0193d$c2dc47a0$4894d6e0$> 9065 15-12-2014 0800 HM01 AM/RDFT 73824 44449 04864 25777 24255 50583 9240 15-12-2014 0900 HM01 AM/RDFT 73824 44449 04864 25777 24255 50583 11044 15-12-2014 0700 M42 FSK 200/1000 Russian diplo/intel. Msg 115 on link 45136: 10132 60295 56471 32789 58024 00466 49409 24394 9063 15-12-2014 0710 M42 FSK 200/1000 Russian diplo/intel. Msg 115 on link 45136: 10132 60295 56471 32789 58024 00466 49409 24394 7477 15-12-2014 0720 M42 FSK 200/1000 Russian diplo/intel. Msg 115 on link 45136: 10132 60295 56471 32789 58024 00466 49409 24394 9370 15-12-2014 0845 POL FSK 100/740 Polish intel. 9370 15-12-2014 0850 POL FSK 100/740 Polish intel. 9446 15-12-2015 0900 E11 USB 534/00 12630 15-12-2014 1000 POL FSK 100/740 Polish intel. 12630 15-12-2014 1005 POL FSK 100/740 Polish intel. 9176 15-12-2014 1200 M42 FSK 200/1000 Russian diplo/intel. Msg 115 on link 45136: 10132 60295 56471 32789 58024 00466 49409 24394 7622 15-12-2014 1210 M42 FSK 200/1000 Russian diplo/intel. Msg 115 on link 45136: 10132 60295 56471 32789 58024 00466 49409 24394 8420 15-12-2014 1300 S06s USB 831 940 5 96111 10544 98003 68909 45279 940 5 00000 10635 15-12-2014 1310 S06s USB 831 940 5 96111 10544 98003 68909 45279 940 5 00000 4505 15-12-2014 1320 M03 CW 543/00 = = 000 18646 15-12-2014 1100 E07 USB 813 1 678 51 40087 44527 29022 ... 20953 65051 38908 000 000 17464 15-12-2014 1120 E07 USB 813 1 678 51 40087 44527 29022 ... 20953 65051 38908 000 000 15826 15-12-2014 1140 E07 USB 813 1 678 51 40087 44527 29022 ... 20953 65051 38908 000 000 16139 15-12-2014 1200 E07 USB 813 1 678 51 40087 44527 29022 ... 20953 65051 38908 000 000 14607 15-12-2014 1220 E07 USB 813 1 678 51 40087 44527 29022 ... 20953 65051 38908 000 000 13951 15-12-2014 1240 E07 USB 813 1 678 51 40087 44527 29022 ... 20953 65051 38908 000 000 9121 15-12-2014 1600 E07 USB 813 1 678 51 40087 44527 29022 ... 20953 65051 38908 000 000 7967 15-12-2014 1620 E07 USB 813 1 678 51 40087 44527 29022 ... 20953 65051 38908 000 000 6942 15-12-2014 1640 E07 USB 813 1 678 51 40087 44527 29022 ... 20953 65051 38908 000 000 6949 15-12-2014 1700 E07 USB 813 1 678 51 40087 44527 29022 ... 20953 65051 38908 000 000 5886 15-12-2014 1720 E07 USB 813 1 678 51 40087 44527 29022 ... 20953 65051 38908 000 000 5091 15-12-2014 1740 E07 USB 813 1 678 51 40087 44527 29022 ... 20953 65051 38908 000 000 7504 16-12-2014 0915 S11a USB 487/34 ... 18646 16-12-2014 1100 E07 USB 813 1 678 51 40087 44527 29022 ... 20953 65051 38908 000 000 17464 16-12-2014 1120 E07 USB 813 1 678 51 40087 44527 29022 ... 20953 65051 38908 000 000 15826 16-12-2014 1140 E07 USB 813 1 678 51 40087 44527 29022 ... 20953 65051 38908 000 000 16139 16-12-2014 1200 E07 USB 813 1 678 51 40087 44527 29022 ... 20953 65051 38908 000 000 14607 16-12-2014 1220 E07 USB 813 1 678 51 40087 44527 29022 ... 20953 65051 38908 000 000 13951 16-12-2014 1240 E07 USB 813 1 678 51 40087 44527 29022 ... 20953 65051 38908 000 000 9176 16-12-2014 1200 M42 FSK 200/1000 Russian diplo/intel. Msg 117 on link 45137: 12352 57892 24042 17876 01146 39622 65036 24981 7622 16-12-2014 1210 M42 FSK 200/1000 Russian diplo/intel. Msg 117 on link 45137: 12352 57892 24042 17876 01146 39622 65036 24981 14583 16-12-2014 1300 XPA2 MFSK-16/20Bd 06762 00001 00000 10140 13538 16-12-2014 1320 XPA2 MFSK-16/20Bd 06762 00001 00000 10140 12138 16-12-2014 1340 XPA2 MFSK-16/20Bd 06762 00001 00000 10140 17444 16-12-2014 1400 M42 FSK 200/1000 Russian diplo/intel. Msg 090 on link 32799: 07836 00000 00000 00361 14796 02651 00893 49045 15872 16-12-2014 1410 M42 FSK 200/1000 Russian diplo/intel. Msg 090 on link 32799: 07836 00000 00000 00361 14796 02651 00893 49045 73, Ary From ary at Thu Dec 18 01:43:07 2014 From: ary at (Ary Boender) Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 07:43:07 +0100 Subject: [Spooks] The end of Cuban numbers stations ?? Message-ID: <004501d01a8d$e2132200$a6396600$> Could this mean that they are gonna stop? edit_na_20141217&nlid=61653669&_r=1 Ary From ary at Thu Dec 18 04:10:17 2014 From: ary at (Ary Boender) Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 10:10:17 +0100 Subject: [Spooks] Yesterday's numbers logs Message-ID: <006a01d01aa2$712998c0$537cca40$> 9056 17-12-2014 0720 XPA MFSK-20/10Bd 706 706 706 000 06211 00001 00000 10140 10656 17-12-2014 0740 XPA MFSK-20/10Bd 706 706 706 000 06211 00001 00000 10140 15861 17-12-2014 0800 XPA2 MFSK-16/20Bd 04715 00001 00000 10140 14761 17-12-2014 0820 XPA2 MFSK-16/20Bd 04715 00001 00000 10140 13561 17-12-2014 0840 XPA2 MFSK-16/20Bd 04715 00001 00000 10140 6778 17-12-2014 0820 S06s USB 471 253 6 46062 68672 97478 39685 30485 96632 253 6 00000 7675 17-12-2014 0830 S06s USB 471 253 6 46062 68672 97478 39685 30485 96632 253 6 00000 7335 17-12-2014 0830 S06s AM 745 803 6 52401 63919 92699 14600 74248 48754 803 6 00000 11830 17-12-2014 0840 S06s AM 745 803 6 52401 63919 92699 14600 74248 48754 803 6 00000 9370 17-12-2014 0845 POL FSK 100/470 Polish intel. 9370 17-12-2014 0850 POL FSK 100/470 Polish intel. 9446 17-12-2014 0900 E11 USB 534/00 9240 17-12-2014 0900 HM01 AM/RDFT 73826 21261 04866 61101 24257 50585 9950 17-12-2014 0930 E11 USB 270/00 12365 17-12-2014 1000 S06s AM 729 510 6 42169 35797 33873 39235 93615 84408 510 6 00000 14280 17-12-2014 1010 S06s AM 729 510 6 42169 35797 33873 39235 93615 84408 510 6 00000 18646 17-12-2014 1100 E07 USB 813 1 678 51 40087 44527 29022 ... 20953 65051 38908 000 000 17464 17-12-2014 1120 E07 USB 813 1 678 51 40087 44527 29022 ... 20953 65051 38908 000 000 15826 17-12-2014 1140 E07 USB 813 1 678 51 40087 44527 29022 ... 20953 65051 38908 000 000 16139 17-12-2014 1200 E07 USB 813 1 678 51 40087 44527 29022 ... 20953 65051 38908 000 000 14607 17-12-2014 1220 E07 USB 813 1 678 51 40087 44527 29022 ... 20953 65051 38908 000 000 13951 17-12-2014 1240 E07 USB 813 1 678 51 40087 44527 29022 ... 20953 65051 38908 000 000 9176 17-12-2014 1200 M42 FSK 200/1000 Russian diplo/intel. Msg 122 on link 45137: 15240 57569 04023 17264 09959 34703 33157 36409 7622 17-12-2014 1210 M42 FSK 200/1000 Russian diplo/intel. Msg 122 on link 45137: 15240 57569 04023 17264 09959 34703 33157 36409 17476 17-12-2014 1230 M42 FSK 200/1000 Russian diplo/intel. Msg 002 on link 53277: 39180 00000 00000 02348 15966 34095 00893 52528 15836 17-12-2014 1230 M42 FSK 200/1000 Russian diplo/intel. Msg 002 on link 53277: 39180 00000 00000 02348 15966 34095 00893 52528 13385 17-12-2014 1230 M42 FSK 200/1000 Russian diplo/intel. Msg 002 on link 53277: 39180 00000 00000 02348 15966 34095 00893 52528 4840 17-12-2014 1430 POL FSK 100/470 Polish intel. 4840 17-12-2014 1435 POL FSK 100/470 Polish intel. 4441 17-12-2014 1445 E11a USB 286/36 Attention 77993 28086 22934 ... 00059 02066 33426 Attention, rpt msg, out 9121 17-12-2014 1600 E07 USB 813 1 678 51 40087 44527 29022 ... 20953 65051 38908 000 000 7967 17-12-2014 1620 E07 USB 813 1 678 51 40087 44527 29022 ... 20953 65051 38908 000 000 6942 17-12-2014 1640 E07 USB 813 1 678 51 40087 44527 29022 ... 20953 65051 38908 000 000 6949 17-12-2014 1700 E07 USB 813 1 678 51 40087 44527 29022 ... 20953 65051 38908 000 000 5886 17-12-2014 1720 E07 USB 813 1 678 51 40087 44527 29022 ... 20953 65051 38908 000 000 5091 17-12-2014 1740 E07 USB 813 1 678 51 40087 44527 29022 ... 20953 65051 38908 000 000 5089 17-12-2014 1710 M42 FSK 200/1000 (IW) Russian diplo/intel. Msg 80 on link 03667: 57100 31601 41013 19656 37602 07564 24265 53384 4563 17-12-2014 1723 M42 FSK 200/1000 Russian diplo/intel. Msg 80 on link 03667: 57100 31601 41013 19656 37602 07564 24265 53384 7464 17-12-2014 1800 E07 AM 485 485 485 000 5864 17-12-2014 1820 E07 AM 485 485 485 000 5277 17-12-2014 2120 E07a USB 825 825 825 000 73, Ary From ary at Thu Dec 18 06:49:53 2014 From: ary at (Ary Boender) Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 12:49:53 +0100 Subject: [Spooks] 18-12 morning logs Message-ID: <000801d01ab8$bcae7980$360b6c80$> 7772 18-12-2014 0630 POL FSK 100/450 Polish Intel. 7840 18-12-2014 0645 E11 USB 517/00 11044 18-12-2014 0700 M42 FSK 200/1000 Russian diplo/intel. Msg 125 on link 45136: 35104 25091 19812 05765 55182 04017 38818 15465 9063 18-12-2014 0710 M42 FSK 200/1000 Russian diplo/intel. Msg 125 on link 45136: 35104 25091 19812 05765 55182 04017 38818 15465 7477 18-12-2014 0720 M42 FSK 200/1000 Russian diplo/intel. Msg 125 on link 45136: 35104 25091 19812 05765 55182 04017 38818 15465 16388 18-12-2014 0730 POL FSK 100/450 Polish Intel. 16388 18-12-2014 0735 POL FSK 100/450 Polish Intel. 16112 18-12-2014 0745 E11 USB 335/00 12952 18-12-2014 0900 S06s AM 167 983 5 31694 81576 46319 81374 75416 983 5 00000 13565 18-12-2014 0910 S06s AM 167 983 5 31694 81576 46319 81374 75416 983 5 00000 8812 18-12-2014 0930 S06s USB 314 985 6 44745 16330 88418 30480 88650 34434 985 6 00000 9540 18-12-2014 0940 S06s USB 314 985 6 44745 16330 88418 30480 88650 34434 985 6 00000 11462 18-12-2014 0930 HM01 AM/RDFT 73827 21262 04867 61101 01221 50586 12180 18-12-2014 1000 HM01 AM/RDFT 73827 21262 04867 61101 01221 50586 12630 18-12-2014 1000 POL FSK 100/450 Polish Intel. 12630 18-12-2014 1005 POL FSK 100/450 Polish Intel. 18455 18-12-2014 0700 E06 USB 923 845 106 78100 77326 46746 28401 74898 50778 33503 20508 31231 32441 46777 36572 84551 86595 68101 59929 04832 04582 36580 73078 14505 23253 34886 56457 26082 31802 17166 96685 27133 15409 21017 15223 67311 09143 30739 53371 27129 60551 84043 74564 73145 24379 39405 69879 29276 37860 46244 77709 18902 50005 85134 53529 57466 03332 70212 50704 00246 91481 30978 98265 74982 41142 15689 86594 54078 91728 83514 96964 46012 71261 77650 35854 10695 91861 96576 59991 28430 13326 05648 03061 77178 48192 56203 39999 97812 06755 04386 49834 52046 05462 46852 62990 02721 87114 15565 04009 71152 26340 98860 65615 51214 18737 80964 75066 84836 77163 845 106 00000 12530 18-12-2014 1015 S11a USB 479/36 Vnimanie 55900 78873 13712 16093 13108 21934 44442 59839 00131 29098 99672 35824 96012 35986 38112 62859 39158 44426 48708 16231 16912 01907 80946 59412 44538 39481 29154 00961 32706 39385 36720 92097 12779 62111 82385 50050 Vnimanie, rpt msg, konec 18646 18-12-2014 1100 E07 USB 17464 18-12-2014 1120 E07 USB 15826 18-12-2014 1140 E07 USB 813 1 411 48 47543 30268 72383 17804 17044 51781 54463 23660 74842 40903 71795 06866 00730 67749 67413 16649 35574 85792 00053 71875 50572 40272 06534 53857 00445 65482 78520 43348 39101 91052 00235 39083 93274 39255 24808 68680 15773 83841 67041 31745 01494 00813 80784 48922 88927 48568 60494 70608 000 000 73, Ary From weablab at Thu Dec 18 12:18:18 2014 From: weablab at (Ashley Dugan) Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 11:18:18 -0600 Subject: [Spooks] HM01 Message-ID: I picked up HM01 yesterday and the year before clear as a bell on 11635 in hybrid mode. It always starts up around noon here. Maybe a Cuban spy is hiding in my attic? I'll tune in for a few days and see what happens. Ashley Dugan Sapulpa, OK From ranger2995 at Thu Dec 18 12:59:11 2014 From: ranger2995 at (Ernie Rice) Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 12:59:11 -0500 Subject: [Spooks] HM01 In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <> Maybe she's a sooner!!! Sent from mi iPhone 5 developed from alien crash debris found in Roswell New Mexico > On Dec 18, 2014, at 12:18, Ashley Dugan wrote: > > Visit to unsubscribe from this list > > I picked up HM01 yesterday and the year before clear as a bell on 11635 in > hybrid mode. It always starts up around noon here. Maybe a Cuban spy is > hiding in my attic? I'll tune in for a few days and see what happens. > > Ashley Dugan > Sapulpa, OK > ______________________________________________________________ > Spooks mailing list > Home: > Help: > Post: mailto:Spooks at > > This list hosted by: > Please help support this email list: From weablab at Thu Dec 18 15:41:45 2014 From: weablab at (Ashley Dugan) Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 14:41:45 -0600 Subject: [Spooks] HM01 Message-ID: HM01 11635 kHz AM 18:00 UTC 12/17/14 From ary at Sun Dec 21 06:12:48 2014 From: ary at (Ary Boender) Date: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 12:12:48 +0100 Subject: [Spooks] E07 Message-ID: <001601d01d0f$0d91fa90$28b5efb0$> New E07 message for the next 3 days: 813 1 322 68 70458 44582 78126 43950 81133 67738 78892 69430 27343 91918 52993 72096 81998 10724 35663 47430 10279 22771 26802 16337 97603 89921 66361 17277 55227 69111 83600 98039 91012 71663 63047 38546 64533 04528 01837 59979 95573 36497 53128 43430 23843 33179 19403 26950 44019 85195 83068 86465 89186 43428 20316 85670 41527 04712 23822 50854 18260 32093 41730 16028 91805 55887 15059 40640 52557 45845 46075 01954 000 000 Ary From ary at Sun Dec 21 14:57:34 2014 From: ary at (Ary Boender) Date: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 20:57:34 +0100 Subject: [Spooks] numbers logs 20-21 Dec Message-ID: 5815 20-12-2014 1005 POL FSK 100/740 Polish Intel. 5815 20-12-2014 1010 POL FSK 100/740 Polish Intel. 12180 20-12-2014 1000 HM01 AM/RDFT 33371 21264 88261 61103 01222 65121 10345 21-12-2014 0630 HM01 AM/RDFT 33372 21265 88261 61104 01223 65121 9330 21-12-2014 0700 HM01 AM/RDFT 33372 21265 88261 61104 01223 65121 9065 21-12-2014 0800 HM01 AM/RDFT 33372 21265 88261 61104 01223 65121 9240 21-12-2014 0900 HM01 AM/RDFT 33372 21265 88261 61104 01223 65121 5855 21-12-2014 1000 HM01 AM/RDFT 33372 21265 88261 61104 01223 65121 //9155 kHz 9155 21-12-2014 1000 HM01 AM/RDFT 33372 21265 88261 61104 01223 65121 //5855 kHz 18189 21-12-2014 0900 M42 FSK 200/1000 Russian diplo/intel. Msg 240 on link 45115: 55312 02440 03766 27494 06443 06480 51682 05918 16125 21-12-2014 0910 M42 FSK 200/1000 Russian diplo/intel. Msg 240 on link 45115: 55312 02440 03766 27494 06443 06480 51682 05918 14367 21-12-2014 0920 M42 FSK 200/1000 Russian diplo/intel. Msg 240 on link 45115: 55312 02440 03766 27494 06443 06480 51682 05918 13569 21-12-2014 1010 M12 CW 582 582 582 000 19846 21-12-2014 1100 M42 FSK 200/1000 Russian diplo/intel. Msg 237 on link 36882: 37996 09616 61362 15169 28573 34993 19372 28248 17471 21-12-2014 1110 M42 FSK 200/1000 Russian diplo/intel. Msg 237 on link 36882: 37996 09616 61362 15169 28573 34993 19372 28248 18646 21-12-2014 1100 E07 USB 813 1 322 68 70458 44582 78126 ... 45845 46075 01954 000 000 17464 21-12-2014 1120 E07 USB 813 1 322 68 70458 44582 78126 ... 45845 46075 01954 000 000 15826 21-12-2014 1140 E07 USB 813 1 322 68 70458 44582 78126 ... 45845 46075 01954 000 000 16139 21-12-2014 1200 E07 USB 813 1 322 68 70458 44582 78126 ... 45845 46075 01954 000 000 14607 21-12-2014 1220 E07 USB 813 1 322 68 70458 44582 78126 ... 45845 46075 01954 000 000 13951 21-12-2014 1240 E07 USB 813 1 322 68 70458 44582 78126 ... 45845 46075 01954 000 000 14538 21-12-2014 1300 XPA2 MFSK-16/20Bd 01189 00093 43982 ... 90756 58044 26600 13538 21-12-2014 1320 XPA2 MFSK-16/20Bd 01189 00093 43982 ... 90756 58044 26600 12138 21-12-2014 1340 XPA2 MFSK-16/20Bd 01189 00093 43982 ... 90756 58044 26600 15915 21-12-2014 1525 POL FSK 200/740 Polish intel. Null msg 15915 21-12-2014 1530 POL FSK 200/740 Polish intel. Null msg 11487 21-12-2014 1530 M42 FSK 200/1000 Russian diplo/intel. Msg 002 on link 20501: 34156 00000 00000 00358 12857 36342 00893 16476 9232 21-12-2014 1540 M42 FSK 200/1000 Russian diplo/intel. Msg 002 on link 20501: 34156 00000 00000 00358 12857 36342 00893 16476 7819 21-12-2014 1550 M42 FSK 200/1000 Russian diplo/intel. Msg 002 on link 20501: 34156 00000 00000 00358 12857 36342 00893 16476 9121 21-12-2014 1600 E07 USB 813 1 322 68 70458 44582 78126 ... 45845 46075 01954 000 000 7967 21-12-2014 1620 E07 USB 813 1 322 68 70458 44582 78126 ... 45845 46075 01954 000 000 6942 21-12-2014 1640 E07 USB 813 1 322 68 70458 44582 78126 ... 45845 46075 01954 000 000 6949 21-12-2014 1700 E07 USB 813 1 322 68 70458 44582 78126 ... 45845 46075 01954 000 000 5886 21-12-2014 1720 E07 USB 813 1 322 68 70458 44582 78126 ... 45845 46075 01954 000 000 5091 21-12-2014 1740 E07 USB 813 1 322 68 70458 44582 78126 ... 45845 46075 01954 000 000 7464 21-12-2014 1800 E07 AM 485 1 235 137 70672 45249 21782 ... 14344 86218 12460 000 000 5864 21-12-2014 1820 E07 AM 485 1 235 137 70672 45249 21782 ... 14344 86218 12460 000 000 4564 21-12-2014 1840 E07 AM 485 1 235 137 70672 45249 21782 ... 14344 86218 12460 000 000 11600 21-12-2014 1557 AM Chinese jammer jamming the Sound of Hope 73, Ary From danix111 at Sun Dec 21 15:45:10 2014 From: danix111 at (Daniel Ekmann) Date: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 21:45:10 +0100 Subject: [Spooks] Polish intel digital transmissions Message-ID: Hello Spooks, For the last few years, Polish intelligence, the ones responsible for E11, S11a and M03, have also transmitted digital signals, but few knew about their existence. We have discovered some interesting facts about their FSK mode. One of the members of Priyom is working on a Rivet module that decodes this mode. Regards Daniel From spooks at Sun Dec 21 18:39:17 2014 From: spooks at (K1RMC via Spooks) Date: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 18:39:17 -0500 Subject: [Spooks] numbers logs 20-21 Dec In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <> This is off topic for this email but I have copied what appears to be a net control station (callsign: RHO 62) on 12462.80 KHz several times. Typical transmission: DE RHO 62 QSA? Anybody heard this one before? Thanks. 73 Mark K1RMC -----Original Message----- From: Ary Boender To: Spooks Sent: Sun, Dec 21, 2014 6:35 pm Subject: [Spooks] numbers logs 20-21 Dec Visit to unsubscribe from this list 5815 20-12-2014 1005 POL FSK 100/740 Polish Intel. 5815 20-12-2014 1010 POL FSK 100/740 Polish Intel. 12180 20-12-2014 1000 HM01 AM/RDFT 33371 21264 88261 61103 01222 65121 10345 21-12-2014 0630 HM01 AM/RDFT 33372 21265 88261 61104 01223 65121 9330 21-12-2014 0700 HM01 AM/RDFT 33372 21265 88261 61104 01223 65121 9065 21-12-2014 0800 HM01 AM/RDFT 33372 21265 88261 61104 01223 65121 9240 21-12-2014 0900 HM01 AM/RDFT 33372 21265 88261 61104 01223 65121 5855 21-12-2014 1000 HM01 AM/RDFT 33372 21265 88261 61104 01223 65121 //9155 kHz 9155 21-12-2014 1000 HM01 AM/RDFT 33372 21265 88261 61104 01223 65121 //5855 kHz 18189 21-12-2014 0900 M42 FSK 200/1000 Russian diplo/intel. Msg 240 on link 45115: 55312 02440 03766 27494 06443 06480 51682 05918 16125 21-12-2014 0910 M42 FSK 200/1000 Russian diplo/intel. Msg 240 on link 45115: 55312 02440 03766 27494 06443 06480 51682 05918 14367 21-12-2014 0920 M42 FSK 200/1000 Russian diplo/intel. Msg 240 on link 45115: 55312 02440 03766 27494 06443 06480 51682 05918 13569 21-12-2014 1010 M12 CW 582 582 582 000 19846 21-12-2014 1100 M42 FSK 200/1000 Russian diplo/intel. Msg 237 on link 36882: 37996 09616 61362 15169 28573 34993 19372 28248 17471 21-12-2014 1110 M42 FSK 200/1000 Russian diplo/intel. Msg 237 on link 36882: 37996 09616 61362 15169 28573 34993 19372 28248 18646 21-12-2014 1100 E07 USB 813 1 322 68 70458 44582 78126 ... 45845 46075 01954 000 000 17464 21-12-2014 1120 E07 USB 813 1 322 68 70458 44582 78126 ... 45845 46075 01954 000 000 15826 21-12-2014 1140 E07 USB 813 1 322 68 70458 44582 78126 ... 45845 46075 01954 000 000 16139 21-12-2014 1200 E07 USB 813 1 322 68 70458 44582 78126 ... 45845 46075 01954 000 000 14607 21-12-2014 1220 E07 USB 813 1 322 68 70458 44582 78126 ... 45845 46075 01954 000 000 13951 21-12-2014 1240 E07 USB 813 1 322 68 70458 44582 78126 ... 45845 46075 01954 000 000 14538 21-12-2014 1300 XPA2 MFSK-16/20Bd 01189 00093 43982 ... 90756 58044 26600 13538 21-12-2014 1320 XPA2 MFSK-16/20Bd 01189 00093 43982 ... 90756 58044 26600 12138 21-12-2014 1340 XPA2 MFSK-16/20Bd 01189 00093 43982 ... 90756 58044 26600 15915 21-12-2014 1525 POL FSK 200/740 Polish intel. Null msg 15915 21-12-2014 1530 POL FSK 200/740 Polish intel. Null msg 11487 21-12-2014 1530 M42 FSK 200/1000 Russian diplo/intel. Msg 002 on link 20501: 34156 00000 00000 00358 12857 36342 00893 16476 9232 21-12-2014 1540 M42 FSK 200/1000 Russian diplo/intel. Msg 002 on link 20501: 34156 00000 00000 00358 12857 36342 00893 16476 7819 21-12-2014 1550 M42 FSK 200/1000 Russian diplo/intel. Msg 002 on link 20501: 34156 00000 00000 00358 12857 36342 00893 16476 9121 21-12-2014 1600 E07 USB 813 1 322 68 70458 44582 78126 ... 45845 46075 01954 000 000 7967 21-12-2014 1620 E07 USB 813 1 322 68 70458 44582 78126 ... 45845 46075 01954 000 000 6942 21-12-2014 1640 E07 USB 813 1 322 68 70458 44582 78126 ... 45845 46075 01954 000 000 6949 21-12-2014 1700 E07 USB 813 1 322 68 70458 44582 78126 ... 45845 46075 01954 000 000 5886 21-12-2014 1720 E07 USB 813 1 322 68 70458 44582 78126 ... 45845 46075 01954 000 000 5091 21-12-2014 1740 E07 USB 813 1 322 68 70458 44582 78126 ... 45845 46075 01954 000 000 7464 21-12-2014 1800 E07 AM 485 1 235 137 70672 45249 21782 ... 14344 86218 12460 000 000 5864 21-12-2014 1820 E07 AM 485 1 235 137 70672 45249 21782 ... 14344 86218 12460 000 000 4564 21-12-2014 1840 E07 AM 485 1 235 137 70672 45249 21782 ... 14344 86218 12460 000 000 11600 21-12-2014 1557 AM Chinese jammer jamming the Sound of Hope 73, Ary ______________________________________________________________ Spooks mailing list Home: Help: Post: mailto:Spooks at This list hosted by: Please help support this email list: From ranger2995 at Sun Dec 21 20:00:27 2014 From: ranger2995 at (Ernie Rice) Date: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 20:00:27 -0500 Subject: [Spooks] numbers logs 20-21 Dec In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> Mode?Time? E Sent from mi iPhone 5 developed from alien crash debris found in Roswell New Mexico > On Dec 21, 2014, at 18:39, K1RMC via Spooks wrote: > > Visit to unsubscribe from this list > > This is off topic for this email but I have copied what appears to be a net control station (callsign: RHO 62) on 12462.80 KHz several times. Typical transmission: DE RHO 62 QSA? Anybody heard this one before? Thanks. 73 Mark K1RMC > > > > > > > -----Original Message----- > From: Ary Boender > To: Spooks > Sent: Sun, Dec 21, 2014 6:35 pm > Subject: [Spooks] numbers logs 20-21 Dec > > > Visit to unsubscribe from this > list > > > > 5815 20-12-2014 1005 POL FSK 100/740 Polish Intel. > > 5815 20-12-2014 1010 POL FSK 100/740 Polish Intel. > > 12180 20-12-2014 1000 HM01 AM/RDFT 33371 21264 88261 61103 01222 65121 > > 10345 21-12-2014 0630 HM01 AM/RDFT 33372 21265 88261 61104 01223 65121 > > 9330 21-12-2014 0700 HM01 AM/RDFT 33372 21265 88261 61104 01223 65121 > > 9065 21-12-2014 0800 HM01 AM/RDFT 33372 21265 88261 61104 01223 65121 > > 9240 21-12-2014 0900 HM01 AM/RDFT 33372 21265 88261 61104 01223 65121 > > 5855 21-12-2014 1000 HM01 AM/RDFT 33372 21265 88261 61104 01223 65121 > //9155 kHz > > 9155 21-12-2014 1000 HM01 AM/RDFT 33372 21265 88261 61104 01223 65121 > //5855 kHz > > 18189 21-12-2014 0900 M42 FSK 200/1000 Russian diplo/intel. Msg 240 on > link 45115: 55312 02440 03766 27494 06443 06480 51682 05918 > > 16125 21-12-2014 0910 M42 FSK 200/1000 Russian diplo/intel. Msg 240 on > link 45115: 55312 02440 03766 27494 06443 06480 51682 05918 > > 14367 21-12-2014 0920 M42 FSK 200/1000 Russian diplo/intel. Msg 240 on > link 45115: 55312 02440 03766 27494 06443 06480 51682 05918 > > 13569 21-12-2014 1010 M12 CW 582 582 582 000 > > 19846 21-12-2014 1100 M42 FSK 200/1000 Russian diplo/intel. Msg 237 on > link 36882: 37996 09616 61362 15169 28573 34993 19372 28248 > > 17471 21-12-2014 1110 M42 FSK 200/1000 Russian diplo/intel. Msg 237 on > link 36882: 37996 09616 61362 15169 28573 34993 19372 28248 > > 18646 21-12-2014 1100 E07 USB 813 1 322 68 70458 44582 78126 ... 45845 > 46075 01954 000 000 > > 17464 21-12-2014 1120 E07 USB 813 1 322 68 70458 44582 78126 ... 45845 > 46075 01954 000 000 > > 15826 21-12-2014 1140 E07 USB 813 1 322 68 70458 44582 78126 ... 45845 > 46075 01954 000 000 > > 16139 21-12-2014 1200 E07 USB 813 1 322 68 70458 44582 78126 ... 45845 > 46075 01954 000 000 > > 14607 21-12-2014 1220 E07 USB 813 1 322 68 70458 44582 78126 ... 45845 > 46075 01954 000 000 > > 13951 21-12-2014 1240 E07 USB 813 1 322 68 70458 44582 78126 ... 45845 > 46075 01954 000 000 > > 14538 21-12-2014 1300 XPA2 MFSK-16/20Bd 01189 00093 43982 ... 90756 > 58044 26600 > > 13538 21-12-2014 1320 XPA2 MFSK-16/20Bd 01189 00093 43982 ... 90756 > 58044 26600 > > 12138 21-12-2014 1340 XPA2 MFSK-16/20Bd 01189 00093 43982 ... 90756 > 58044 26600 > > 15915 21-12-2014 1525 POL FSK 200/740 Polish intel. Null msg > > 15915 21-12-2014 1530 POL FSK 200/740 Polish intel. Null msg > > 11487 21-12-2014 1530 M42 FSK 200/1000 Russian diplo/intel. Msg 002 on > link 20501: 34156 00000 00000 00358 12857 36342 00893 16476 > > 9232 21-12-2014 1540 M42 FSK 200/1000 Russian diplo/intel. Msg 002 on > link 20501: 34156 00000 00000 00358 12857 36342 00893 16476 > > 7819 21-12-2014 1550 M42 FSK 200/1000 Russian diplo/intel. Msg 002 on > link 20501: 34156 00000 00000 00358 12857 36342 00893 16476 > > 9121 21-12-2014 1600 E07 USB 813 1 322 68 70458 44582 78126 ... 45845 > 46075 01954 000 000 > > 7967 21-12-2014 1620 E07 USB 813 1 322 68 70458 44582 78126 ... 45845 > 46075 01954 000 000 > > 6942 21-12-2014 1640 E07 USB 813 1 322 68 70458 44582 78126 ... 45845 > 46075 01954 000 000 > > 6949 21-12-2014 1700 E07 USB 813 1 322 68 70458 44582 78126 ... 45845 > 46075 01954 000 000 > > 5886 21-12-2014 1720 E07 USB 813 1 322 68 70458 44582 78126 ... 45845 > 46075 01954 000 000 > > 5091 21-12-2014 1740 E07 USB 813 1 322 68 70458 44582 78126 ... 45845 > 46075 01954 000 000 > > 7464 21-12-2014 1800 E07 AM 485 1 235 137 70672 45249 21782 ... 14344 > 86218 12460 000 000 > > 5864 21-12-2014 1820 E07 AM 485 1 235 137 70672 45249 21782 ... 14344 > 86218 12460 000 000 > > 4564 21-12-2014 1840 E07 AM 485 1 235 137 70672 45249 21782 ... 14344 > 86218 12460 000 000 > > 11600 21-12-2014 1557 AM Chinese jammer jamming the Sound of Hope > > 73, Ary > > > ______________________________________________________________ > Spooks mailing list > Home: > Help: > Post: mailto:Spooks at > > This list hosted by: > Please help support this email list: > > > ______________________________________________________________ > Spooks mailing list > Home: > Help: > Post: mailto:Spooks at > > This list hosted by: > Please help support this email list: From ary at Mon Dec 22 01:33:53 2014 From: ary at (Ary Boender) Date: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 07:33:53 +0100 Subject: [Spooks] numbers logs 20-21 Dec In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <001a01d01db1$41465690$c3d303b0$> Russian Navy Ship Admiral Vladimirskiy, Mark. It is on its way to Havana Ary -----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- Van: Spooks [mailto:spooks-bounces at] Namens K1RMC via Spooks Verzonden: maandag 22 december 2014 0:39 Aan: spooks at Onderwerp: Re: [Spooks] numbers logs 20-21 Dec Visit to unsubscribe from this list This is off topic for this email but I have copied what appears to be a net control station (callsign: RHO 62) on 12462.80 KHz several times. Typical transmission: DE RHO 62 QSA? Anybody heard this one before? Thanks. 73 Mark K1RMC From ary at Tue Dec 23 04:17:15 2014 From: ary at (Ary Boender) Date: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 10:17:15 +0100 Subject: [Spooks] Yesterday's numbers logs Message-ID: <006901d01e91$3dff3110$b9fd9330$> 10345 22-12-2014 0630 HM01 AM/RDFT 33373 21266 28262 61105 01224 65122 9330 22-12-2014 0700 HM01 AM/RDFT 33373 21266 28262 61105 01224 65122 9065 22-12-2014 0800 HM01 AM/RDFT 33373 21266 28262 61105 01224 65122 9240 22-12-2014 0900 HM01 AM/RDFT 33373 21266 28262 61105 01224 65122 11044 22-12-2014 0700 M42 FSK 200/1000 Russian diplo/intel. Msg 130 on link 45137: 55776 57569 04023 20002 07583 00370 33438 37985 9063 22-12-2014 0710 M42 FSK 200/1000 Russian diplo/intel. Msg 130 on link 45137: 55776 57569 04023 20002 07583 00370 33438 37985 7477 22-12-2014 0720 M42 FSK 200/1000 Russian diplo/intel. Msg 130 on link 45137: 55776 57569 04023 20002 07583 00370 33438 37985 15851 22-12-2014 0800 XPA2 MFSK-26/20Bd 01477 00001 00000 10140 14761 22-12-2014 0820 XPA2 MFSK-26/20Bd 01477 00001 00000 10140 13561 22-12-2014 0840 XPA2 MFSK-26/20Bd 01477 00001 00000 10140 6836 22-12-2014 0800 POL FSK 100/740 Polish intel. Null msg 6836 22-12-2014 0805 POL FSK 100/740 Polish intel. Null msg 9370 22-12-2014 0845 POL FSK 100/740 Polish intel. Null msg 9370 22-12-2014 0850 POL FSK 100/740 Polish intel. Null msg 9446 22-12-2014 0900 E11 USB 534/00 14675 22-12-2014 0900 S06s USB 872 904 5 10597 23521 47660 92883 69901 904 5 00000 12830 22-12-2014 0910 S06s USB 872 904 5 10597 23521 47660 92883 69901 904 5 00000 18646 22-12-2014 1100 E07 USB 813 1 322 68 70458 44582 78126 ... 45845 46075 01954 000 000 16139 22-12-2014 1200 E07 USB 813 1 322 68 70458 44582 78126 ... 45845 46075 01954 000 000 14607 22-12-2014 1220 E07 USB 813 1 322 68 70458 44582 78126 ... 45845 46075 01954 000 000 13951 22-12-2014 1240 E07 USB 813 1 322 68 70458 44582 78126 ... 45845 46075 01954 000 000 9176 22-12-2014 1200 M42 FSK 200-1000 Russian diplo/intel. Msg 130 on link 45137: 55776 57569 04023 20002 07583 00370 33438 37985 7622 22-12-2014 1210 M42 FSK 200-1000 Russian diplo/intel. Msg 130 on link 45137: 55776 57569 04023 20002 07583 00370 33438 37985 5787 22-12-2014 1220 M42 FSK 200-1000 Russian diplo/intel. Msg 130 on link 45137: 55776 57569 04023 20002 07583 00370 33438 37985 8420 22-12-2014 1300 S06s USB 831 940 5 96111 10544 98003 68909 45279 940 5 00000 10635 22-12-2014 1310 S06s USB 831 940 5 96111 10544 98003 68909 45279 940 5 00000 4505 22-12-2014 1320 M03 CW 540/33 = = 5FGs 9121 22-12-2014 1600 E07 USB 813 1 322 68 70458 44582 78126 ... 45845 46075 01954 000 000 73,Ary From funkraum at Tue Dec 23 08:18:35 2014 From: funkraum at (tiNG (funkraum)) Date: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 14:18:35 +0100 Subject: [Spooks] Merry Christmas & happy new year Message-ID: Dear hobby friends, Let me take the opportunity to wish all of you a peaceful Christmas this year. May Santa be as faithful as you wanted. And for 2015 I wish you all the best ? best receiving, best conditions, best logs but most of all best health. Hope to see (read) you around again next year with lots of ?shortwaving things? of our all interest. Kind regards and best wishes to you all from Northern Germany! 73 & 55 Thomas (tiNG) ====================================== funkraum at / ICQ 144 821 677 / Skype: ?funkraum-ting? ====================================== QTH: 54?39'47''N 009?27'11''E, JO44RK JRC NRD-525 + VHF/UHF, Hagenuk RX1001, Icom IC-R71, Siemens RK770, Philips D2935, Active and passive antennas Wavecom W4010 From danix111 at Wed Dec 24 06:07:52 2014 From: danix111 at (Daniel Ekmann) Date: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 12:07:52 +0100 Subject: [Spooks] E07 Message-ID: <> New message for the next 3 days: 813 1 437 57 19861 95156 69764 71304 88864 00027 26114 17731 38056 63771 78044 17142 67131 9220 92334 27349 59003 85014 25815 24066 09644 43648 87343 17381 30125 69377 30181 34376 30882 89881 14993 30031 98230 98152 89046 64467 60012 78322 53068 93572 02497 54853 10209 89116 57186 32496 35300 49527 48077 71322 39633 60020 07670 49280 56363 79190 32254 000 000 Regards Daniel From danix111 at Wed Dec 24 06:16:04 2014 From: danix111 at (Daniel Ekmann) Date: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 12:16:04 +0100 Subject: [Spooks] E07 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> > 78044 17142 67131 9220 92334 27349 59003 85014 25815 24066 Group #4 is supposed to be 59220. No idea what happened. Regards Daniel From utilityworld at Wed Dec 24 16:19:11 2014 From: utilityworld at (Utility Planet (Hugh Stegman)) Date: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 13:19:11 -0800 Subject: [Spooks] Merry Christmas, all! Message-ID: <> Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and have a great holiday however you do it! 73, -hugh From ary at Wed Dec 24 17:22:47 2014 From: ary at (Ary Boender) Date: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 23:22:47 +0100 Subject: [Spooks] Merry Xmas Message-ID: <001f01d01fc8$258cf760$70a6e620$> Hi all, Merry Christmas and a healthy new year to you and your families 73, Ary Boender From snowdog_yyz at Thu Dec 25 22:36:42 2014 From: snowdog_yyz at (allan babin) Date: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 03:36:42 +0000 Subject: [Spooks] =?utf-8?q?Merry_Xmas?= Message-ID: 7.0770 LSB Has weird repeating sounds on it, I live in northern new Brunswick Canada. Sent from Windows Mail From: Ary Boender Sent: ?Wednesday?, ?December? ?24?, ?2014 ?6?:?23? ?PM To: 'Shortwave Spy Numbers Stations' Visit to unsubscribe from this list Hi all, Merry Christmas and a healthy new year to you and your families 73, Ary Boender ______________________________________________________________ Spooks mailing list Home: Help: Post: mailto:Spooks at This list hosted by: Please help support this email list: From ajeffri at Thu Dec 25 20:54:19 2014 From: ajeffri at (Anthony Jeffries) Date: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 17:54:19 -0800 Subject: [Spooks] Repeating sounds on 7077 kHz (was: Merry Xmas) In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <> Allan, Can you post a recording of it somewhere, say I'll bet it's some sort of amateur digital mode. On 12/25/14 7:36 PM, allan babin wrote: > Visit to unsubscribe from this list > > 7.0770 LSB Has weird repeating sounds on it, I live in northern new Brunswick Canada. > > > > > > > Sent from Windows Mail > > > > > > From: Ary Boender > Sent: ?Wednesday?, ?December? ?24?, ?2014 ?6?:?23? ?PM > To: 'Shortwave Spy Numbers Stations' > > > > > Visit to unsubscribe from this list > > Hi all, > > Merry Christmas and a healthy new year to you and your families > > 73, Ary Boender > > > ______________________________________________________________ > Spooks mailing list > Home: > Help: > Post: mailto:Spooks at > > This list hosted by: > Please help support this email list: > ______________________________________________________________ > Spooks mailing list > Home: > Help: > Post: mailto:Spooks at > > This list hosted by: > Please help support this email list: -- Tony Jeffries ajeffri at N0NRO ?Caffeinated For Your Safety" From snowdog_yyz at Thu Dec 25 22:56:22 2014 From: snowdog_yyz at (allan babin) Date: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 03:56:22 +0000 Subject: [Spooks] =?utf-8?q?Repeating_sounds_on_7077_kHz_=28was=3A_Merry_X?= =?utf-8?q?mas=29?= Message-ID: ok thanks Sent from Windows Mail From: Anthony Jeffries Sent: ?Thursday?, ?December? ?25?, ?2014 ?9?:?54? ?PM To: Shortwave Spy Numbers Stations Visit to unsubscribe from this list Allan, Can you post a recording of it somewhere, say I'll bet it's some sort of amateur digital mode. On 12/25/14 7:36 PM, allan babin wrote: > Visit to unsubscribe from this list > > 7.0770 LSB Has weird repeating sounds on it, I live in northern new Brunswick Canada. > > > > > > > Sent from Windows Mail > > > > > > From: Ary Boender > Sent: ?Wednesday?, ?December? ?24?, ?2014 ?6?:?23? ?PM > To: 'Shortwave Spy Numbers Stations' > > > > > Visit to unsubscribe from this list > > Hi all, > > Merry Christmas and a healthy new year to you and your families > > 73, Ary Boender > > > ______________________________________________________________ > Spooks mailing list > Home: > Help: > Post: mailto:Spooks at > > This list hosted by: > Please help support this email list: > ______________________________________________________________ > Spooks mailing list > Home: > Help: > Post: mailto:Spooks at > > This list hosted by: > Please help support this email list: -- Tony Jeffries ajeffri at N0NRO ?Caffeinated For Your Safety" ______________________________________________________________ Spooks mailing list Home: Help: Post: mailto:Spooks at This list hosted by: Please help support this email list: From justcallmebuddy at Thu Dec 25 21:03:25 2014 From: justcallmebuddy at (Todd Dokey) Date: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 17:03:25 -0900 Subject: [Spooks] Repeating sounds on 7077 kHz (was: Merry Xmas) In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: Isn't that the JT-65 Freq? On December 25, 2014 4:54:19 PM AKST, Anthony Jeffries wrote: >Visit to unsubscribe >from this list > >Allan, > >Can you post a recording of it somewhere, say I'll bet >it's some sort of amateur digital mode. > >On 12/25/14 7:36 PM, allan babin wrote: >> Visit to unsubscribe >from this list >> >> 7.0770 LSB Has weird repeating sounds on it, I live in northern new >Brunswick Canada. >> >> >> >> >> >> >> Sent from Windows Mail >> >> >> >> >> >> From: Ary Boender >> Sent: ?Wednesday?, ?December? ?24?, ?2014 ?6?:?23? ?PM >> To: 'Shortwave Spy Numbers Stations' >> >> >> >> >> Visit to unsubscribe >from this list >> >> Hi all, >> >> Merry Christmas and a healthy new year to you and your families >> >> 73, Ary Boender >> >> >> ______________________________________________________________ >> Spooks mailing list >> Home: >> Help: >> Post: mailto:Spooks at >> >> This list hosted by: >> Please help support this email list: >> ______________________________________________________________ >> Spooks mailing list >> Home: >> Help: >> Post: mailto:Spooks at >> >> This list hosted by: >> Please help support this email list: > >-- >Tony Jeffries >ajeffri at >N0NRO >?Caffeinated For Your Safety" > >______________________________________________________________ >Spooks mailing list >Home: >Help: >Post: mailto:Spooks at > >This list hosted by: >Please help support this email list: -- Semper Reluctor "The stupid die first." -- JD From ajeffri at Thu Dec 25 21:09:51 2014 From: ajeffri at (Anthony Jeffries) Date: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 18:09:51 -0800 Subject: [Spooks] Repeating sounds on 7077 kHz In-Reply-To: References: <> Message-ID: <> Bingo! Probably is JT65. On 12/25/14 6:03 PM, Todd Dokey wrote: > Isn't that the JT-65 Freq? > > On December 25, 2014 4:54:19 PM AKST, Anthony Jeffries > wrote: > > Visit to unsubscribe from this list > > Allan, > > Can you post a recording of it somewhere, ? I'll bet > it's some sort of amateur digital mode. > > On 12/25/14 7:36 PM, allan babin wrote: > > Visit to > unsubscribe from this list 7.0770 LSB Has weird repeating > sounds on it, I live in northern new Brunswick Canada. Sent > from Windows Mail From: Ary Boender Sent: ?Wednesday?, > ?December? ?24?, ?2014 ?6?:?23? ?PM To: 'Shortwave Spy Numbers > Stations' Visit > to unsubscribe from this list Hi all, Merry Christmas and a > healthy new year to you and your families 73, Ary Boender > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > Spooks mailing list Home: > Help: > Post: > mailto:Spooks at This list hosted by: > Please help support this email list: > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > Spooks mailing list Home: > Help: > Post: > mailto:Spooks at This list hosted by: > Please help support this email list: > > > > -- > Semper Reluctor > > "The stupid die first." > > -- JD -- Tony Jeffries ajeffri at N0NRO ?Caffeinated For Your Safety" From snowdog_yyz at Thu Dec 25 23:15:39 2014 From: snowdog_yyz at (allan babin) Date: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 04:15:39 +0000 Subject: [Spooks] =?utf-8?q?Repeating_sounds_on_7077_kHz?= Message-ID: thanks for the info. is jt65 a spy station of some kind Sent from Windows Mail From: Anthony Jeffries Sent: ?Thursday?, ?December? ?25?, ?2014 ?10?:?10? ?PM To: Shortwave Spy Numbers Stations Visit to unsubscribe from this list Bingo! Probably is JT65. On 12/25/14 6:03 PM, Todd Dokey wrote: > Isn't that the JT-65 Freq? > > On December 25, 2014 4:54:19 PM AKST, Anthony Jeffries > wrote: > > Visit to unsubscribe from this list > > Allan, > > Can you post a recording of it somewhere, ? I'll bet > it's some sort of amateur digital mode. > > On 12/25/14 7:36 PM, allan babin wrote: > > Visit to > unsubscribe from this list 7.0770 LSB Has weird repeating > sounds on it, I live in northern new Brunswick Canada. Sent > from Windows Mail From: Ary Boender Sent: ?Wednesday?, > ?December? ?24?, ?2014 ?6?:?23? ?PM To: 'Shortwave Spy Numbers > Stations' Visit > to unsubscribe from this list Hi all, Merry Christmas and a > healthy new year to you and your families 73, Ary Boender > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > Spooks mailing list Home: > Help: > Post: > mailto:Spooks at This list hosted by: > Please help support this email list: > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > Spooks mailing list Home: > Help: > Post: > mailto:Spooks at This list hosted by: > Please help support this email list: > > > > -- > Semper Reluctor > > "The stupid die first." > > -- JD -- Tony Jeffries ajeffri at N0NRO ?Caffeinated For Your Safety" ______________________________________________________________ Spooks mailing list Home: Help: Post: mailto:Spooks at This list hosted by: Please help support this email list: From justcallmebuddy at Thu Dec 25 21:18:35 2014 From: justcallmebuddy at (Todd Dokey) Date: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 17:18:35 -0900 Subject: [Spooks] Repeating sounds on 7077 kHz In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: Its a mode On December 25, 2014 7:15:39 PM AKST, allan babin wrote: >Visit to unsubscribe >from this list > >thanks for the info. is jt65 a spy station of some kind > > > > > > >Sent from Windows Mail > > > > > >From: Anthony Jeffries >Sent: ?Thursday?, ?December? ?25?, ?2014 ?10?:?10? ?PM >To: Shortwave Spy Numbers Stations > > > > >Visit to unsubscribe >from this list > >Bingo! > > > >Probably is JT65. > >On 12/25/14 6:03 PM, Todd Dokey wrote: >> Isn't that the JT-65 Freq? >> >> On December 25, 2014 4:54:19 PM AKST, Anthony Jeffries >> wrote: >> >> Visit to >unsubscribe from this list >> >> Allan, >> >> Can you post a recording of it somewhere, >? I'll bet >> it's some sort of amateur digital mode. >> >> On 12/25/14 7:36 PM, allan babin wrote: >> >> Visit to >> unsubscribe from this list 7.0770 LSB Has weird repeating >> sounds on it, I live in northern new Brunswick Canada. Sent >> from Windows Mail From: Ary Boender Sent: ?Wednesday?, >> ?December? ?24?, ?2014 ?6?:?23? ?PM To: 'Shortwave Spy >Numbers >> Stations' Visit > >> to unsubscribe from this list Hi all, Merry Christmas and a >> healthy new year to you and your families 73, Ary Boender >> >------------------------------------------------------------------------ >> Spooks mailing list Home: >> Help: >> Post: >> mailto:Spooks at This list hosted by: >> Please help support this email list: >> >> >------------------------------------------------------------------------ >> Spooks mailing list Home: >> Help: >> Post: >> mailto:Spooks at This list hosted by: >> Please help support this email list: >> >> >> >> -- >> Semper Reluctor >> >> "The stupid die first." >> >> -- JD > >-- >Tony Jeffries >ajeffri at >N0NRO >?Caffeinated For Your Safety" > >______________________________________________________________ >Spooks mailing list >Home: >Help: >Post: mailto:Spooks at > >This list hosted by: >Please help support this email list: >______________________________________________________________ >Spooks mailing list >Home: >Help: >Post: mailto:Spooks at > >This list hosted by: >Please help support this email list: -- Semper Reluctor "The stupid die first." -- JD From ranger2995 at Thu Dec 25 21:37:21 2014 From: ranger2995 at (Ernie Rice) Date: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 21:37:21 -0500 Subject: [Spooks] What is this Message-ID: <> Amateur mode? Ernie -------------- next part -------------- Sent from mi iPhone 5 developed from alien crash debris found in Roswell New Mexico From justcallmebuddy at Thu Dec 25 21:43:32 2014 From: justcallmebuddy at (Todd Dokey) Date: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 17:43:32 -0900 Subject: [Spooks] What is this In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> Yes. Free software too. Its for weak signal minimalist contacts. And does sound a bit creepy if you have not heard it before. I use the JT-65 freqs to see if the bands are open. On December 25, 2014 5:37:21 PM AKST, Ernie Rice wrote: >Visit to unsubscribe >from this list > > > >------------------------------------------------------------------------ > >Amateur mode? > >Ernie > > > >------------------------------------------------------------------------ > > > > >Sent from mi iPhone 5 developed from alien crash debris found in >Roswell New Mexico > >------------------------------------------------------------------------ > >______________________________________________________________ >Spooks mailing list >Home: >Help: >Post: mailto:Spooks at > >This list hosted by: >Please help support this email list: -- Semper Reluctor "The stupid die first." -- JD From ajeffri at Thu Dec 25 21:46:02 2014 From: ajeffri at (Anthony Jeffries) Date: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 18:46:02 -0800 Subject: [Spooks] Repeating sounds on 7077 kHz In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <> Allan, Please check out that link. It will tell you all about JT65 (or JT65A, as it's now called). It's a digital mode used by ham radio operators. Definitely not a spy station. For more on ham radio, check out Radio Amateurs of Canada at or the American Radio Relay League at . On 12/25/14 8:15 PM, allan babin wrote: > Visit to unsubscribe from this list > > thanks for the info. is jt65 a spy station of some kind > > > > > > > Sent from Windows Mail > > > > > > From: Anthony Jeffries > Sent: ?Thursday?, ?December? ?25?, ?2014 ?10?:?10? ?PM > To: Shortwave Spy Numbers Stations > > > > > Visit to unsubscribe from this list > > Bingo! > > > > Probably is JT65. > > On 12/25/14 6:03 PM, Todd Dokey wrote: >> Isn't that the JT-65 Freq? >> >> On December 25, 2014 4:54:19 PM AKST, Anthony Jeffries >> wrote: >> >> Visit to unsubscribe from this list >> >> Allan, >> >> Can you post a recording of it somewhere, ? I'll bet >> it's some sort of amateur digital mode. >> >> On 12/25/14 7:36 PM, allan babin wrote: >> >> Visit to >> unsubscribe from this list 7.0770 LSB Has weird repeating >> sounds on it, I live in northern new Brunswick Canada. Sent >> from Windows Mail From: Ary Boender Sent: ?Wednesday?, >> ?December? ?24?, ?2014 ?6?:?23? ?PM To: 'Shortwave Spy Numbers >> Stations' Visit >> to unsubscribe from this list Hi all, Merry Christmas and a >> healthy new year to you and your families 73, Ary Boender >> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ >> Spooks mailing list Home: >> Help: >> Post: >> mailto:Spooks at This list hosted by: >> Please help support this email list: >> >> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ >> Spooks mailing list Home: >> Help: >> Post: >> mailto:Spooks at This list hosted by: >> Please help support this email list: >> >> >> >> -- >> Semper Reluctor >> >> "The stupid die first." >> >> -- JD -- Tony Jeffries ajeffri at N0NRO ?Caffeinated For Your Safety" From snowdog_yyz at Thu Dec 25 23:47:36 2014 From: snowdog_yyz at (allan babin) Date: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 04:47:36 +0000 Subject: [Spooks] =?utf-8?q?Repeating_sounds_on_7077_kHz?= Message-ID: wow thank you for this information, a year ago I was introduced to numbers stations trought a song I was listening to. I am obsessed with these stations but all I have heard up to now is uvb-76 the buzzer.i would love to here the licholnshire poacher but chances are I never will?.I purchased a kenwood ts440s used with a long wire copper antenna . Sent from Windows Mail From: Anthony Jeffries Sent: ?Thursday?, ?December? ?25?, ?2014 ?10?:?46? ?PM To: Shortwave Spy Numbers Stations Visit to unsubscribe from this list Allan, Please check out that link. It will tell you all about JT65 (or JT65A, as it's now called). It's a digital mode used by ham radio operators. Definitely not a spy station. For more on ham radio, check out Radio Amateurs of Canada at or the American Radio Relay League at . On 12/25/14 8:15 PM, allan babin wrote: > Visit to unsubscribe from this list > > thanks for the info. is jt65 a spy station of some kind > > > > > > > Sent from Windows Mail > > > > > > From: Anthony Jeffries > Sent: ?Thursday?, ?December? ?25?, ?2014 ?10?:?10? ?PM > To: Shortwave Spy Numbers Stations > > > > > Visit to unsubscribe from this list > > Bingo! > > > > Probably is JT65. > > On 12/25/14 6:03 PM, Todd Dokey wrote: >> Isn't that the JT-65 Freq? >> >> On December 25, 2014 4:54:19 PM AKST, Anthony Jeffries >> wrote: >> >> Visit to unsubscribe from this list >> >> Allan, >> >> Can you post a recording of it somewhere, ? I'll bet >> it's some sort of amateur digital mode. >> >> On 12/25/14 7:36 PM, allan babin wrote: >> >> Visit to >> unsubscribe from this list 7.0770 LSB Has weird repeating >> sounds on it, I live in northern new Brunswick Canada. Sent >> from Windows Mail From: Ary Boender Sent: ?Wednesday?, >> ?December? ?24?, ?2014 ?6?:?23? ?PM To: 'Shortwave Spy Numbers >> Stations' Visit >> to unsubscribe from this list Hi all, Merry Christmas and a >> healthy new year to you and your families 73, Ary Boender >> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ >> Spooks mailing list Home: >> Help: >> Post: >> mailto:Spooks at This list hosted by: >> Please help support this email list: >> >> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ >> Spooks mailing list Home: >> Help: >> Post: >> mailto:Spooks at This list hosted by: >> Please help support this email list: >> >> >> >> -- >> Semper Reluctor >> >> "The stupid die first." >> >> -- JD -- Tony Jeffries ajeffri at N0NRO ?Caffeinated For Your Safety" ______________________________________________________________ Spooks mailing list Home: Help: Post: mailto:Spooks at This list hosted by: Please help support this email list: From spooks at Thu Dec 25 22:48:25 2014 From: spooks at (Sheri Reyes via Spooks) Date: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 19:48:25 -0800 Subject: [Spooks] Repeating sounds on 7077 kHz In-Reply-To: Message-ID: <> Were you listening to Boards of Canada or Wilco? Trooper -------------------------------------------- On Thu, 12/25/14, allan babin wrote: Subject: Re: [Spooks] Repeating sounds on 7077 kHz To: "Shortwave Spy Numbers Stations" Date: Thursday, December 25, 2014, 8:47 PM Visit to unsubscribe from this list wow thank you for this information, a year ago I was introduced to numbers stations trought a song I was listening to. I am obsessed with these stations but all I have heard up to now is uvb-76 the buzzer.i would love to here the licholnshire poacher but chances are I never will?.I purchased a kenwood ts440s used with a long wire copper antenna . Sent from Windows Mail From: Anthony Jeffries Sent: ?Thursday?, ?December? ?25?, ?2014 ?10?:?46? ?PM To: Shortwave Spy Numbers Stations Visit to unsubscribe from this list Allan, Please check out that link. It will tell you all about JT65 (or JT65A, as it's now called). It's a digital mode used by ham radio operators. Definitely not a spy station. For more on ham radio, check out Radio Amateurs of Canada at or the American Radio Relay League at . On 12/25/14 8:15 PM, allan babin wrote: > Visit to unsubscribe from this list > > thanks for the info. is jt65 a spy station of some kind > > > > > > > Sent from Windows Mail > > > > > > From: Anthony Jeffries > Sent: ?Thursday?, ?December? ?25?, ?2014 ?10?:?10? ?PM > To: Shortwave Spy Numbers Stations > > > > > Visit to unsubscribe from this list > > Bingo! > > > > Probably is JT65. > > On 12/25/14 6:03 PM, Todd Dokey wrote: >> Isn't that the JT-65 Freq? >> >> On December 25, 2014 4:54:19 PM AKST, Anthony Jeffries >> wrote: >> >>? ? ? Visit to unsubscribe from this list >> >>? ? ? Allan, >> >>? ? ? Can you post a recording of it somewhere, ? I'll bet >>? ? ? it's some sort of amateur digital mode. >> >>? ? ? On 12/25/14 7:36 PM, allan babin wrote: >> >>? ? ? ? ? Visit to >>? ? ? ? ? unsubscribe from this list 7.0770 LSB Has weird repeating >>? ? ? ? ? sounds on it, I live in northern new Brunswick Canada. Sent >>? ? ? ? ? from Windows Mail From: Ary Boender Sent: ?Wednesday?, >>? ? ? ? ? ?December? ?24?, ?2014 ?6?:?23? ?PM To: 'Shortwave Spy Numbers >>? ? ? ? ? Stations' Visit >>? ? ? ? ? to unsubscribe from this list Hi all, Merry Christmas and a >>? ? ? ? ? healthy new year to you and your families 73, Ary Boender >>? ? ? ? ? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ >>? ? ? ? ? Spooks mailing list Home: >>? ? ? ? ? Help: >>? ? ? ? ? Post: >>? ? ? ? ? mailto:Spooks at This list hosted by: >>? ? ? ? ? Please help support this email list: >>? ? ? ? ? >>? ? ? ? ? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ >>? ? ? ? ? Spooks mailing list Home: >>? ? ? ? ? Help: >>? ? ? ? ? Post: >>? ? ? ? ? mailto:Spooks at This list hosted by: >>? ? ? ? ? Please help support this email list: >>? ? ? ? ? >> >> >> -- >> Semper Reluctor >> >> "The stupid die first." >> >> -- JD -- Tony Jeffries ajeffri at N0NRO ?Caffeinated For Your Safety" ______________________________________________________________ Spooks mailing list Home: Help: Post: mailto:Spooks at This list hosted by: Please help support this email list: ______________________________________________________________ Spooks mailing list Home: Help: Post: mailto:Spooks at This list hosted by: Please help support this email list: From w9sz.zack at Thu Dec 25 23:53:40 2014 From: w9sz.zack at (Zack Widup) Date: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 22:53:40 -0600 Subject: [Spooks] Merry Xmas In-Reply-To: <001f01d01fc8$258cf760$70a6e620$> References: <001f01d01fc8$258cf760$70a6e620$> Message-ID: That's right in the digital segment of the 40 meter ham band. Chances are about 99% that it's a digital mode being used by a radio amateur. 73, Zack W9SZ On 12/24/14, Ary Boender wrote: > Visit to unsubscribe from > this list > > Hi all, > > Merry Christmas and a healthy new year to you and your families > > 73, Ary Boender > > > ______________________________________________________________ > Spooks mailing list > Home: > Help: > Post: mailto:Spooks at > > This list hosted by: > Please help support this email list: > From stephen at Fri Dec 26 21:00:17 2014 From: stephen at (Stephen Atkins) Date: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 19:00:17 -0700 Subject: [Spooks] Merry Xmas In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <> On 14-12-25 08:36 PM, allan babin wrote: > Visit to unsubscribe from this list > > 7.0770 LSB Has weird repeating sounds on it, I live in northern new Brunswick Canada. This is PSK31. It's a digital mode hams use. Usually runs about 20 watts but can reach all over the world on that if the conditions are right. If you can hook up your receiver to your computer (line out from receiver to line in on computer) you can decode using FLDigi (Linux) or other programs in Windows. Even apps for android and ipod that can decode it if you just hold it up to the speaker. It's also possible it could be RTTY but that's usually a bit higher on the band (7.090). BTW usually both of these are transmitted in USB not LSB so if you try to decode it in LSB it might decode wrong and look encrypted. Try switching to USB and tuning down the band a bit. -- Stephen Atkins VE6SU/VE6CPU/VE6CIC Fidonet - 1:342/13 Micronet - 618:500/26 JustaXnet - 510:501/13 iLink - 454:1/13 From danix111 at Sat Dec 27 06:28:45 2014 From: danix111 at (Daniel Ekmann) Date: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 12:28:45 +0100 Subject: [Spooks] E07 Message-ID: <> Daily 11:00/12:00/16:00/17:00 E07 message for the next 3 days: 813 1 940 62 39528 85560 77152 78865 50679 81174 52355 77611 36584 52061 82283 43716 78857 26513 36156 53190 99359 99232 69635 46049 55663 16848 33491 97260 07555 24658 37046 82374 01405 41500 30118 01157 27961 98259 75174 28514 59285 10606 03407 40506 52102 59907 36244 11881 51901 97656 17515 41960 13335 54692 87360 48688 58011 06560 00718 00991 91138 36523 41649 88295 68598 94550 000 000 Regards Daniel From ranger2995 at Sat Dec 27 16:20:34 2014 From: ranger2995 at (Ernie Rice) Date: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 16:20:34 -0500 Subject: [Spooks] spy Numbers Station HM01 Message-ID: Ernie Sent from mi iPhone 5 developed from alien crash debris found in Roswell New Mexico From at Tue Dec 30 12:12:11 2014 From: at (Eric) Date: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 12:12:11 -0500 Subject: [Spooks] G06? Message-ID: While listening to E07 on 6949 at 1700, I noticed something down frequence. I slide over to 6870 and while I only caught 2-3 numbers before it ended, it sounded like G06 but with a slightly lower voice. The carrier is still up at 1712 but very weak. From toto at Tue Dec 30 12:30:03 2014 From: toto at (toto) Date: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 18:30:03 +0100 Subject: [Spooks] G06? In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: Try to check for a 1800z repeat (if it was not at 1600 already) We'll check too and report the results. 2014-12-30 18:12 GMT+01:00 Eric : > Visit to unsubscribe from > this list > > While listening to E07 on 6949 at 1700, I noticed something down frequence. > I slide over to 6870 and while I only caught 2-3 numbers before it ended, > it sounded like G06 but with a slightly lower voice. The carrier is still > up at 1712 but very weak. > ______________________________________________________________ > Spooks mailing list > Home: > Help: > Post: mailto:Spooks at > > This list hosted by: > Please help support this email list: > -- toto Priyom From at Tue Dec 30 13:02:53 2014 From: at (Eric) Date: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 13:02:53 -0500 Subject: [Spooks] G06? In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: Thanks, but nothing heard at 1800 :( On Tue, Dec 30, 2014 at 12:30 PM, toto wrote: > Visit to unsubscribe from > this list > > Try to check for a 1800z repeat (if it was not at 1600 already) > We'll check too and report the results. > > 2014-12-30 18:12 GMT+01:00 Eric : > > > Visit to unsubscribe from > > this list > > > > While listening to E07 on 6949 at 1700, I noticed something down > frequence. > > I slide over to 6870 and while I only caught 2-3 numbers before it ended, > > it sounded like G06 but with a slightly lower voice. The carrier is still > > up at 1712 but very weak. > > ______________________________________________________________ > > Spooks mailing list > > Home: > > Help: > > Post: mailto:Spooks at > > > > This list hosted by: > > Please help support this email list: > > > > > > -- > toto > Priyom > ______________________________________________________________ > Spooks mailing list > Home: > Help: > Post: mailto:Spooks at > > This list hosted by: > Please help support this email list: > From wd8arz at Tue Dec 30 15:06:49 2014 From: wd8arz at (WD8ARZ) Date: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 15:06:49 -0500 Subject: [Spooks] Spectrum Monitor Jan 2015 Article Dongles / RF UpConvertor In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <> Nice shortwave article in Jan 2015 issue of Spectrum Monitor ( by Mario Filippi N2HUN starting on page 13 titled "Monitoring Utility and Amateur Radio Transmissions with a DVB-T Dongle using an RF Up convertor. Had a dongle prior to Christmas, but received a new one* and a NooElec Ham It Up v1.2 - NooElec RF Upconverter For Software Defined Radio*. Works With Most SDRs Like Funcube, RTLSDR (RTL2832U with E4000, FC0013 or R820T Tuners); MF/HF Converter With SMA Jacks. Looking forward to installing another Christmas gift the Antennacraft ST4 Outdoor Scanner/Ham Discone TV Antenna*, and using it on the above! Then to discover various software to use with this computerized system. 73 from Bill - WD8ARZ ************************************************************ RF coaxial coax cable assembly SMA male to MCX male right angle 6'' RF coaxial cable UHF SO239 PL259 female to MCX male right angle connector RG316 20CM Ham It Up v1.2 - NooElec RF Upconverter For Software Defined Radio. Works With Most SDRs Like Funcube, RTLSDR (RTL2832U with E4000, FC0013 or R820T Tuners); MF/HF Converter With SMA Jacks Extruded Aluminum Enclosure Kit, Silver, for Ham It Up v1.1 & v1.2 RF Upconverter for RTL-SDR Radios Antennacraft ST4 Outdoor Scanner/Ham Discone TV Antenna RTL-SDR, FM+DAB, DVB-T USB Stick Set with RTL2832U & R820T. Great SDR for SDR#, HDSDR, and Other Popular SDR Software Packages! From ary at Wed Dec 31 09:50:08 2014 From: ary at (Ary Boender) Date: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 15:50:08 +0100 Subject: [Spooks] The Buzzer interview Message-ID: <007001d02509$12a76cc0$37f64640$> Hi, I was recently interviewed about the Buzzer by the Daily Mail. The story is now online -76-Radio-station-buzzed-second-1970s-no-one-knows-why.html Cheers, Ary